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Everything posted by RevyD

  1. Is enjoying the sun and wearing a size 10 bathing suit. Who would have ever though :)

    1. milcar246


      That's wonderful size 10...can't wait!!

    2. SusieO


      Congrats I can't wait till I am a size 10 =D

    3. Guest


      Congratulations on your weight loss. I need advise. I had my surgery in July. I just had my second fill. I can only eat 2 bites of anything then it is stuck, or I throw it up. I have loss 5lbs in 3 months. What am I doing wrong? I don't know what to eat. Can you help me? My phone number is 251-751-3570, if anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated.

  2. When you meet Dr Miranda and she talks to you , she will give you a goal weight then Debbie
  3. I travelled alone from Canada , and had not problems at all. I to am a single mom so know how you feel. I felt completely safe the whole time I was in Mexico. I stayed at the Marriott. Debbie
  4. Very excited for you. You will not regret the decision !!!
  5. Tomoatoe Pie was my secret weapon. Ate it every single day and never got tired of it. The recipe is on this forum under the recipes. Goes down easy and tastes yummy Debbie
  6. Is looking after her son who had laser eye surgery. Lots of eye drops

  7. Hi Carrie. How are you doing post tummy tuck. Is the swelling all gone now? Are you happy with the results ? Debbie
  8. Hi Kevin. I agree with everyone and what has been said. You are doing amazing my friend and there is no reason whatsoever to beat yourself up over gaining a few pounds on vacation. Look how far you have come in 3 months. Do you think you would have only gained 3 pounds last year on vacation. I don't think so , your probably would have gained 13 pounds. To me that is a victory. Vacation is over now so start fresh. Today is a new day and we are all behind you 100% to support you. We all have faith you can do it Kevin. Actually you are doing it so just keep up the good work!!!!!! Debbie
  9. Hi. Just wondering how you are doing. Been a long time since I have seen you on the board

  10. RevyD


    Nice picture girl. Debbe
  11. I sleep on my stomach and have not problem with the port bothering me at all Debbie
  12. Thank you. I had my plastic surgery done in Maple Valley ( about 30 minutes from Seattle) by Dr Christopher Nyte. He is amazing and a real artist to say nothing of being a fantastic person. I would highly recommend him for any work you might need done. Just google him and it will take you to his web page. He has lots of before and after pictures as well as prices. Lots of people have used him on the forum. Debbie
  13. Good for you. I am so excited for you. I arrived by myself the day before surgery. I was taken to the clinic where I had bloodwork, talked to Dr Miranda about diet , and had lung function tests and ECG. Talked with the aneasthitist. I then went back to the Marriott and had a nice evening. I only ate a healthy dinner because did not want to pig out and then end up nauseated or full of gas post op. I was nothing by mouth after 10 p,m The next morning I was picked up and driven to the OCC. Was taken to my room where I changed into a gown and sexy paper panties ( NOT hahahaha). Also they put compression stockings on me. I then had an IV started. Dr Ortiz came and talked to me and answered any final questions. I was given an Ativan to relax and taken to the OR. Once on the table everyone was so friendly. Mask was put on my face with oxygen and that is the last thing I remember. Iwoke up in my room a few minutes later. Surgery took 12 minutes . Since I travelled alone I chose to stay at the OCC overnight. As soon as I was awake they had me up walking. It was no problem to move at all. I did not feel any discomfort mind you I have a high pain tolerance. Perhaps I could say it was a dull ache. As soon as I had some water they removed the IV. I was given popsicles and broth and just walked as much as possible. They had computers there so I was able to send emails etc. Also they had a phone in your room with free phone calls to anywhere in the USA. Had a good sleep that night, Minor gas discomfort but I found walking and lifting my hands above my head got rid of it. I would lift my hands up an move them around, belch and things were dandy. In the morning I showered and was driven back to the Marriott. I spent the day relaxing, ate their chicken broth which was good for meals and flew home the next morning. All in all it was a breeze and I have no complaints about anything. Debbie
  14. Hi Jenni. I have very thick hair as well. I lost a ton of hair to begin with and it was scarey. Used to come out in clumps. I don't lose hair anymore it just stopped . Probably lost hair for the first 6 months then it was fine. LIke I said my hair is really thick so it was not too much of an issue. If I thin hair I would have been freaking out probably Debbie
  15. Hahahah. That is funny. Thanks tootsie_lou I like being the cute baby sister
  16. RevyD

    Me and my God Daughter

    She is gorgeous and looks just like her daddy
  17. RevyD

    Rock Wall Climbing

    That looks fun. I would like to try it
  18. RevyD

    Wake Boarding....

    Yeeehaaaa. Last time I did this I ended up eating weeds on the bottom of the lake. My ski got pointed down and I forgot to let go of the rope. Hahahha. Let me tell you whent I hit those weeds and pointed my ski back up I shot out of that water like a cork off a champaigne bottle Never tried it since ( hahahaha) Debbie
  19. Congratulations and well done. You look amazing and It looks like your life is alot of fun too Debbie
  20. I am sooooooooooooooooo excited for you. I love my band and it changed my life completely.
  21. HI Sherri. You will definetly lose weight if you follow the rules that were given to you by Dr Ortiz and Miranda. The key for me was exerise. Dr Ortiz said that I had to exerise for a minimum of 30 minutes, 7 days a week. Once I started doing that and feeling better and seeing the scale go down it was easy to up my time. I aso found things I had never done before such as hiking. I love hiking mountians now but would have told you that your were insane had you told me a year ago would be hiking Exercise is a huge part of your new lifestyle. If you read the posts you will those that are really successful with their bands stared exercising and still are doing it at goal. Believe me when I tell you. Once you start doing in consistently you will begin to look forward to it because of the rapid results you and how wonderful you start to feel. You start to sleep so much better and it is easier to make healthier food choices when you just exercised . My brain says Hey I just worked my tail off so there is no way I am going to screw that workout up by eating junk now. It helps keep you motivated with your eyes on the goal. Give it some time and you will be like the rest of us just loving exercise. Hope this helps you Debbie
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