Hello everyone its been awhile since I posted. Today marks my lapband birthday. I can say the first year has been a period of adjustment and getting to form a relationship with my band. I have had times of amazement, times of contentment and times of sediment. All in all I would say this is the best thing I have ever done for myshelf and wonder why I waited so long.. My goal was to lose a total of 80 pounds and today I am down 68 pounds not bad for one year. I ve set a goal to get the next 12 pounds within year two and know that is reachable. The weight loss has slowed and I proubly could use another fill but have decided that I am ok with smaller numbers each month at this point in the journey and to see if I can do it with just increasing my activity and exercise more. As long as that scale makes movement downward I will be content. If not a can always get that fill. I have gain so much from this forum. Thank you for sharing it has given great insight in this journey.