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Everything posted by Kristi

  1. Anne, I think my final turning point to go by sizes and not the scale was only in the last couple weeks. The numbers on the scale haven't changed for me and that kinda irritated me, however realizing that my clothes feel looser and some were about to fall off, meant I must be doing something right. Also the fact that muscle weighs more than fat and I have a lot of muscle in my legs, well, I decided to ignore the scale now.... Unless I have a doctors appointment, I will do my best to avoid the little evil talking demon.. LOL.... Hugs, Kristi Tracie, You can do it! Just follow the rules of the band and in no time you will be in smaller sizes... I read that you will be getting banded very soon. :lb10: Hugs, Kristi
  2. Hi Smiley, :lb13: I definitely look forward to joining you. Thanks for the encouragement Hugs, Kristi
  3. Carrie, Of course you can join in on Operation Size 10. How wonderful that we are the same size right now too. BTW, you look fabulous... This is awesome to share mutual goals. I too am very excited to be close to the single digits. One size at a time though, and we will get there!!! Hugs, Kristi
  4. :lb14: All, Well, I have a new strategy/plan that I call Operation Size 10. On August 1st, I was able to fit into 4 pairs of my size 12's pants/jeans that have been waiting for me to wear again. Well, I tried on the other near 15 pairs that were left over that I couldn't get on or fit into or get buttoned or even the ones I could get on but could not breathe. TODAY.... 15 of the size 12's fit me niceley. Woo hoo... I was very very excited. So since I fit into the majority of the 12's I had in waiting, well, my new plan is to get into the size 10s I have in waiting as well. Hence, Operation Size 10... This new goal is set to be in the size by the time I go to Philadelphia in October for my husbands ships commissioning ceremony. My husband was pretty surprised after seeing me after 4 months and the amount of weight I had lost ( went from size 18+ and down to 12). It was a big boost for my morale. So now it is time to put myself to the test. I think I have now decided that I am going by size of clothes and how they fit me and not the # on the scale. Not that I don't get excited to see the number drop, but I do a lot of strength training and endurance training, and the numbers can be deceiving. Well, I am gonna sign off now. Hugs to all, Kristi
  5. Shelby, :lb13: You look so great! Love the Pic! Hugs, Kristi
  6. Hi Tracie, :lb5: You have found a wonderful place to talk to people. I was banded in May and let me tell you, my world has changed so much. The band is such an awesome tool! With the right attitude and hard work, and let me tell you, this band is hard work, you will excel. I set lots of mini goals and reward myself for my hard work. A positive attitude is key. Good luck with your surgery. :cheerleader: Also keep us posted. Kristi
  7. Hello, I was given a card from my doc at the Naval hospital and I have to fill it out. Mine is a little more discreet since it shows no picture. However I have not had to use it yet. Infact, I probably should put it in my wallet just in case. I have been able to go to Ihop or coco's and they let me eat either off senior menu or childrens menus. Only once did I have someone tell me I couldn't, although, after explaining that I had the band, they went to get their manager and by that point we were so ticked off by the attitude in the first place, we walked out. I haven't been back to that coco's since. The good news is that although I usually do not eat out, at least at coco's they have kids size grilled chicken and you get a side with it. Not too bad. Anyways, take care all. Kristi
  8. Kristi

