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Congrats AngieB! It is so nice to see the scale move in the right direction!
Msb-I am glad that you are starting to feel better. You and labmom put me to shame with the exercise. You exercised while sick. I can't seem to make myself exercise when I'm doing just fine. Everyone is fine as far as the accident. My husband has a cut on his head, but he is hard headed. It didn't hurt him. haha He was really pushing it with this accident. He was leaned over reaching for something on the passenger side floor (while still driving) when he rear ended someone. The other car's damage is just cosmetic. His car (I'm pretty sure) is going to be totaled. The insurance company called yesterday and said that they are sending the power of attorney paperwork for me to sign. They don't expect to pay to fix it. The adjuster isn't coming until tomorrow. We shall see how it goes.
PJTP-grrrrrr! That man of mine had a wreck tonight! I guess I should be glad that he had it and not his mom, but still... I really hope that the insurance company totals this stupid car! I don't want him driving my car, but I also don't want the financial responsibility of that car being with his mom. Best of both worlds, no more care note on it. No more insurance payments on it. I really hate this. (sigh)
Yay Labmom! Congrats on your bandiversary! You all are so inspiring. We don't have a 24hr fitness here. Instead we have Sportsbarn, Rush, & the Y. I hate the Y's here. The nicer ones are too far away from me to visit. The ones that are close have very little space and hardly any equipment. I am going to check out the Rush (the newest gym in town). They have one sort of close to my house and one sort of close to my job. I am so tired this morning. I got called into work last night at 10 and again at midnight. I got home after 1 and had to be back up for work this morning at 5. I am dragging. I am working on 20 oz coffee cup number 2. I don't think that is going to be enough. Ok, back to the Monday grind. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Hi all. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I have an adjustment scheduled tomorrow. I am kind of scared to get it now because TOM is soon and I tend to tighten a little. Of course, I had spaghetti for dinner with absolutely no problems, so I guess it is really time. I have been constantly hungry lately. The scale isn't moving (thankfully it hasn't gone up either). Msb, I wish that you and labmom were here to kick my butt to the gym. I don't like two of the gyms that I have tried here. There is a new one that I haven't tried yet. The weather is getting cooler. I know I won't be spending much time outdoors now. Anyway, I hope that everyone doing great.
yesterday B-coffee w/almond torani syrup L-KFC kid's meal (leg, small mashed potato) D-chips (I was too tired to cook) today- B-coffee w/almond torani syrup, scrambled eggs, sausage L-chef salad w/lean ham D-???
It's Friday!!!!!! I am so glad. Although, I don't know why since I am on call for work. That means I can't have a drink this weekend like I really want to. shoot. Glou-your day is coming fast! That is so exciting!
labmom-Beth sent me the link to the tantrum last night. I laughed so hard. I could see DS acting that way. If his dad had been here, he might have tried it. He knows that I don't accept tantrums. I would sell those video games and make a little cash. He learned that the hard way.
B-coffee w/sf chocolate torani syrup and coffee-mate parisian almond creme (just got my bottle of almond torani, can't wait to try in my coffee!) L-chef salad w/lean ham & cheddar cheese D-chef salad w/lean ham & cheddar cheese (I'm starting to recognize a pattern here) tomorrow I plan to get in more veggies and protein. I also need to work on my water. I didn't get any water other than what was in my coffee today. Not good.
