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Everything posted by MightTank

  1. That is one thing ive noticed since getting banded.. A lot of food just doesn't taste as good when you have to really chew it up as much a we have too. It really is a good thing though, a ton of bad food I just do not want to touch anymore. Pizza however, for me, is not one of them. Hehe. I love me some pizza. Bit one slice does it for me as well.
  2. Hey lisa, I really appreciate the support and help. After I was able to sip on some water for a few hours I went to eat with a co-worker and got a cup of tortilla soup. I just ate the broth (man did they look at me funny, haha). Anyway I felt toooons better. I think I was just so used to my precious loosened bandsize, and I think I got swollen and that was the start of my pb'ing. But now it's good and I don't think I'm going to get it unfilled. Thanks again lisa, you'll see me around
  3. thanks for the response lisa. After going back and reading my post.. I realize I did come off as being stressed and in a panic, but i'm not. More annoyed at my situation and angry with myself for possibly causing it. I'm at work at the moment, so finding hot tea won't be that easy, but I have manage to keep water down if I drink about a capfull at a time every minute or so. Allthough now I'm getting hunger pains, lol. I mentioned the hospitol because when I called my fill center their voicemail said they were closed and if it's an emergency call 911. It's good to know that others have had similar episodes. I have never been as strict on my band rules and dieting as I should be, and this is definetly teaching me my lesson. Thanks again for the support, I'll keep y'all updated. -Clint
  4. Hi everyone! I'm new to this board, just found it researching online. I was banded October '08 at 290 lbs. I am currently at 247 lbs and just had my third fill Thursday. My problem is this.. Right after my fill Thursday, I could drink fluids. (of coarse I'm an idiot and didn't stick to just fluids and figured I could chew small bites small enough to be like fluid). Well I drank fluids and ate soft food like sugar free pudding thursday and Friday (with a few stupid choices of bites of hard food). Saturday I noticed it was hard to eat or drink anything. Today I woke up and tried to take a sip of milk, and small amount of water, and couldn't even keep that down. Am I swollen? Did I screw it up tring to eat too soon?? Do I need to get an unfill? I can't call the doctor because it's sunday.. But I can't even drink water.. I don't know what to do, and I definatly don't want to go to the hospitol =( Also, I've read everyone mentioning "PB". What does that mean? Thanks for any help y'all. P.s. Sorry for any typos, I'm on my iPhone at work.
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