    Posting Pics

    Hello all, Was wondering if anyone could explain how to post pics on here. I want to put up a before and a recent after pic for update and cannot figure it out. Thanks for any help, Kristi
  9. :lb21: Shelby, I understand about the scale. It doesn't always make sense when all your clothes are falling off you. I have been in a plateau on the scale for only a couple of weeks but my clothes are looser... I look forward to tucking in my clothes too.. I can't wait to see the pics. Everyoneis right, you are a real inspiration to all and definitely to me. Hugs, Kristi
  10. Most of my family has been supportive and I feel very blessed by it. My husband was very worried over the fact it was a surgery and I would be put under, however, he has known my struggles with weight after our first child in 95. He did a lot of research with me when I finally decided what I needed to do for me. The majority of my husbands family knows that I was banded and are very very supportive. In fact everytime I see them they seem to be amazed at my weightloss. My brother surprised me on vacation with the fact he was Happy that I was taking my life back and doing what I needed for me. The only negative response was from my sister and she didn't seem to understand why I would do it. She told me I should do it the old fashion way by exercise and eating right, she never truly has had a weight issue. She also doesn't have thyroid issues since the birth of her first child. I have known myself well enough both before and after my surgery that I have been doing this all for me. It's true that I want to look good for my husband and I joke about planning to enter my 40s in a few years as my husbands hot arm candy, but I am doing this wholly for me. What's that saying, It's all about me.. Other than that, only a few of my friends know, and the ones who don't well, don't need to know. Good luck with your decision to share with your friends and family.
  11. :lb5: , I have to take thyroid medication and they are small, however I have no issues with the pill. As for my daily multi-vitamins, I have chewables and my Vitamin E is in liquid form. As for intimate moments, My husband just got home (he is in the Navy) on Aug. 12th and I had my surgery in May, so it had been a while and I know I don't have issues with it during those times. Good luck with our surgery.
  12. :lb14: Amber, My pre-op diet wasn't so bad. several weeks before the surgery I cut out all diet sodas and although I didn't eat fried foods, those were really easy to cut out. I substituted protein drinks for either a breakfast or a lunch, usually breakfast since I am not big on breakfast. This was to help lose the weight before surgery and I was also going to the gym too. I also made sure to eat more whole foods. The weekend before the surgery I started on liquids by docs orders & it helped to get ready for after the surgery. I seemed to drink alot of chicken broth and just various types of broth. I did have the liquid stuff to flush out the system, its yucky, but it did its job. I was really adamant about following the Docs orders. & I still am. The lap band has been a godsent for me. I had struggled for so long with my weight and diets that I tried never seem to work or work for too long. Take Care, Kristi
  13. Hello Margaret, Welcome & :lb10: on your decision to start your journey. I myself did not have my surgery with Dr. Ortiz at the center but I have heard many many good things about experiences at the clinic in TJ. I had my surgery at Balboa Naval Hospital there in San Diego. I really liked your explanation about how everything went during your visit. Very informative. Sabrina said "That was very informative for other newbies." Very well said. Take Care, Kristi
  14. Hi Simone, :-h I have been going to the gym alot. My belly is still like jelly but it is definitely smaller and it is going down. I do cardio and lots of weights. The one that has seemed to help is my lower body twists.. I love them & so much easier to me than crunches or sit-ups. The lower body twists consists of lying on your back with arms straight out and palms down. Then your legs are at a 90degree angle. Then you rotate your legs (while in 90 degree position) from one side to the other. (I also call these the windshield wipers.) All while holding your core (stomach, bottom and all else) tight. I do these 4 times a week when I go to the gym along with eliptical, bike and other misc. weight machines and free weights. I keep pretty busy there at the gym. Now I know my belly will probably not be flat ever, unless I decide to have the TT. But I figure I will do my darndest to work it OFF.. :lb25: Take Care, Kristi
  15. Hi Robbyn, :-h My typical food day... lets see.. For breakfast I have either an egg (use non stick spray- no butter) or high fiber oatmeal or High protein cream of wheat. Lunch and Dinner.... grilled chicken breast, grilled fish and once in a while a steak... I also throw in protein veggie burger or turkey burger every now and then too. After I eat my protein I add veggies providing I still have room left (not usually, but I try and I do miss them). I do have a piece of cheese now and then for snack, but I can actually eat the triscuit parmesan garlic flavor without any issues providing I only eat 2-3 and not try to stuff myself. I am at the gym quite a bit and really trying to work hard at it. I have a trainer who keeps me working hard too... :lb25: I still have more to lose but I will get there... This all has really helped me to drop the weight with this wonderful tool, which is changing my life daily. My in-laws just showed up so I best go visit with them. Hugs, Kristi By the way Robbyn, have you looked at yourself, you are doing quite awesome yourself!!!
  16. Hello All, I went to go see the Doc that helps me regulate all hormones and vitamin issues yesterday and I was very excited with 1st my weightloss. I thought I was at 181 cuz my scale said it although it needs calibration but I weighed in @ 178... I MADE IT BELOW THE 180s!!! WOOOO HOOOOOO............... That has put me at 60 pounds lost!!! I only need to up my Vitamin D intake by 500ui a day. Not too bad. Plus she also put me Vivelle dot since I am in surgical menopause and the weightloss has my estrogen way low LOW..... Eeekkk.. Plus all the weightloss has started giving me lots of hot flashes. The Doc said that alot of women who lose weight start getting symptoms again. Well, I am off now. Gots some errands to run. Hugs to all, Kristi
  17. Congrats Robbyn.. :lb21: That is so Awesome!!! You go girl... Hugs, Kristi
  18. Hi Stormy, I drink red wine because that is what the Doc said I can have, but that is a good question. It would be nice to find some good red wine.... I don't like the dry type or at least the really dry kind. My friend Denise says that Zinfandel Angels Creek is a good one.. If it is too sweet, try Malbec. Hugs, Kristi
  19. Hi Lunalady, I have a 10cc/ml band and so far I have 3.25 in my band. The 1st fill was good for about a week and then 4 weeks later I had my second. It has been nearly 2 weeks since my 2nd fill and so far so good. It is interesting to figure out the sweet spot. I am not even sure I am there yet. Good luck with your first fill. :lb17: Take care and let us know how it went for you. Hugs, Kristi
  20. Hi Robbyn, :-h I haven't seen you on for a while. How do you like Dallas so far? I can definitely understand what a transition it can be with relocating. Have you noticed any restriction with the fill yet? I had my first fill on July 2nd and then had to have 2nd fill on July 30th. I didn't feel restriction... Did you have the Doc numb you before inserting the needle? I was chicken so I had him numb me both times. I would love if my Doc did the Floro, but he doesn't. Take Care, Hugs, Kristi
  21. Judi, I almost never wait very long to drink a little after eating. But I do take small sips and I don't drink while eating. Every now and then I eat the triscuit garlic parmesan cheese for my snack and after about 2 or 3 I have to take a small sip of water so I can wash it down, otherwise I have issues. Good luck, Kristi
  22. Stormy, =D> I wasn't able to view your last video on Utube, but this one was great. You definitely are flexible! Keep up the dancing. Hugs, Kristi
  23. Ok, So I have been on vacation for a week now (Aug 1st left) and have not been on a scale since before I left. This has been very difficult to not weigh myself even though I know I shouldn't everyday. I should be home by Monday and am kinda worried. I know I shouldn't be because I have been good with my food. Oh, I also learned on this trip that I cannot eat whole grain tortillas. I took two bites with lite mayo and turkey with light cheese and I got stuck for the very 1st time. Ugh.... :cray: The good news is that the size 12 capris that I brought that were a tad bit tight in waist when I tried on last week are no longer tight, they fit perfectly. :sun_bespectacled: So anyways, I am gonna go now... Hugs, Kristi
  24. :lb21: Congrats! I am so very happy for you. How very exciting for you. I think you are such an inspiration. Hugs, Kristi
  25. :lb10: How Wonderful is that!! You are doing so great. Congrats, Hugs, Kristi
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