Hi everyone!
I'm new to this board, just found it researching online. I was banded October '08 at 290 lbs. I am currently at 247 lbs and just had my third fill Thursday.
My problem is this.. Right after my fill Thursday, I could drink fluids. (of coarse I'm an idiot and didn't stick to just fluids and figured I could chew small bites small enough to be like fluid). Well I drank fluids and ate soft food like sugar free pudding thursday and Friday (with a few stupid choices of bites of hard food). Saturday I noticed it was hard to eat or drink anything. Today I woke up and tried to take a sip of milk, and small amount of water, and couldn't even keep that down.
Am I swollen? Did I screw it up tring to eat too soon?? Do I need to get an unfill? I can't call the doctor because it's sunday.. But I can't even drink water.. I don't know what to do, and I definatly don't want to go to the hospitol =(
Also, I've read everyone mentioning "PB". What does that mean?
Thanks for any help y'all.
P.s. Sorry for any typos, I'm on my iPhone at work.