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Everything posted by IrishRN

  1. I just read this after I posted about fleuroscopy too... seems I missed you at the clinic by a day. I just went today. I cant stress it anymore either... get the fleuro! Good to know that your pouch is not stretched.
  2. I had my fill today at the OCC... my first. 2cc in. I was waiting in the lobby and a pt was there getting her 3rd fill. Instead she had an unfill because she had stretched her pouch above her band. She was upset because she had traveled so far to get her fill to only find out she was getting a little unfill. If this was not done under fleuorscopy... she could continue on with problems and never know it. So when in doubt... get fleuro. I wont have it any other way. Also... traveling across the border was simple. I parked for 5$, got a cab there 5$ and the cab back 5$. I also went alone so if anyone is ever interested in sharing a cab... I'm here.
  3. I have/had the same feeling about the band not helping.. I dont think we are alone. Hang in there...
  4. Congrats on your first fill. I cant wait for mine. I have one Friday. I feel like I can eat anything and everything and am ready for some restriction to start.
  5. Hi Dena... it took me 2 weeks to the day to get mine. I did pay the extra fee to have it mailed overnight. I didnt pay the expedited fee since I would not be going back down to MX for another 6weeks. Other people told me the same.. it only took them 2 weeks to get theres. Fingers crossed for you and let us know. ~laura
  6. Wow congratulations on your weight loss. How motivating!
  7. I also went to my local post office and I got mine in the mail in 2 weeks.
  8. Great question... when in doubt always call the Dr.
  9. So sorry to hear about this. I agree, seeing Dr Oritiz would be a good idea or at least call. More than likely they will ask you to come in. I did find great info on the OCC site regarding complications with the band. http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com/surgery_postop_comp.php If this link is not already stickied.. maybe it should be. Its a great resource from Dr Ortiz himself.
  10. I'm going to the OCC on 6/19 for my first fill. Anyone else?
  11. I had my band placed 5/7 and on 6/18 I'll have the first fill. After the 21 day liquid feast it has gotten a little tougher because my appetite has returned but the band being there is a nice reminder to choose healthy foods. Of course I want the junk too but like everyone here has said.. this is a tool.
  12. Another thing... I have never vomited but have had some loud and crazy burping and then it goes away. I would think this is normal and okay.. just a way for the food to get down and the gas out.
  13. Cute... I was reading this and thought this was planted. First post by a newbie on Dr Ortiz own site. I have nothing bad to say about the OCC and the Drs. All the staff are fantastic!
  14. I've got my fill scheduled in 2 weeks ( 6/19) I've read between the 4th and 10th weeks is when a bandster can get discouraged not having restriction. It has started to get tough as my appetite is returning after the 21 day liquid phase. I'm so looking forward to the fills to have restriction. This board is a great place to come. It can get discouraging but knowing what I am feeling is normal is okay by me.
  15. Thanks... that explains alot... today i thought i was gonna lose it and kept burping and also felt tight as well. I was so not feeling good.. but nothing came up. My back hurt, I was nauseated and wanted to vomit. This lasted about 2 hours after lunch. It really felt like I was plugged up and the food could not go anywhere. UGH... I dont look forward to that again..
  16. Fantastic Angie... good luck. :cheerleader: You're gonna do great. I have my first fill scheduled 6/19 and cant wait to get started.
  17. Sounds as if Dr Oritiz has been using different bands. My card says Inamed which is the lap-bandAP system. Not Johnson and Johnson. It isnt uncommon that surgeons do this.
  18. I have 2 cards. One is hard like a CC with all my info and the centers. The second card looks like it would be from product packaging. It is a Lap-band system patient identification card. It has my name written in and on the back Dr Ortiz name and then a sticker, also from packaging and it also says lap-band system 10.0cm. It states a reference number and serial number. Hope this helps. The 10.0 cm band can hold 4cc. The larger bands do hold more and they determine the size you need when they go in and see how large your stomach area is. As you lose wt and the stomach shrinks, the band is more apt to slip if it is too large.
  19. Try the same day every week and see what happens.... like weight watchers. I know with the bodybugg system they do the same, only once a week.
  20. Yeah.. I cant put mine away either. I dont mind it going up a little if I know I'm doing my part.. eventually it has to go down.
  21. There are 2 different bands out there. lapband.com is associated with allergan. Johnson & Johnson is the realize band.
  22. Glad it all went well. I had forgotten what that card was for. Thanks for the reminder.
  23. Fantastic.. glad the fill and workouts are doin it for ya!!
  24. You do want to stay the first night at OCC. I would think if you wanted to not spend the next night at the hotel that would be up to you and the Dr, depending on where you live and how far you have to travel. I was considered a "local" living only 1 hour from the border so I did go home the next day knowing if there were any difficulties I could come right back. Discuss your concern with them.
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