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Everything posted by BayAreanan

  1. I will be there. I leave to come home on Sat 11/26.
  2. How long did you have to stay in the hospital and in the hotel after surgery? If you still have drains, who is going to be removing them? Just curious.
  3. I drink 3-4 glasses of wine most evenings. It helps me fall asleep. While I am getting close to surgery date it is something I havent come clean about. Has anyone else been in this situation?
  4. I see you have turkey meatballs often. How large are the meatballs? I guess I have always made them bigger than normal, and cant possibly imagine eating two of them.
  5. I know you have heard it before, but here it goes again. I weigh 280lbs and am planning on getting banded. The thing is, I really dont eat that much more than I should. I dont go out to eat, dont do takeout, eat grilled fish several times a week, no pasta, no potatoes, limited brown rice. I am concerned that I will get banded, and then not lose much weight. This is keeping me from making the final commitment. Am I just jaded from too many diet attempts?
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