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Everything posted by EcMjawad1

  1. New problem..extra skin, and back pain...anyone else?

    1. Bella1980


      The only thing I can reccomend for back pain is to do exercises that strengthen those muscles.

    2. nothereanymore


      I think we start doing more and sometimes our bodies rebel - I started yoga and palates to build more core muscle - Bella is right on. Extra skin - know it - surgery....

  2. Great topic....I have heard some or almost all of the above with different versions...I have also lost at least two friends or at least they are not as close to me as they were..some are not liking the whole "new me" thing...finally I say with conviction "TOUGH" I owe it to myself to do what I want for a change..take me or leave me...The comments from my patients are really interesting...I have to say at least once a week they ask me "where did Michele go?" and I respond she is right in front of you! Wow, never considered this. After the first time I had to come up with that response..I have also had to learn how those comments affect me..and to deal with the very mixed emotions. Of my journey this and the mental stuff is def. the hardest....another new lesson I am just now stepping into is "how to date" wow, never thought at my age I would say that. My husband died three years ago and we where high school sweethearts so dating is something I have zero skills at and I am not sure I'm doing it right or am even ready..another new lesson(s) I guess.
  3. Well, it is January..almost at year three for the band..what a long and interesting journey. Full of ups and downs and all sorts of new learning. This last leg as I have mentioned is the hardest. This is the leg that you look at yourself mentally...the walls, the hold outs, the anger, pain, and then letting it all go...well at least giving it the best you can to do this. I know I will continue to grow as the years the pass. I am forever thankful for this final tool which allowed me to move on. It has not been easy and many habits still poke their head up but now I know them for what they are and either allow it or talk myself out of the habit. Each time I get stronger and smarter. Today at weigh in I am at the lowest weight I have been in 27 years...wow...I will take the day to reflect just on that fact. Truly I never thought to see it again..I am so thankful, words can't even express. But for those out there who think they can't do it here is what I offer: Don't give up on yourself, ever..I entered this last go round with the mentality that I did not care HOW LONG it took, as long as I was heading in the downward direction instead of the upward direction. I believe that solid mind set kept me going...and I know I have more to go..plus I am looking at the added skin and how I will deal with it, luckily its not too bad..exercise and surgery may be in my future..I am worth it. How great would it be that on my third anniversary of the band I begin to sculpt my emerging body? Well another goal, or a near goal. For now I will spend the day in thankful reflection....
  4. Just shy of "onderland" two year and counting...so worth the time, energy, and work!

  5. Hello, So, I am going on year three with my band and it has been slow going..my advice..start over. Take it from the beginning, you know you can't eat that food so wrap your mind around it. A couple of us have bought some real good books to help with the mental need to eat (which is what it sound like to me). My favorites: Eating in the Moment & Eating Mindfully, both of these books are small and can fit in your purse. The Bandwagon is another excellent book and coming here for support also a must. I mention this because during the holiday season I through all those skills out the window and made a conscious decision to eat as I pleased (which was still less then normal) and this week started over. I lost the 5 pound holiday gain and I am feeling better already. Start again, stick to the rules..like protein first, do your measurements in ounces..also you might consider liquids for the first week in case your pouch is enlarged..call the OCC and ask for advice..but this is what I do when I fall off plan, and yes it's a plan, for life...Hang in and good luck.
  6. It's offical...I no longer have to buy plus size clothing!!! Merry Christmas to me..

    1. Shell39


      WOOHOOO!!! oh thats so fabulous!!! Congrats to you!! Merry Christmas indeed!

      Keep it up girl! So happy for you.

    2. nothereanymore


      Congrats - now up goes your shopping spend! Its funny how when cloths get smaller they also cost more $$!

    3. EcMjawad1


      Thanks guys..Good thing I wear uniforms..more $$ for cloths...

  7. Welcome to this site..a great place to start. My daughter and I are both banded. She had her surgery at 21. Do some research, check with your MD regarding the band and your thyroid..and come here to ask questions and get a "feel" for what living as a banded person is like. The band is a tool and you still have to work at it but for my daughter and I it has been a life-changing process. The OCC has wonderful staff, Doctors, and people to talk with..good luck and if you want it bad enough it can happen! Michele
  8. Hi all, Banded March 17, 2010 267 Before band 287 Current 205 Moving in the right direction and loving it...yep I would do it all over again...as I say no matter how long it takes at least I'm moving in the right direction! MJ
  9. Ok, so time to look for band friendly New Holiday food, to go with my new life

  10. Year two as a banded person during the holiday season! Well, here it is year two as a banded person and I am 50+ pounds lighter than last year. What a year it has been….I made it through last year basically just not eating or going out to parties where I knew it would be too hard. This year I am going to events but being more picky about which ones I choose. Funny thing for both years I actually thought I could get away with eating the same way as I did when I wasn’t banded. I realized this both years..luckily this year I figured it out earlier…I was reminded really quickly when I tried to eat turkey and stuffing, along with brussel sprouts. Why I thought I would be able to eat them when I can’t on a normal day I don’t know..chalk it up to foolish thinking..So I did manage to stay away from the food fest’s going on around me by donating my time to serving Thanksgiving dinner to veterans and families instead of over eating it! I also felt good doing it..a new post band tradition. So onward to Christmas and New Year’s..I will come up with something to do for those days too which will put eating in the back seat and fun in the front…Let me start with more exercise and smart food choices and baking my own version of low carb, low fat faves…
  11. Thanks for the link...I will try them..
  12. So thanks to all of you I have tried and found so far the best most "comfortable" products for myself are made by Shapezz..I have found them at Ross and Marshall's and have moved down in size as needed..so far so good. I am now reaching a more noticable extra skin issue..so I have been using the "total gym"
  13. Off the grid for Tday..back on track to the "Me project"

