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Everything posted by CALF

  1. Hi Ladies... I'm only on day 17 of liquids..could one of you advise me what this sliming & pb stuff is all about? What triggers these responses and how to avoid them? :lb12: Thanks...Cheryl
  2. Dr. Otiz's paperwork advises to drink some watered down juice mixed with a heaping spoonful of Metamucil when you feel the hunger pains. It works for me. Also....going out for a walk or a few minutes of aerobic exercise in your living room definitely helps to make those nasty hunger pains go away... Try putting on your favorite dance music and have a private , wild dance moment !! Good luck. Cheryl
  3. You look awesome Donna!! What a great job you've been doing ! Time to get into some 'hot girl clothes!!! lol
  4. I too traveled light, but I did take my bathing suit. I arrived on a Thursday and after I had my initial consultation at OCC I went back to the Marriott and sat by the pool for several hours. I did the same on Saturday, the first day post op. You can google the weather network for T.J/SanDiego...the temps there are pretty mild & usually in the mid 70's this time of year. Definitely only wear slip-on shoes/sandels. You won't be comfortable having to bend down to tie or lace and I also suggest no heels. Shorts? sure why not..capri's work too & I think you'll find blue jeans too heavy. I'd also take a light jacket...the early mornings can be still cool. I changed into my P.J.'s immediately after awakening from surgery. The thought of parading up and down the hallway of the clinic in the hospital nightie (with it's open back) and pretty paper panties was not on My agenda..lol The Marriott provided awesome shampoo, conditioner and body lotion. If you have a small carry-on bag (with an extended handle for towing alongside or behind) that's the one to take. & Don't forget your passport!!! You'll do just fine. OCC takes good care of you!! Cheers, Cheryl
  5. As everyone says, we are all different with our recoveries. I've had complications at the site of the port incision and even though it's been two weeks I'm still not comfortable or physically ready to return. My G.P says another week. Cheryl
  6. Hi Bear...Yes, Dr. Tang advised that the wait time for a lapband was only three months..but that would have come out of my own pocket. (My extended health care benefits would have denied my claim.) It was the gastric bypass surgery ( with it's 1-3 year wait period) that used to be covered by B.C Med..but I have since learned that B.C Med no longer offers that poceedure coverage.
  7. Hi Bear, You are actually on the OCC website lab band forum...Obesity Control Center based in TJ, Mexico. I live in Victoria and if you want to email me regarding specifics about my experience I'd be happy to fill you in with the details. cherylfaryon@live.ca There are two woman on this board from Vancouver Island ( that I know about) who had the proceedure with Dr. Ortiz, one is from Shawnigan Lake and the other also from Victoria. We are all thrilled with the before and after care, not to mention the actual proceedure process and the cost. Almost half of what you will be charged!!! Cheers. Cheryl
  8. Hi Bear! I met up with Dr. Tang in July of 2008. We went over the options for me and at the time the price of the lapband through his office was out of my reach ( and still is!!!) I was then put on a list for a gastric by-pass and told it was a 1-2 year wait. I found his demeanor practical and very professional. My G.P says Dr. Tang has a lot of experience with the lapband surgical proceedure. In August of '09 I called his office just to see where I was on the wait list and told that it could be another 1-2 years. Last month the Times Colonist ran an article advising that elective bariatric surgery was being put on hold indefinitely! Upon learning that information I decided to pursue other avenues. I spoke with a friend (who had her lapband proceedure done at OCC by Dr. Ortiz last year) and she raved about the entire process. With that piece of advise, I e-mailed OCC and was immediately contacted by patient co-ordinator Lori Wrights. By the end of our conversation I had booked an appointment and three weeks later ( October 17, 2009) I had my lapband in place! I can't say enough great things about OCC ! They were efficient, competent. well organized, thoughtful and professional to the nines! The entire process was 1st class and the cost (even including the airfare) is way less than what it cost in Canada. My advise is do whatever you can to book the proceedure through OCC. Cheers, Cheryl / Victoria, B.C
  9. Debbie...Yummm..the idea of squash and spaghetti sauce is a good one..I can hardly wait! I also like the above idea of using lettuce leaves to contain a wrap. What a clever idea. I'm only on day 12 post op so my big dietary thrill today was having a cup of carrot soup with some Tex-Mex spice sprinkled on top for flavor. LOL Cheryl
  10. Hi, I'm just 11 days post op and found that Dannon's probiotic yogurt culture drink worked REALLY well!! It's only .5 of a cup, but it packs a punch. Cheryl[/size]
  11. Hi Debbie ! Congradulations on making it past your liquid phase & onto your solid food portions! I left Victoria on the 15th, had my surgery on the 16th and now am on day 10. I just added my protein Advantage drink to my intake. The only problems I seem to be having post surgery is that my port site has opened enough to allow for ooze to be draining pretty much 24/7. I was quite bruised and what seems to be draining is the fluid ( old blood & serum ) created and colleted locally at the surgery site. I'm applying a nonstick Telfa pad & dressing it liberally with triple Polysporin about every hour as they become quite saturated. This is day two of this issue. My other issue is ...after enjoying my Dannon Probiotic drink this morning followed an hour later by my Advantage drink I learned that both seem to be running right through me. As my husband dryly quipped..never trust a fart...lol I still haven't been able to converse with friend who had her fill in Victoria..as soon as she gets back from Calgary we'll be getting together for a lapband powwow. I am a computer ignoramus..how do you all put the weight graph onto your signature? And all the other cute stuff?? Thanks!!! Cheryl
  12. Hi Holly! I'm having my surgery this coming Friday, Oct. 16 and I was just wondering : Does everyone always end up with fills or is the placement of the band enough for some folks? Also..not to be really dumb (but then I'm a newbie and I get at least one "DUH" question..lol...) Where does the fill material go? Is there a channel in the actual band itself that contains the liquid? Does it leak and that's why refills are necessary? Thanks for your help..and Boy..am I impressed with the progress YOU'VE made!! > Wahooooo..you must be feeling awesome Cheryl
  13. Hi Sally! I go in for my lapband in two days!! Yikes..I'm also excited, scared and nervous about wanting to cheat as soon as I feel hungry. Let's stay in contact and cheer each other on! I know we can do it and achieve success!!! 'Talk' with you soon!!!! Cheryl
  14. Hello Fellow Vancouver Islander!! I am leaving this coming Thursday (OCt. 17) to have my lapband surgery with Dr. Ortiz. I have all the emotions running...but am thrilled to have this opportunity to get back on the health and fitness track! Taking control of my eating habits has been an issue for the past 25 years! Have you found a Dr. on the Island that will do the fills for you or are you planning on heading to the OCC clinic for each one? Also..what are these BP and sliming issues I hear folks referring too? I've seen the progress you've posted..that's awesome!! =D> I can't wait to be a member of the 'club' !! LOL Cheers, CALF ...current weight 251 / height 5'8" / target weight 170
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