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Everything posted by Angiet2

  1. Wow! Just hit the 140's!!!

  2. Down 40 pounds since 12/29/2009...Takes a LOT of Cardio and careful eating!! Stay tuned!

  3. Hi Elizabeth,

    1st and foremost, the OCC is a *fantastic* place! Do plan on staying the night at the facility after your surgery. They take such GREAT care of you, and have good drugs for pain (if you even need them!). The recovery has been 8 days now. The clear liquids phase is not easy!;however, I am down 13 pounds. Pain is very tolerable. Stay tuned! :-) Hugs from San Die...

  4. My mom went with me to get my band of 12/29 and ate at Potrero with some of the other mom's that were there... They all *loved* it! Also, most of us ate a nice dinner the night before and it was not a big deal at all. The OCC docs/RN's don't really care about what you eat or what you weight. Enjoy your last meal... Believe me, the 21 day recovery time is tough and you'll be happy you had a 'last meal' that was tasty and wonderful! The Marriott does provide you one free bottle of water in your room, but you will definitely want to purchase additional water. The OCC will give you one or two free bottles of water, if you ask them for it. The doctors and nurses at the OCC are truly wonderful... You are going to be in GREAT hands. Congrats on such an exciting 2010!
  5. Thanks! I don't enjoy being overweight, but wow! What a great group of friendly gals I have met thru this website/blog thingie. Looking fwd to my journey that officially begins on 12/29! Onwards & Upwards (except for the #'s on my scale!)... Angie in San Diego
  6. Hi All, Just checking to see who else might be going to the OCC on 12/29/09 for their procedure? Please drop a note and say hi! Thin in 2010! That's US! Angie in San Diego
  7. Hi All, My band procedure is 12/29 (Happy New Year to me!) and I am wondering if anyone has thoughts on what my two upcoming cruises in March and July will be like, regarding the band and the insane eating that cruise ships always promote. I have heard that bread will be a distant memory w/ the band, so I'm OK w/ that. I assume pasta will be long gone, too. If anyone has taken a cruise and has thoughts on how to make the most of this high food experience, I would love to hear them. Ahoy Maties! Angie in San Diego
  8. How nice of you to share your fabulous photos with us! Thank you!!! The hotel does look very lovely :-) Hope that all is well with your family member that had the procedure done, is doing GREAT.
  9. Thank YOU for taking the time to reply, especially since you're there right now, obviously either having a fill or recovering from the surgery. Hope that you are doing really well and are looking fwd to this journey. See you in the Size 6 section in 2010 :-)
  10. Good for you! I had this procedure done about 8 years ago, and am sooo glad I did! Just remember, that as you're healing, STAY OUT OF THE FROZEN FOOD DEPT. AT THE GROCERY STORE (getting 'headlights on' really hurts while you're healing, if you get my drift). Your photo montage was fabulous!!
  11. OK, I feel a bit silly for asking the group's opinion on this, BUT, I am hoping to gather some opinions on the three different hotels we have to select from (my surgery date is 12/29/09). I found out that the Marriott only has 3 English speaking news TV channels and I feel bad subjecting my mom to that for 3 days, since she is being nice enough to accompany me. Has anyone stayed at Camino Real? Their website makes the hotel look fabulous! If anyone can share their experience w/ me (especially regarding English/American TV channels!), that would be great. Melissa at OCC said that Camino Real is the closest to the center, so that also seems very convenient. Thanks! -Nervous Nellie (aka Angie in San Diego!)
  12. What a GREAT idea! Thank you for sharing. My surgery is set for 12/29/09 (yikes!) and your measurements give me hope and encouragement to GO FOR IT!
  13. Angiet2

    The "not me's"

    I would like to hear what a PB is, too! I have a feeling that 'sliming' involves making a mess in one's underwear... Similar to what happens when you take Alli and eat anything w/ fat in it... super ick!
  14. Just wondering what the real down time is, before I will be back to work, after the banding? The family is not being terribly supportive, and since I work in a family business, I am hopeful that the recovery is speedy > Thanks for any feedback you can share.
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