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Everything posted by orockz99

  1. orockz99


    Hi everyone, I haven’t posted to this blog in a while so I have some catching up to do. Basically for the last couple of months my third fill has been pushed back for several reasons. It was scheduled for Friday February 26th. We had a huge snow storm and my doctor had to re-schedule. I re-scheduled with Fill Center USA, for Friday April 2nd. This was a tentative date because they didn’t have the doctors schedule for April as yet so within a couple of days they called me back and told me that the doctor was going to be on vacation for that entire week. So I had to re-schedule again. So the new date was for Wednesday March 24th. I kept my fingers crossed because I had no restriction and could basically eat anything that I wanted. I was working out with a trainer and eating as best as I could but the weight really wasn’t coming off. My scale was showing that I had only lost 6 pounds since last fill which was over two months prior. So the day finally came and I almost missed the appointment ugh… Basically I have to drive my car to the train station, take a train to the Greyhound bus and the bus drops me in Mt. laurel, then I have to take a cab to the actual location. Transportation costs to and from my Fill Center usually run me 70-80 bucks. But I don’t really mind any way, when I was on the subway there was a problem on the tracks and they kept my train in one spot for what seemed like forever. I was sure I was going to miss my appointment and almost started to cry, but thankfully God was on my side and I ended up getting there with time to spare. I reached the fill appointment early and saw Dr. Lee. He weighed me, which is usually the first thing he does after I sign the wavier sheet. He said I only lost 4 pounds since last fill WAHHH. I had been weighing in at 6 pounds lost for the longest time so obviously his scale was wrong…Right??? Anyways I went through the procedure of getting the fill. I lay down on the table, he searches for the port, injects the huge needle into the port, he takes out all old liquid to make sure there in no leaks. Then he re-fills it and has me sit up on the table, he adds a little liquid at a time, and has me drink water to see how much I can get down comfortable. I went up to 7.7 cc’s from 5.6cc’s in an 11cc’ band. After the fill Dr. Lee saw that I was still depressed at the fact that I had only lost 4 pounds, he said that was doing fine, I was behind in my weight loss but I hadn’t gained so I was still doing well. He said that with this fill I will definitely see some weight loss. I wasn’t sure what to expect because I hadn’t had much restriction up until this point. That all changed. Once I started eating solid foods I could feel the difference. This is what I had been waiting for all this time. I could only really eat a small amount of food then stop. I pb’ed for the first time, when I eat cold chicken. It went down fine when it was hot. I chewed it long enough, but when I ate it cold It got stuck bad and I felt it coming back up. I will spare you all the details but that was not fun at all. I pb’ed another two times after that I am still getting used to not being able to eat copious amounts of food. But yeah to get up to the present time I have finally reached ONDERLAND. Yay for me. I weighed in at 199.5 on my gym scale last night but I didn’t believe it because I figured that it was because I had just finished a workout. So when I got on my scale this morning and it said 199 I almost cried. I was sooo happy, since the beginning of this Journey I have always wondered how I would feel when this day came; I never thought it would feel this good. Thank you all for reading this long @ss post have a great day. I will be in the gym this afternoon after work. I want to push myself a little harder to see what the results will be.
  2. I got all my fills done at FCUSA in NJ with Dr. Lee, he seemed very knowledgable. My first fill in my 11cc band was about4.5 cc's. He didn't ask me how much I wanted, it came down to how much water I could swallow comfortably. That determines how much of a first fill you get, he said it can be anywhere from 2-7 ccls depends on how much water that particular person can drink. I have gotten two smaller fills since then but I'm glad they were gradual and not big ones all at once so I could get used to having restriction. I say all this to say that if u don't have a good doctor that knows what they are doing it can make the lapband experience very difficult.
  3. I claimed the surgery, but was told that I couldn't claim the travel or fills, I dont know why. I definitely made a big difference in my taxes.
  4. You look amazing, you are an inspiration keep up the good work.
  5. Good luck, and congratulations. I'm soooo excited for you!!! : D
  6. Lindsey, This is a great post. I had to learn the hard way that the band is not going to cure my emotional eating. Once I started writing down what I was eating I was shocked to find out just how many calories I was taking in every day. I counted everything from the 2 tablespoons of olive oil that I scrambled my eggs in to the amount of milk that I was putting in my coffee. All those calories add up fast. Once I started making changes I started to see the weight come off faster. Excersize is a big componant too. If you don't do it your weight loss is going to stall quickly.
  7. This is the first time that I have seen any of her videos, I really like her a lot. I sat and watched her for about an hour. I will continue to watch her videos on youtume. Thanks for posting.
  8. Hey Sabrina, I have had two fills and so far I can still eat almost anything, except bread, if I eat bread it gets stuck and I feel extreme pain, then the food goes down and I can eat anything. I have problems with egg whites when they are cooked hard as well, no beef or red meat goes down at all, tried it lots of pain. As far as prortion size goes I can eat way more than a cup. almost like I was eating before, I try to watch it but I'm not always successful. I go for my third fill n the 26th of Februrary. Hopefully I will reach my sweet sopt.
  9. orockz99


