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Everything posted by bogiesmom

  1. Did anyone take notes on the part about pear shape vrs apple shape having to do with restriction level? I am not clear on that. I am very interested in this concept as I am very much pear shaped (my jeans fit well in the hips and thighs but gap at the waist in the rear pretty badly) and have had little restriction but I noticed that RevyD (Debbie) seems to be apple shaped in her before pictures (round in the middle w/ model's legs) and she has had great restiction and no fills...hmmm.
  2. It made a little difference. Surgery 11/13/09 First Fill 12/17/09 at 3cc Second Fill 1/16/10 At another 3cc (6cc total) Third Fill 2/15/10 at another 0.6cc (6.6cc total) Forth fill scheduled for March
  3. Honestly, I had no restiction after my first fill. I had a little restriction after my second fill and a little more after my third fill and I am now at 6.6cc and I have sceduled my 4th fill in 4 months.
  4. Yah, I was metaphorically speaking for those who do not know...
  5. "HG 1-2-3 ALERT! Super-Important Stuff You NEED to Know..." "You may or may not have heard, but our BRAND-NEW book, Hungry Girl 1-2-3: The Easiest, Most Delicious, Guilt-Free Receipes on the Planet, hits shelves at the end of the month (March 30th)! We're CRAZY-EXCITED. This book MAY be our best ever. It features entire chapters of CROCK-POT recipes, FOIL-PACK recipes, recipes with FOUR ingredients or less... even a chapter completely filled with recipes for FRENCH TOAST. Insanity!"
  6. Chili beans come in a can and are called "chili beans." You will find them in the canned goods aisle of you local grocery next to the kidney beans, pinto beans & black beans.

  7. Chili beans come in a can and are called "chili beans." You will find them in the canned goods aisle of you local grocery next to the kidney beans, pinto beans & black beans. Bush's Chili Beans
  8. WW POINTS® Tracker entries Sunday, February 28, 2010 Morning 2 Tbsp Coffee-Mate French Vanilla Liquid Creamer 1.5 1 tsp coffee, instant or regular, powder 0 1 Tbsp sugar 1 Subtotal 2.5 Midday 1 item(s) Spinach pancakes 2 1/2 cup(s) fat-free egg substitute 2.5 1/4 cup(s) Reduced fat Italian style shredded cheese blend 2 1/3 cup(s) salsa 0 4 oz 4-Pack Low-Fat 2% Milk-Fat Small Curd Cottage Cheese Snack Size 2 Subtotal 8.5 Evening 1 serving(s) Basil Pesto Tilapia 3 1 serving(s) Popchips 3 1 1/3 Taco Soup 3.5 Subtotal 9.5 Anytime 1 serving(s) Whipped topping mix 0 1 item(s) Sugar Free Pudding Chocolate vanilla swirls 1 Subtotal 1 Food POINTS values total used 21.5 Food POINTS values remaining 0.5 Activity 30 min elliptical trainer, moderate intensity 2 Activity POINTS values earned 2
  9. Totally okay. The rule of thumb on the liquids phase (per fill doctors at OCC) is that if you can drink it through a straw you can have it.
  10. BTW...I am an on-line only member (no meetings) at a cost of only 12.95/mo! The membership also include FREE mobile access so you can track on your phone through your data plan and if you have an i-Phone you get a free WW app to download.

  11. You and I are on the same wave length. Started WW during pre-op phase so I could continue afterwards as well. I also needed to get a "plan" in motion & realized that when I found out that it could take awile before I reached ideal restriction. I even tracked points during liquid phase. I LOVE WW! I couldnt have lost 17 pounds w/o it!

  12. Hi Kim, What is super slow to you? Are we talking 30-45 minutes to consume 1/2 or longer? I am very curious. I think your fine if it is taking you 30ish minutes to eat 1/2, but that is just my opinion. If I were you I would clock my next meal.
  13. Whether it is from volume, lack of chewing properly or eating too fast, what you are experiencing is restriction. Generally speaking it is time for a fill if you are not loosing 1 - 2 pounds per week. But, there could be other factors contributing to you not loosing. It sounds like to me you do not need a fill but that is just based on the little info you gave. I have to assume you are experiencing restriction most of the time you are eating? With all types of food? The general rule of thumb is: If you are consistantly eating 1/2 to 1/3 of what you were eating BEFORE being banded then you do not need a fill. If you were eating 3 tacos before being banded you should now be able to eat 1.5 - 1 taco and feel the need to stop eating for the next 3 to 4 hours. Does this general rule apply to you?
  14. WW POINTS® Tracker entries Saturday, February 27, 2010 Morning 1 serving(s) Thomas' Bagel Thins 1 1 can(s) Chunk light tuna in water (3 oz can) 1 1 wedge(s) Light Creamy Swiss Original Flavor 1 1 Tbsp sugar 1 1 tsp coffee, instant or regular, powder 0 1 1/2 Tbsp Coffee-Mate French Vanilla Liquid Creamer 1 Subtotal 5 Midday 1 serving(s) Thomas' Bagel Thins 1 1 slice(s) lean luncheon meat, 3 G fat or less per oz 1 1 wedge(s) Light Creamy Swiss Original Flavor 1 Subtotal 3 Evening 2 serving(s) Basil Pesto Tilapia 5.5 1 Taco Soup 3 Subtotal 8.5 Anytime 1 item(s) Sugar Free Pudding Chocolate vanilla swirls 1 1 bar(s) Chewy Granola Yogurt Coated Bar Strawberry Yogurt Chewy Granola Bar 3 Subtotal 4 Food POINTS values total used 20.5 Food POINTS values remaining 1.5 Activity 30 min elliptical trainer, moderate intensity 2 Activity POINTS values earned 2
  15. I read on another board that a lot of people who experienced frequent heartburn before being banded have no heartburn after being banded and those who hardly ever had heatburn before being banded experience frequent heartburn after being banded. This was also reported with burping. I had a lot of heartburn before being baded and now I have none.
  16. Sorry you are feeling the blues today. You need some Ella Fitgerald, old movies, and some martinis and call it a night...oh, almost forgot, do not forget the snuggie! If you are not up to the old movies might I suggest the book "Are you there Vodka? It's me, Chelsea" by Chelsea Handler.

