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Everything posted by JessicaATL

  1. Yeah! Us, Gals are ok too! :-h Good Luck!
  2. why do you have shoulder pain after a fill? Is that normal!? congrats on your fill
  3. Thanks! I absolutely can't stand the taste of the liquid vitamins! yucky!!! 2 TBS is a whole lot to swallow for vitamins, and I find they make me a little nauseous too
  4. It was great! I arrived late Monday night. Woke up early, and was picked up at 7am from the Lucerna Hotel and taken to the OCC. There I had all the preop, met with various docs (nutritionist, dentist, cardiologist, etc) then I was called back by Dr. So to my room, where they started the IV with antibiotics, and gave me a couple pills. Dr. Ortiz came in to chat for a bit, then I was off to surgery. When I woke up, I needed a breathing treatment (I have asthma) from the anesthesia, but all was great. My mom had to leave to go back to the hotel before I was fully up and active, so that was the only bump in the road. But Dr. So assured her she could call him anytime to check up on me, and he gave her his cell phone. Yes, I am a grown adult, but I guess your mom is always a mom- plus she is a nurse, so always worried cuz she knows too much. lol At 8:30pm the nurse gave everyone some meds to help everyone sleep well through the night. I was up at 2am, and ready to go, so I walked the halls and browsed the internet, watched some tv, etc. They came in at 7-ish to discharge us, and everyone went back to their hotel and rested. I actually stayed to have my teeth whitened, then went back. My mom and I then went to the market via Lucerna Cab to get a few souvenirs for my little ones. We went back tot he hotel, napped then went to dinner with another family that was banded. They served us chicken broth & tea, while our family had an amazing meal. The next day, Thursday we were picked up at 7am and taken to the airport. What a whirlwind.
  5. Does anyone know when you are able to start the liquid vitamins after surgery? I am a little confused by the sheet. Thank you!
  6. Hi Dave! I COMPLETELY understand how hard it is to be away from your little one. I was banded last week and that was the first time I have ever left my twin 2-year olds. They were okay, but I was a wreck. The time really does fly by, and you will be back before you know it! Good Luck on your journey!
  7. You Rock! Congrats! That is a huge accomplishment!!!
  8. abdominal work outs I meant to say I was totally freaking out last week, but have no fear!!! You will do great! The worst part was being away from my two little angels.
  9. I have officially entered BandLand!!! I was banded Tuesday, September 8th by Dr. Ortiz. Everything went amazingly well, and I met some great people. I am excited to start on this journey. I am only a little sore, and don't have too much gas from the procedure. I feel very fortunate that everything went so well; I hope this is a good sign of the things to come! I do have some questions for the experienced! **How much can you drink at a time? Is there such thing as too much water? **I have twin 2 year olds, and it is killing me not be able to pick them up. How long do I need to wait before picking them up? **The nutritionist gave me some paper work with the liquid diet info, and on it - it mentioned no abdominal work. Does that mean forever? or just temporarily? and if so, how long!? Thank you in advance! Jessica
  10. Do Cell phones really work off US towers? I was told this by someone, and want to see if everyone else had this experience. I leave this afternoon, and need a quick verification! I know the Lucerna is so close to the border, and I heard that cell phones actually worked off US towers. thank you in advance!
  11. Hi Andy! Congrats on your band! I am being banded Tuesday. Where did you have your band installed?
  12. We pay almost $1000/mo for worthless insurance it now seems.... Our plan completely Excludes Bariatrics....It really is a messed up world when you can't really depend on insurance.
  13. Thanks! It's so funny to hear all these descriptions. I think once I am on the other side (in Bandland) I will understand. It's one of those things where you have to experience it to fully understand I think!
  14. Why are some people tighter in the mornings? I have read many people mention this. Do you know why this is or what causes it? I would have thought it to be the other way around, since your tummy is empty in the morning.
  15. WOW!!! You are an inspiration! If you don't mind me asking, what was your weight at surgery? How long did this take for you?
  16. Isn't the Realize band similar in technology? I do believe Dr. Ortiz will use the realize band.
  17. Thank you for the input and positive responses! I do not mind staying at the OCC at all, but my mother in a RN so she feels no one should ever be left alone without a family member after surgery, etc. I thought I might be staying the night, since my pre-op is in the morning of the 8th. I thought that would put the surgery back till afternoon. It's so weird not knowing every detail before I leave to have this done. I like knowing everything I can! I am getting nervous for sure!
  18. The Doctor called and wanted me to do the Option 2 diet. She also said I could have (I thought) 4lbs of green vegetables a day. That sounds like a lot, and I am questioning now whether I misheard now. I couldn't eat that much anyway! I am currently doing the 400mg of Chromium Picolinate 1 fiber pills with a lot of water midmorning and another midafternoon protien shake for breakfast & lunch a lean cuisine is allowed for dinner (but I looked at calorie comparisions, and have had salmon instead a couple times) I believe salads are allowed, and I have been having broccolli for a snack. I have been drinking water around the clock, and I have to do potty runs ALL the time. She didn't tell me to do this, but I also stopped coffee last week , and diet coke - went through withdrawl for a couple days, now I am fine. I am only drinking water. I want to shrink my liver as much as possible, for I am fearful of any complications. I will not lie, I am hungry often but I keep drinking all that water. I have been measuring myself on my husband's wii fit. I have a password and everything now!
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