So, I didn't make the pouch test again today. I give up. I was just too hungry for the liquid to do me any good (other than the extra exercise I am getting running the quarter mile to the bathroom ) Today has been a lot quieter than yesterday. I am actually ahead right now (knock on wood). I am going to try to stay ahead so that the rest of the week can be smooth sailing. Glou-you did get played, but in a good way. It is great that you and DD got up and exercised together. It is also great that she is feeling better. DS survived the night with no TV and survived not being able to see his video game (he couldn't play it during the week anyway). DH set me up though. We were planning to punish DS for telling little lies about his homework and such. DH had to work a later shift yesterday so he just took the video games out of DS's room. He didn't tell me until it was a done deal. He left me to deal with the aftermath. Of course, it makes it look like I had DH take them out which makes me look like the bad guy. DS didn't notice (at first) that his games were gone. When he did there was only a slight tantrum (a scream) then he went into his room with red rimmed eyes. I know he wanted to cry, but he is too macho for that kind of stuff now. He went to bed early (without me making him). I think he was in a hurry to make that day go away. Msb-I can see the mayo not being noticed in the cake. I have made cornbread with mayo when I didn't have enough eggs or oil to finish the batter. Everyone that tasted it thought it was good and never noticed it either. Oh yeah, I noticed that the other PJTP wasn't moving along so swift. Angieb-I have a DVR but am stingy with the space on it. My DVR is reserved for Snapped and 48 Hours Hard Evidence (or the other 48 hour versions). I am scared of scary movies, but can watch the heck out of the real life murder crap. The only other thing on my DVR is stand-up comedy. I hope that you all have had a wonderful day so far.
today- B-coffee w/sf torani syrup, raisin bread L-chef salad w/lean ham D-fried chicken (no veggies, just beat me now)
Labmom-I didn't even make it to lunch time. I was thinking I would start the pouch test today. I had coffee this morning. I was planning a protein shake for breakfast but instead had raisin bread (untoasted!). I guess I may try again tomorrow. I really need my fill done now! Glou-that sounds like a wonderful trip. DH and I haven't had a vacation together since we've been married. We are sometimes able to send DS to my mom for a night or two, but those times are few and VERY far between. Oh, and waxing??!?!?! Heck no! I cry getting my eyebrows waxed. I just have NOT worked up the nerve for any other areas. Angieb-I've never watched Heroes. I always meant to, but once I missed the first few episodes, I didn't want to try to catch up. So PJTP that I had a really hard day at work. I had one of those days that I just could never get caught up. I really hate that. I love my job, but I really hate days like today.
Angie-great NSV! labmom-the meatloaf and risotto sound so good. I have never made risotto. I figured I would like it too much. msb-did you say chocolate, chocolate chip cake? cake sounds so good right now. I am in carb overload! krtork-how did the drive in the snow go? Glou-how was work today? When do you go to the new location? So I am sitting here nursing my chai. It really tastes so good. I really wish I had never tried it, or that I would have hated the taste. *sigh* I sure picked a fine time to start experimenting with different foods.
Today- B-coffee w/almond creamer & splenda, chobani yogurt L-beef stroganoff S-ritz chips D-Krystal hamburgers (only half of the bun), salad S-spiced chai w/ff milk
B-coffee w/sf chocolate torani syrup S/L-sugar wafers (too many), sour cream & onion ritz chips, chai latte D-beef stroganoff w/rice (only 1 tbs), yeast roll about 60oz crystal light ruby red flavor I have snacked entirely too much today. I haven't been logging my food intake lately, and I really need to do that to keep me honest
I feel like such a cow! I don't know why, but I have snacked all day. I wasn't upset. I can only assume it was boredom. I have eaten junk all day. Someone save me from myself!!! I need a good swift kick in the pants.
Hi everyone! Man, it has been a short weekend. I spent the weekend shopping for DS. He must be going through a growth spurt. He shot up over the last month or so. Labmom, he is now as tall as we are (not that it takes much to get to our height ). He is thrilled. He found he is now taller than my mom. He loves that! Krtork-nothing wrong with being a proud mama! I enjoy hearing about your kids. Labmom & Glou-I am so glad that you all had fun. There was no doubt in my mind that you would. I lived vicariously through you all's FB posts. Too funny. Krtork-I read about your crockpot dinner too late to actually make it in the crockpot, but I did have to have stroganoff after reading about it. It is cooking now. Msb-I hope that you are having fun (and winning) at the casino! Hopefully everyone had a wonderful weekend.
