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Everything posted by mandyfsc

  1. I've noticed that there have been organized weigh in's in the past and I was wondering if anyone wants to join me in a Friday weigh in. I (like many others, I'm sure) have become scale obsessed! I'd find myself not only weighing myself every morning, but ANY time I went into my bathroom. Talk about overkill! And it was very discouraging. Anyway, I've put the scale away after not losing for 2 weeks and finding myself very disappointed. SO, I'd like the extra motivation. I'm going to begin weighing in on Fridays only and will keep track in my signature so I can be held accountable! So if you'd like to join me, weigh yourself Friday morning and post your weight in your signature and reply to this post. We can create our own Biggest Loser club!
  2. Way you are way too clever for me! That was a fun read! Thanks! Those tilapia fillets sounds great!
  3. Thanks for the support guys. Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Can't wait for some mushies tomorrow! Hmmm, yogurt....
  4. I just had my 1st fill this morning and am having a MUCH harder time feeling full on my clear liquids after the fill than I did after the surgery. I am STARVING! I've had a box of chicken broth, a can of veggie broth, a Fusion fruit juice, coffee and just made some green tea because my stomach is audible! And to make it worse, I am working late tonight, until 10:30 and I am so hungry and grumpy that I just wanna jump through the phone and punch someone! Wow, sorry, guys. I had to vent. Anyway, this is my 1st fill so I'm not sure if this is normal. One more day of torture and on to mushies. Anyone else notice a difference between liquids after surgery vs liquids after a fill?? Just curious... Thanks! And be cautious with you replies, I may just jump through the computer and punch YOU! haha!
  5. Here was my experience this morning. I initially went in just for the consultation which was $200. (ugh!) And was pleasantly surprised when he said I could get a fill since I was already there. (an additional $400- double ugh!) Anyway, he found my port and put 4 CC's in. Then he had me drink a cup of water quickly and asked how I felt. Since I felt nothing he said, "let's go a little higher. It is easier to take some out if you are uncomfortable then have you waste more time and money and feel no restriction." So he did 2 more CC's. After drinking the 2nd glass I felt like I needed to burp. And he said that was perfect. Time will tell in 4 days when I eat real food but I'm hoping this is just what I needed. I'll keep you all posted!
  6. Hey! I tried to send you a message but I think your box is full. :( I'm glad he did 6 CC's as well. At $400 a fill plus the $200 consultation I wanted to make sure it was worth the $600! Anyway, I was running on sheer willpower up till now so I'm excited to feel some restriction!

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  7. If any of you have On Demand with your cable provider, you can try this for free! Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I LOVE it! It is circuit training for 20 minutes. She says you can lose up to 20 lbs in the 30 days. It is 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. Repeat, Repeat. I got the DVD but noticed the other day that it is on On Demand for free! It has 3 levels. I just started it last week and am on level 1 but when I did it this morning, I found it relatively easy (compared to day 1) and will be moving on to level 2 tomorrow. Try it out. It's a great way to: 1) get a quick workout in but also burn lots of calories 2) incorporate strength training and cardio mindlessly AND 3) Confinue to challenge your body by having additional levels to work up to. Give it a shot! The first day SUCKS, but it gets better and better!
  8. Hey Ladies! I just had my 1st fill this morning! Great experience. I wasn't able to go back to the OCC- I am just too darn far away. Anyway, I researched local doctors and chose Dr Bauman in Concord, NC. He was great. I expected just to have a consultation but he said, "Everything looks great. Since you are here, do you want a fill?" Absolutely! He gave me 6 CC's and told me liquids for 2 days and mushies for 2 days then on to regular foods. I can't wait to see how I am feeling in a few days when I start eating real food again. My weight loss has stalled and although I am not overeating at all, I crave that "restricted feeling" that most already have.
  9. I know I am jumping into this conversation kind of late but I just read the whole thing and wanted to comment because I just had my 1st fill today. Yay! Anyway, I also was pretty loopy when I talked to Dr Ortiz and if we talked about the type of band I definitely don't remember it. It is my understanding that no saline is put in the band when the surgery takes place. I was always under the assumption I had the Lap Band put in but was unsure of the size. When I went in for my fill, my local doctor (Dr Bauman in Concord, NC) said that is was a Johnson and Johnson Realize band and was 11CC's. Here's my thought process behind this. Does it really matter the size of the band?? If you aren't getting enough restriction, just get a bigger fill, right? I'm no expert, that's just my thought process. Anyway, he gave me 6 CC's today and I feel great. I'm on liquids for 2 days and mushies for 2 more and then we will see how this puppy works!! I am very excited.
  10. Go back into the forum and into the Fills section. In there it has a post called "Increase your chances for a good fill." I just read it and it answered every question I was thinking and ones I hadn't even considered. It was extremely informative.
  11. So I've read about it and heard people swear by it. But I still have no idea what it actually is!! Anyone wanna fill me in??
