I have been dealing with weight issues for 15 years now and I am at the point where I am ready to make the change. I am tired of it ALWAYS being an issue in my head and dominating my life. I just want to wake up one day and not think about my FAT. Is that too much to ask for? Is that selfish? I do not think so. Then my husband has the nerve to compare me wanting to spend $7K for lap band to him wanting to buy a pleassure car???? WTF???? How do you compare a neccessity (health) to a luxury item (car)?
Today we talked about it again and after I asked him not to discuss it with anyone he tells me that he called his friend who is a doctor to ask about nutrition. The gesture was nice but he does not get it. I know about nutrition, I know what I am SUPPOSE to eat, I just don't. At least not consistently. He thinks that we can start a crusade to loose the fat! It sounds great but this is what I have been trying to do for 15 years! Now he sees how serious I am in terms of getting surgery that now he wants me to try his way. How many times have I done that in the past and failed? I am tired of failing, DIETS DON"T WORK! I am ready for this lifestyle change and so help me GOD I am going to do it.