hope2lose-they are a very funny bunch! krtork-glad to know that you aren't close to the fires. Also glad that DD took the death of DDog well. I'm sure it helped to have her roomie there to take her mind off of it. I am sure your DS will enjoy his football game. I am scambling to get the physical done for soccer tryouts next week. I can only pray he makes the team. DS is not very athletic, but he wants to be. angieb-I have been lucky that DS hasn't said anything in public (that I can remember, it's been a while ). Your DS sounds so cute! labmom-have fun this weekend! PJTP-I am fighting a headache. I am not sure why. The training has been informative but dull. Maybe that is why my head hurts? Information overload? Anyway, have a nice night everyone!
yesterday (09/30/09) B-sausage biscuit (I was starving which is unlike me) L-1/4 salad from subway (no dressing) D-3/4 salad from subway (left over from lunch) Exercise-walked 1 mile
PJTP-Heartfire told me to tell you all Hi. She said that she misses you all terribly. I didn't exercise like I should have. I did some light weight training (several reps with the arms) and a few squats. The muscles in the legs just ache. I know, lack of use. I am glad to know that you (Msb) and KT are a safe distance from the fires. I hear about the different fires every year, but since "meeting" you all, this is the first time that I've known anyone that even could be affected. Labmom-don't forget my blackmail photos. I think someone else mentioned bail money. Y'all have a great night! I am off to take a hot soak in the tub. You know I go to bed eary to be up with the chickens. Have a great night!
Morning. How is everyone doing? I finally was able to remember the website address to check in from work. Msb & KT-how close are these fires to either of you? Neither of you are in harms way are you? So, the legs are a little tight today. I am going to power walk in a few minutes. I thought I had better eat a bit first. How should the exercise schedule be? I guess this shows just how little I have been exercising so far. Going for my power walk. BBL.
I am so sorry krtork. I have never lost a pet, but I know that it has to be hard. They are a part of the family. It is understandable that you would be emotional about it. About the exercise, I will try to remember to do the rest days in between. I hadn't even thought about that. Maybe I can do something different tomorrow? I was going to do the exercise bike today, but that hurts my tush sitting on that uncomfortable seat (this is the special seat that I bought!). I pulled out the exercise ball, but just decided to go ahead and run. I am scared that my legs are going to kill me tomorrow. I can only be glad that I will be sitting in a training class again tomorrow. labmom-how is the newest addition to the pet family doing? I love seeing the pics. Glou-I wonder if I am doing the same thing to myself. I will make some progress, but then it's like my brain says that I don't deserve to do well. I still have a lot of head issues to deal with. Msb-I have an old iPhone. I thought about getting a crackberry, but I am so used to the iPhone now that I don't think I could switch. I am waiting (not by choice) to get the newer iPhone. Of course, by the time I get it, there will be yet another one out there. That's just my luck. Angieb-I hope your son is doing better. Have a great night everyone!
Ok, not so happy to say, I did 20 minutes of the c25k tonight. My calves feel wobbly. My heart was pounding. It has finally stopped. I going to have to rethink my route. I walked/jogged to this little park near my house. They were having a little league football team practice there. There were all kinds of little kids and parents. They were all over the walking path. I am going try again tomorrow. I hope that you all had a wonderful (or at east least decent) Monday.
Msb-I know you can do it. You all have been such an inspiration to me. Your friendships, your butt kicking (when needed)... I like that. I read the things that you have done, and it pushes me to try harder. To do better. I know that I would not have come this far without you, Labmom, Glou, and now Krtork. Just sayin' I am not enjoying my training (I came home for lunch and to check in). The guy doing the training knows so much, but it is like he is trying to get it all out there now. I can ony absorb so much in one day. Labmom-DH, so far, hasn't responded to my request to exercise together. I will ask again tonight. I am going to try to do a session with the C25K tonight after work. Wish me luck! I hope you all have a great Monday! BBL!