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Everything posted by B2010

  1. Just remind yourself that this device was created to be in place where it is and that it has to be able to withstand a bit more than you may give it credit for. Doesn't sound to me like you've done a lot of much to have it slip - it's not like you downed an entire pizza 2 days after surgery
  2. I'm a little excited - more nervous - only because of my son I hate having surgery. But hearing how well everyone does and responds definitely makes things better.

    My pre-op is good i'm at 204 from 213 about a week ago :). How's yours going? I tried the benefiber but my stomach just got REALLY gassy so I stopped using it.

  3. Hi there, I see your calorie intake is usually less than 1000 a day which is awesome. How is your hunger? and when are you most hungry during the day? -Bianca

  5. you're absolutely right. I think it's the mental hunger that's hardest to get over but really when you have both the mental and the physical hunger those are both so hard to fight off - so the band seems that it will help with the physical portion and give me a little help. I'm surprised I've stayed on this pre-op diet for 8 days now. So the fact that you're still on your liquid phase - as you are aware - its probably not something you could have done without the band. When I decided to get the band in the first place it was to give myself some hope. So i'm sticking with that and I'll trust Dr. Ortiz with his best judgment for me and my body.
  6. geez that's crappy - I had no idea. What did he say when you asked for the 4cc band? that you were too small? I mean what was the reasoning behind it?
  7. so what's the "in-between" band? If he won't use the 4cc and the 11cc isn't working well.
  8. Honestly, though I think I'd rather have the ability to add more saline then to not be able to reduce the tightness of the fill. This is a life long process with weight and seems healthier than gastric bypass so it's a gradual process. Like if we had the 10cm 4 cc band we'd have restriction but if it was too much you wouldn't be able to do much about it except have it removed.
  9. This concerns me too as I'm having surgery in just a few days...is it happening only to the patients with lower bmi's?
  10. down 7 lb from last week! yea Kinda sad thinking of where I would have been had I not put on all that weight right after signing up for the surgery. But happy to be at 205 now which was my surgery decision weight. Now 5 days and 5 lbs. Hoping to get somewhere around 200 for surgery day on the 15th.
  11. Hey Rhonda, There's also a hotel that is about 5 min away from OCC and 5 min from the border. It's called Lucerna and also I'm planning on going down to TJ alone and don't plan on doing much site seeing. So I'm not too concerned with any issues around town. -Bianca
  12. skinny white mocha 1st eas protein shake 2nd EAS protein shake
  13. had coffee sf popsicles and 1 protein shake so far
  14. This is great info. I've always like weight lifting more than just doing cardio for long stretches. So this is saying to incorporate cardio during your weight lifting and the benefits of doing this are huge. Never heard of this work out process before but will definitely keep it in mind for after surgery. very cool. thanks -Bianca
  15. uugghhh going cross-eyed from feeling so tired on this Good thing though I'm not hungry! 2 protein shakes today sugar free popsicles (a couple) crystal light water and a nap
  16. "I am praying for God to get me through but I have alot of guilt that God isn't going to answer me when it comes to this problem...???" I can so relate and I know how you feel and I haven't even had surgery yet. Food has been my best friend, and it's helped me mask the problems in my life outside of my weight for so very long. My relationship problems, my other life issues, my relationship with God....it's like now that I've taken food down from the alter I had it on.....I'm facing all of the issues that I've pushed down in the past (with every bite). I'm glad you'll have a break. I'm finding it very difficult to function as well and I'm only on day 4 of my pre-op diet which does include protein. So at this rate I don't know how I will be with clear liquids for the first week. So many have done it and I want to do the right thing but I can read the frustration you have and I guess I just wanted you to know you aren't alone out there. -Bianca
  17. Hi Storm,

    I'm on pre-op but I'm dragging butt right now. I can barely stay awake thru the day without at least a short nap.

  18. uuggghhhh that sucks. I've been having the same problem and that's why I wanted to start trying to do the liquid phase now because I know it will be hard. Some have suggested the benefiber that dissolves into clear liquid to help. You should try it - the fiber will probably help. I've also been doing a lot of cleaning and reading and things I've not done in a long time.

  19. Glad to hear your home. how are you coping with hungar? I'm on day 3 of my pre-op liquid diet and lost 5 lbs so far. pretty cool - but yea i've already slipped up a few times. I suck at this liquid diet thing. i hope today (day 3) things will be a bit easier.

  20. So how have you been feeling now?
  21. B - Coffee and 1tbsp creamer B - Muscle Milk Light Protein Shake L - Muscle Milk Light Protein Shake Late AFternoon - sf popsicle Late Afternoon - Muscle Milk Light Protein Shake D - EAS Protein Shake Late eve - ham slices
  22. maybe baby food applesauce?
  23. B - Nothing Mid morning - 12oz skinny white mocha (damn it) L - Muscle Milk shake Late Afternoon - EAS Protein Shake D - EAS Protein Shake & chicken broth Late Evening - Muscle Milk Shake
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