  12. Congrats!! I am soooo happy for you! And only 99% jealous! haha! I'm at 205 and can just envision the 199 and can't wait. It feels so close and yet so far! Congrats again, you are an inspiration!
  13. Hey Stormy, I'm putting off my 1st fill too. (Money reasons) but that just means I have to work even harder to get to my goal on my own! So I feel you pain. I started using www.myfitnesspal.com and I LOVE it. I track my food intake as well as all my exercise. I always keep it at 1200 but add in extra for the exercise I do. I try to burn 300 calories per workout and therefore on those days I eat 1500. But after reading what I have, I'm wondering if I should eat more.... hmmm.... Anyone heard of calorie cycling? It's basically the idea of eating the same amount of calories weekly but changing the amount daily so that your body never gets used to it. I'm going to try that starting Monday. I'll let you know how it goes.
  14. I completely agree with Lindsay! Healed quickly but had heartburn, gas, and shoulder pain. Now only gas. I had my surgery 01/15 and haven't had a fill yet. I don't have any restriction whatsoever but have no problem keeping to my 1200 calories daily so I feel fine. Wondering what I'll feel like after my 1st fill though...
  15. Thanks for all the great info, Angie! I've considered this for a while and read a lot about it. And although I agree that our bodies were created to process foods on their own and clean out our systems our foods have also changed significantly since we were originally created. Hormones, toxins, and fake food colorings OH MY! I think sometimes our bodies can use a little boost to do its job. So as long as not overdone- I think it can be helpful.
  16. I had seen these from time to time and would LOVE the extra motivation. Unlike some people on here, I have been overweight my whole life- recently obese- but was never considered thin. So I'd LOVE to see a visual of what I'd look like when I hit goal weight. Even if it's not free, could anyone make a recommendation? I've invested this much, why not a few more bucks, right?? I just want to make sure it's a good one. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thanks!
  17. I just tried those Arnold's Sandwich Thins too! They are fantastic- I have the multigrain and love love love them! I made turkey burgers last night. Used the laughing cow cheese and the Sandwich thins and it is a perfect filling, wholesome meal! Yummy!
  18. Thanks, Jill! I'm in Charlotte, NC. I have no problem doing a little road trip for a fill but it would have to be somewhere in my area. I'd LOVE to go back to Dr Ortiz, but with plane tickets being so high, it will be a struggle. But I've been looking into doctors in my area and they all charge high initial fees or additional fees for flouro, so it may end up being about the same to go back to Dr Ortiz. We'll see.... I'm going to see if I can keep up my will power for a while longer and save up some money and go to the OCC instead. Who knows, maybe I'll be one of those crazy bandsters who makes it without a fill! Ha!
  19. I just started on solids and am really keeping track of everything that I eat and I track it all on www.myfitnesspal.com. It's awesome. Anyway, here is my new snack. A pouch of Bumblebee Tuna with a triangle of Laughing Cow cheese mashed together. It's awesome. 115 calories and 19grams of protein. I like my tuna with mayo and this is a great way to give it a kick without adding lots of calories. I don't have any restriction right now but I have lots of willpower and self control. I'm looking forward to getting my 1st fill to see if I get restriction but I'm still eating right, exercising and losing so I'm not in a big hurry. PLUS, I haven't found a fill doctor yet.... Any suggestions???
  20. Wow, Bogiesmom, that wasn't very nice. Ignorance is bliss.... haha! But seriously, I glanced at a few items that I used to get often and it really wasn't a surprise. Obviously fried = bad. Pasta = bad. There are a few good options on there. But it's the same school of thought for everything- especially us- portion control! I love the Chicken Madiera. I think it was around 1400 calories... spread it over 3 meals and it's 466 each. It's something we should all be doing anyway. But I'll be the 1st to admit that I would have no problem eating half of it in the restaurant and then the other half late at night before bed. Bad Mandy, Bad! I'm 13 days post-op. So hopefully when I do start eating again and there is a real food option I'll be able to make those decisions better than I was previously.
  21. Journal everything. It has helped me a lot. Try www.myfitnesspal.com I LOVE their website. I put my food in there everyday. I'm still on only liquids but it's shocking how many extra calories you can get just from liquids. So I'm trying to get in the habit of doing it now.
  22. I stayed at the Marriot and it was beautiful. (Nicer than most hotels in the US) You will love it!
  23. I heard that also. Why only 2 or 3 if we go to the OCC? If that's the case, it's- hands down- a smarter idea. But why? I am really struggling trying to figure out who to use for my fills. Any suggestions in the Charlotte area? I'd even be willing to make a road trip for a good doctor. I just can't see myself driving to the OCC! And flights get costly.... any suggestions? Anyone have a fill doctor they LOVE??
  24. I am beginning to worry about my fills. I would love to go back to Tijuana and see Dr. Ortiz but it's just such a long and costly trip for me. I've researched Fill Centers USA and they seem very expensive- even without fluoro! Does anyone have any suggestions?? ANY would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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