    Hey lap band buddies, I just wanted to do an update cuz I haven't done one I'm a while. I had my second fill about four weeks ago. So far I have little or no ristriction, I feel like I had more ristriction with my last fill. The only time that I feel like I have a band at all is when I eat bread or eggwhites that are cooked hard (how I like them) I feel extreme pain when I eat these foods, like the food is having a hard time getting through the band, then the pain goes away and everything goes down no problem. I haven't lost any weight, I have been going to the gym and I have been eating right for the most part. I worked out with a trainer for the first time today (I got a free session for joining this new gym) he kicked my butt, I feel like I had worked out for the first time ever. So maybe that's what I'm missing, someone to push me really hard. I don't know what I'm doing wrong I thought the pounds would be flying off but they're not. I scheduled a fill for February 26 so maybe I will actually have some restriction soon.
  10. Ha ha saw ur status and smiled, u go girl!!!

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  11. There is something wrong with the blogs, I don't know if it has been brought to an administrators attention, but the dates only go up to 2009 so if u post something it won't show up as new, it is put in the archives of your blog as a different date. Please fix. Thank You.
  12. Hey good luck in TJ, I had to re-schedule my fill for January 13th by the way.

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  13. OMG Ashley, u look awesome

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  14. orockz99


    Um...so I have been reluctant to write this for some reason, maybe because I am so disappointed at myself. Well here goes, So if you have been reading my blog the two of you would have realized that I was supposed to get a fill on December 30th and was super excited about it. I haven’t been so excited about anything in a long time; it was like my Christmas present to myself. Well in an effort to make a long story short, I overslept and missed my appointment. I was soooo disappointed at myself, how could I let something so important go. I re-scheduled it for the earliest possible date which is January 13th, but I really wanted that fill. I'm kicking myself in the @ss as we speak. I have absolutely no restriction I even get large amounts of bread down. I will be up at the crack of dawn for my next fill, you better believe that. Anyway thanks for listening to my rant. Have a blessed day.
  15. Thanx Amy, really appreciate it : )

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  16. I had my first fill done at FCUSA and it wasthe same for me. The Dr. Filled my11cc band up to 5cc's, he sat me up and said I had to drink at least 2 cups of water to make sure the fill wasn't too. Much. I started drinking the water and it bearly went down. So he took out .2 cc's. I wanted to lie to get the full amount but it was obvious that it was too much. I don't think it would pay off to lie and have to come back and get an unfill cuz ur too tight.
  17. Hey Genie welcom to our forum.

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  18. I know how u feel my firstt fill cost me $347 w/o Floro it would have been $647 with floro, it is 300 dollars to get the X-ray done at FCUSA Mt. Laurel NJ. My next fill will be less $165 w/o Floro, I just can't afford it right now. This is not including the 80 bucks I spent on trave b/c I live in NY. It sucks but as long as the weight is coming off it will ass be worth it.
  19. orockz99


    Hey bandster buddies. I just wanted to give an update on my progress so far. I am at 217.5 as of this morning. I have been eating much better and going to the gym whenever possible. The weight is coming off slowly but its going down, which is the right direction. As I get closer to 208 pounds, the lowest I have ever been on any diet program, I get more hopeful for my future and success with this band. I feel that Onderland is in site with this surgery, and everyday I am happier and happier that I got it done. I have my second fill scheduled for the 30th of December so hopefully I will have a bit more restriction and the weight will start to come off quicker. Hopefully that will be the last fill that I need. Thanks for reading, Have a blessed day.
  21. I always work out with music, anything by daft punk is great. Techno and hip-hop, rap work best for me when I work out.
  22. Woo Hoo, Congrats babe I'm happy for you I know you will continue to kick butt with this fill XOXO
  23. Sorry to hear that u r srtuggling with this,sending love and prayers ur way XOXO
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