I did, as soon as I got home. I was SO upset! Apparently its the same lady who did my fill, and she responded that I'm the first person ever to complain about "Evan" and that it isn't about the calories, but about the texture. Their impression is that kimchi must be squishy and sliding through my gullet and making me overeat or something.
Now, I know that Kimchi isn't exactly common, so people don't know a lot about it. But they could at least have given me the chance to explain what it is and *here's a thought* what the texture is like. It's really crunchy, firm, and stays in my tummy for the whole afternoon. And its WAY cheaper than all this meat they want me to eat. I'm a college student! I can't AFFORD to eat fish or chicken for every freakin meal, no matter how small that meal might be. So I researched the healthiest, most suitable alternative and came up with kimchi. Bonus: my local oriental market makes it in house so its mega cheap, it lasts forever in the fridge, takes exactly zero minutes to prepare, and I actually like it. I might have gotten a word in edgewise to SAY that. Not that this guy was ready to believe me.
The entire rest of the conversation with this guy was like talking to a wall with "I don't believe you" written on it. He told me I was drinking my calories and even named products, as if he already knew. I don't drink sodas, or sweetened teas, or juices or gatorades or energy drinks or any other form of "drinking your calories" one might care to name. I actually really love pure, clean water and always have. I start every morning with 8oz of light soy milk mixed with protein powder and a raw food probiotic powder, about 200 cals total. That is the extent of my "liquid calories." I usually have kimchi for lunch (God help me.) I do not feel the need to snack. Dinner is usually whatever salad or veggies I have on hand, chicken/fish/beef if I found some on sale or something. He heavily implied that I was drenching the salad with dressing. I don't even like dressing. He just never stopped! I did not appreciate the "knowing" looks he gave me, nor did I enjoy the feeling that I was on trial before a jury that had clearly already decided I was guilty. I was already trying not to cry when I got on the fill table.
It might have started when their scale didn't say what my rusty old bathroom scale says, and my confusion must have really set him off. Because I've been thinking that I've lost all this weight, and my scale has been going down. But now I don't know how much down by how much error, and it was a rude shock to see that big high number. My scale was 10 lbs off at the very least. It was the same when I went to the doc for bronchitis, so my scale must just be too old. I got a new one on the way home. I feel like I'm starting from square one. I couldn't even say "well I've lost x pounds eating the stuff, so you can just shuddit." I guess I should re-do my ticker. But I don't know what to change the numbers to, or at what point they went wrong. So I'm just going to leave it until my weight really does match the ticker and go from there.
So this whole thing has become about one food (which I'm sorry I ever mentioned to him!,) but really it's about how people assume someone is overweight because that person is stupid and/or lazy and once they think you've put a foot wrong, they can just run right over top of you and disregard every thing you say from that point forward. I'm having a hard time making that clear to the owner. Or maybe Evan is a lovely human being and the word "kimchi" just pisses him off to the point where he needs to make a grown woman cry and I'm the first person to ever say it. Dunno.