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Everything posted by EcMjawad1

  1. Hi, I had my first fill a week ago and it went fine..didn't feel a thing at all and got to watch the liquid flow..and then flow slower...I felt so much better after that first time..you don't even know it's being done.
  2. Hi, I just had my first fill a week ago and it took all of last week to catch up mentally with my physical being....I do have some restriction and I can now tell when my new pouch is full, which doesn't feel like real fullness at all..so its a whole new world..I am able to eat about 1/3 the amount which is what was suggested..I noticed that adding protein helped right away with the staying full longer..I have even added some liquid protein as needed..this also helped with my energy levels, along with a liquid vitamin supplement..the band is a tool which is forcing me to look at my life in a new way..sometimes I don't want to do that mentally...but I'm committed. I am hoping for only a couple of more fills and doing it under floro is a must....hang in there and keep on working...the investment in you is worth it in the end..
  3. Hey Congrats to all. I was at the OCC last Friday for my first fill and like mentioned wanted to be sure all was where it should be and it was..the first fill went great and I am learning a whole new way of eatting...yes, I think the first fill at least is a must if for no other reason then to "see" how this tool really works...As usual I was treated wonderfully...Go OCC bandsters...
  4. Wow, After my first week of a first fill...I have been going pretty slowly....reading all this is real good motivation. I have been reading all the posts about the whole Pbing thing and I gotta say you got my attention. I am really trying to figure out the whole..full vs. one more bite idea...kind of a hard concept but so far so good. Then there is the meat idea...so far I have not tried any. I am sticking with fish which is softer and I am not sure if I even want to attempt meat I wonder if it's worth it? Maybe down the line when I feel brave...thanks guys for posting all this info. it helps me a lot.
  5. The Lucerna is a great hotel and I liked the Pool, as long as it's warm enough. I was there last Friday for a fill and it wasn't all the warm. But if your mom's with her she should be fine..yep a laptop with a DVD is a must. I stayed overnight and was glad I did..my daughter went back to the hotel and she was OK with that, she's an adult--but since your mom's with her I think it would all be well. The staff at Lucerne are great and I liked that hotel better than the Marriott.
  6. As an adult who was overweight as a result of anger --my life was similar to Lindsay's -- this is a tuff one. But, I am also a mom of an overweight daughter --I tried to do all the right things based on my life --good food choices, never use the "diet" word, or make comments like "if only you were thin"--all those things just made me angry with my mother and rebel...my daughter even played high school and college soccer and was still overweight...Now, if at say age 16 the lapband had been an option after all I tried if my daughter had been committed to a life chane at that age I would have gone for it---we waited and she had it done at age 22 in January. I have seen stories of children on this forum who have had the band, but I agree that for me it would be the final choice after all other avenues had been tried..this is a tuff one because you don't want to make him feel bad about himself or angry with you but at the same time I understand your worry...I would take some of the other advice here, but also talk to Dr. Ortiz and ask him for advice or his thoughts..he is a very caring and approachable doctor. For my daughter proper eating and exercise didn't make a difference and once she hit puberty it just got worse, but in order to live with the band the person banded has to be committed, understand the changes, and agree to the totally new lifestyle. Otherwise as mentioned he may just make it worse for himself.
  7. Hi all, Well, I just had my first fill on Friday, but already since being banded there has been major changes...for myself I journal just to see what I eat and about how many calories, not so much for strict reasons, strict has been my downfall and the idea of being able to eat freely, even if it's small amounts, appeals to me..but---my new lessons have been, what I really like to eat, or don't, what types of exercise I can tolerate or even enjoy, and here is a big one-the emotional reason's I would overeat, this area has changed for me a lot because I am now being forced to face feelings and learn how to deal with them. I have also learned the need for lot's of water and vitamins...This is for life and I deserve it....
  8. OK guys, thanks for the stories...scared me enough to hope it never happens...what is it? I have only eaten three meals since being filled for the first time..how do you know when your "full"? My lower stomach is growling and it seems like the upper (new one) if full...this is the learning curve....Now I'm really scared...I often have to eat out..oh oh..
  9. Two miles today...after my first fill..woohoo!
  10. After my surgery I had some restriction off and on but rely focused on the new me - habits, emotions, food-real food and what I actually liked to eat. Overall I lost weight. I just had my first fill today and a real nice discussion on the very things I have been working on. It is my hope to not have to have too many fills but continue to loose weight like Revy did...but we are all different...see how it goes.. Revy, like the new photo!
  11. If you like shrimp, the Costco I have by my home has some great ones, along with scallops..another great find.."cooking with coconut flour." or just coconut flour in genral..so much more energy with wheat out of the picture..walked two miles to work...woohoo... oh, and the Costco brand suger free vitamin water....
  12. Woohoo tomorrow for you..I'll look for you Friday AM..