  17. Have fun at the dance tonight. I will be working late too as usual it is box office report Friday. Yippie! (note the sarcasim). We don't get a dance per se but they bribe us with food instead Hence the tostada salad for lunch (thanks to God and will power I ordered it w/o rice and shell, w/ fat free cheese and fat free sour cream). WW POINTS® Tracker entries Friday, February 26, 2010 Morning 1 large banana(s) 2 1 Tbsp sugar 1 1 tsp coffee, instant or regular, powder 0 2 Tbsp Coffee-Mate French Vanilla Liquid Creamer 1.5 Subtotal 4.5 Midday 1 item(s) Bowls & Salads Chicken Tostada Salad (Without Shell & Sour Cream) 8 Subtotal 8 Evening 1 serving(s) Thomas' Bagel Thins 1 1 1/2 wedge(s) Light Creamy Garlic & Herb 1.5 Subtotal 2.5 Food POINTS values total used 15 Food POINTS values remaining 7 PS - Lunch went down w/o a problem and I actually was not satisfied completely but stopped anyway. A whoel tostada salad! That is rediculous! For diner I was going to have 1/3 cup cottage cheese, 1 cup taco soup, 1.5 laughing cow cheese wedges w/ 1 toasted bagel thin. Ate the bagel thin w/ laughing cow cheese and that was it! Major restriction & could not eat anything else.
  18. I really enjoy your youtube videos and I think you are really doing great.

  19. WW POINTS® Tracker entries Thursday, February 25, 2010 Morning 1 Tbsp sugar 1 1 tsp coffee, instant or regular, powder 0 2 Tbsp Coffee-Mate French Vanilla Liquid Creamer 1.5 1 bar(s) Chewy Granola Yogurt Coated Bar Strawberry Yogurt Chewy Granola Bar 3 Subtotal 5.5 Midday 1 oz Pirate's booty 3 1 item(s) cooked chicken fillet 3 1 serving(s) Thomas' Bagel Thins 1 1 wedge(s) Light Creamy Swiss Original Flavor 1 1/2 cup(s) tomato(es) 0 Subtotal 8 Evening 1 serving(s) Thomas' Bagel Thins 1 1/2 cup(s) Low-Fat 2% Milkfat Small Curd Cottage Cheese 2 Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers - Quick-added food 5 1/4 serving(s) Tasty Bite Madras Lentils 0.5 1 wedge(s) Light Creamy Swiss Original Flavor 1 Subtotal 9.5 Food POINTS values total used 23 Food POINTS values remaining 0 Activity 30 min elliptical trainer, moderate intensity 2 Activity POINTS values earned 2
  20. Righty-O! I have some playing around to do this weekend then
  21. Don't hate people ... trust me, the thunder thighs & massive cellulite more then make up for it ... those pics coming soon (after I have had enough liquid courage to post them).

  22. Thanks - back atcha hot stuff! Now, if only I can keep that Christina Aguilara song playing in my head long enough to believe it then the world can't keep me down today ... even though I am 40% grey and need a dye job every 5 weeks (LOL)

  23. Thanks! Now, if only I can keep that Christina Aguilara song playing in my head long enough to believe it then the world can't keep me down today ... even though I am 40% grey and need a dye job every 5 weeks (LOL)

  24. Will it make you feel better to tell you that I am blind as a bat and that long lashes are a great indicator of the other parts of the body that require heavy waxing? :)

  25. Stormy, I concur with Debbie but I am about to say something you do not want to hear so brace yourself... I have attended many a Weight Watchers meeting where plateaus lasting up to a year have been reported despite all the best efforts. I myself recently experienced a plateau that lasted 28 days. What you may want to try along with eating more calories: 1. Switch up your diet completely and try tricking your system by avoiding foods you eat on a daily basis and start eating foods that are different. 2. How is your water intake? Maybe kick it up a notch? 3. Take you diet to the next level - eliminate a catagory temporarily. For example, try cutting out white foods (salt, sugar, flour), starches, meat, or wheat. 4. It kind of sounds like maybe you are too tight...is this a possibility worth exploring? 5. When all else fails - make an appoinment with your GP a week in advance. For one week log everything in detail from the times of day that you eat, what you eat, when you work out, how you work out, how much water your drinking, and the hours that you are sleeping, along with any medications you are taking. Take this journal with you to your appointment and see if your GP can catch something that you missed. This log will also back you up (CYA) and be helpful in getting some general tests done.
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