  14. Off the grid for Tday..back on track to the "Me project"

  15. Continued work on the "Me project"...love my new clothing..

  16. Continued work on the "Me project"...love my new clothing..

  17. Continued work on the "Me project"...love my new clothing..

  18. I have found something out...nothing new really, just saying the words makes it real..the last leg of this journey is proving to be the hardest...the food part is pretty much a done deal..But the mental and exercise part will be an ongoing learning journey, with weight loss the result...I did manage to get rid of all "fat cloths" or sizes I refuse to go back to wearing. This was a learning experience in itself. I was saying goodbye to my past life, closing a door...very scary for me. I have been learning over the past three years how to be alone, responsible only to me, and do be able to do things that in the past I could not. Very liberating but, again, scary..the unknown. So as I have been adding to my wardrobe, fitting things I could never fit before, and yes, starting to exercise, I have paid more attention to my response and feelings to these things...and my reactions..mentally. Very enlightening. I Will begin to write about them here as I move along. This being my first entry. Exercise, wow, I am sore in places I have never been sore before..I love my "total gym" out of everything I have tried this has been my best choice. I am building muscle, and working out in a time frame I can stand..and I actually like it..Important to like, since before when I exercised I did things I didn't like..I also feel like I am getting stronger! And it's somewhat of immediate response..I can see the change and fit things better..I am somewhat of an impatient person... Food, still working with ways to get fresh, clean, wholesome food in..for one..living alone is another lesson in food prep and what works for me...hmmm...this area is still a work in progress. Mental, I am able to take complements without cringing..interesting here. This took a long time and much thought. Thoughts are something along these lines mentally "I deserve complements. They are feedback for my hard work, and validate that I am doing the right thing for myself and my health" or something along those lines. Having this mind set has made it possible for me to gracefully respond with a thank-you or other comment. Funny, overall this has been the hardest to take. In the past I have caught myself running to food after this kind of complement..Not anymore...Mindset...it works.
  19. Thanks for your response..how are you feeling now? I guess if I have to have someone with me I may need to change my plans..both my kids are in college and won't be home until summer...More time to think and save $$. Do you like the results now that your feeling better..I am still not 100% convinced to do both, but I think I would really like the "after" .. Where you put out or just light sediation? That makes me nervous too..Thanks for your continued updates..
  20. I too am getting ready for both a breast reduction/lift & TT in March. I am also wondering how it's going with you. I am anxious to get some idea for work/recovery. Also who removed the stitches you mentioned? I am a bit nervous. Did you fly home? How long overall where you in Mexico and the hotel? I am trying to budget for the hotel, med, and other things. I would love some details with possible pic if your up for it. My email is EcMjawad@aol.com. Any info you can give me would be great. I might also have to go have this done on my own, did you have someone with you? If so, do you think you would have been fine on your own..anyway I am gathering as much info as I can to plan...thanks for any help you can give.
  21. Yep, the Lucerna is the way to go..very friendly staff too...
  22. I too agree with all those above. I am working on two years and it has been very slow going...most of this my doing..I know at times I do not use my tool properly..a lot of it mental, and it takes support, reading, weighing, logging, all the things I might have thought I could "give up" and wait for the band to do the work..wrong, you still have to do the work. I find your comment about being full on top and starving down below interesting. I would say that's about right depending on how you look at it. Often I am full on top but can feel "hunger" down below..the band has just made it quieter, which during my research is what was suggested would happen. I can live with that..I too will never go back..I think a lot of it is mentally deciding what you can or cannot do..and yes, you have to have a support system either online or in person..maybe both. Don't give up, find something that works for you but know it is still work..I am 90 pounds lighter and it is so worth it..I can deal with the new habits, and the band. I too believe you should have contacted the OCC for ideas or adivce on what you should have done..no way would I have waited months/years...good luck..
  23. Well this morning was interesting coming off a weekend spent all about the "me project." The kind of weekend where you take a long hard look at how far you have come and how far is left to go..along with the realization that the "project" will always continue and never be 100% finished..nothing in life is, right? Well anyway, I have hit a set-point in which I need to blast past it in order to continue my weight loss..I know my body and possibly my mind are fighting continued loss. This has been the lowest weight in 23 years and the hold out is on...I need to figure out how to pass it. My daughter said something interesting to me the other day "I know you can knock that out once you put your mind to it" wow..is my mind put to it? I don't think so, not 100%. So my job this weekend is to reflect, prepare, and mentally try to move on. First off I changed some things about me and what I want to do..just me and my wants..very weird feeling. Then I went through my closet again and was brutal..but I also paid attention to my feelings..I was scared and nervous to throw out cloths (or give to goodwill) and that is the first time I acknowledged this...strange..am I afraid of failure? Do I not want to move on for some reason (one being fear of the unknown I think). I need to get to the bottom of this and fight the inner demons..new personal goals have been set. Now let's see how this next week moves on...
  24. still learning....why do I not want to throw out old too large cloths...afraid of failure and ???

    1. nothereanymore


      Throw them out - you're not going to fail and if you have nothing as back up and to go back too - you're most likely succeed. That's what I did, I have never looked back.

      Do it!

    2. EcMjawad1


      Thanks lisal...Idid it..onward..

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