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  13. The adivce here is awsome...join one of the many food tracker's out there online. This will help you A LOT!! I myself use CalorieKing...for the last four years and am continuing post band...its a wonderful tool.
  14. Hi, Got your message..I am only coming to the OCC for one day--Friday..maybe I will see you that morning? as a newly banded person..welcome!

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  15. Hi everyone, Still can't "click the tick" but here are my week miles from last week: Tuesday: 2 mile in house Wed: 1 mile lunch walk Saturday: 3 mile "water walk" -- new thing loved it..water makes it really hard to walk..feel those muscles working.. Sorry I didn't post this sooner..but kids arrived home from college and caused a disruption in my schedule...
  16. Hi, Sounds like your right around the same time as I am..I am getting my first fill this Friday..I walked until this past Saturday, when I re-started my aqua aerobics..I too was told 90 days for abs. I did modified abs in the water which seemed to work ok..I will be asking that same question when I go this week..Good luck with your first fill...
  17. Hi, Everyone on here has great ideas. I had a week where I felt like I backtracked. What I found helpful was to reflect over my week, review my eating choices and then to make Sunday's my day to prep food for the week..I found if I didn't have the right food, or ready to go food, I made poor choices. I have been exploring foods I like that can help me loose weight. I also have added protein and less carbs which have made a big difference for me. The flavored water mentioned is a big help, I just bought a case of Costco brand that is great. I also track my food daily at CalKing. Exercise also helps with the rut. I was finally able to return to the water after 5 weeks post surgery. It seemed to make such a difference, I spent time feeling how the exercise made me feel, how my body felt, and telling myself that exercise was worth it for my success. Also, trying to figure out the emotions that put you in a rut are also helpful...I was forced to address my feelings, a gift of the band, instead of continuing the cycle of eating, feeling bad, and giving up..this was no longer an option. It's a learning curve for sure. I also figured out the reason why I felt I had no energy was because I wasn't taking vitamins..this is really important for the banded person. Once I started taking my vitamins I felt better almost immediately and felt like exercising. Just give yourself permission to have days where you need to figure out what's going on with your journey and then continue...
  18. Research is definitely key..it seems the cost's can vary from $500 - $1000. Here in NorCal the first visit would have cost me $700. It is actually less expensive, and for me, more peace of mind to go back to OCC. I have not had my first fill yet..I am going Friday, so I am excited to "see" how things are looking. I have heard if done correctly you should only need about three fills..that's the number I'm going for..and if it's the OCC then all the better. My only concern is if I need an unfill. My daughter had her first fill with OCC about a month ago and has been fine. Once she graduates college she wants to get her second fill. In the mean time I will keep exploring my emergency options. But some of the suggestions here have been great.
  19. Welcome Sam, My comments are closely aligned with what apprehensive has written. I too manage a clinical healthcare center and know what's expected. The OCC surpasses US standards and comes in better than many US hospitals I have been to. I researched real carefully before I picked the OCC, mainly because my daughter was banded first. The OCC is the best...best staff, best support, best doctors..I was done almost 6 weeks ago and am traveling back next Friday for my first fill. As someone else mentioned the OCC did the procedure then I believe the OCC should do the fills..But this may be harder for east coast folks, but I know there are fill centers out there many on this support site use them...Just keep reading..this is the best place to get information about surgery in Mexico..Good luck!
  20. Welcome, As mentioned fills are an additional expense. I live in CA and when I decided to go to the OCC in Mexico I fully planned on returning there for my fills..which once all is said and done would cost me about the same as going locally..But as others have also mentioned it is good to find a Band doc. near you in case of emergencies and if you think you don't want to return to Mexico..This should be part of your research before you have your surgery..My first fill is back at the OCC next Friday...looking forward to it..
  21. So ok, here I am just a month out with a new band...I am learning many things about myself, my relationship with food, and some hard lessons. In the past month I have only really tested the band three times, last night was my most recent test, and while I felt awful, icky, (need a new word for band overeating), I also learned some things..one; it doesn't feel real pleasant to overeat with the band. You can't sleep, and it (food?) stays with you for most of the next day, or at least the icky feeling does. Two; you (me) will need to take my time and really spend time working through feelings..I have improved in this area but it's not just a "ok I'm fixed." Its more like a "ok I am working on myself and food, and it's not just a quick fix." That was a hard lesson..why is it I always want the easy way...The victory in this little episode is I did stop before eating the large amounts I used to be able too, and I did not mentally beat myself up, but took it as another learning expierience....
  22. OK so three miles this week thus far...tough week on my feet a lot..bet I did a lot of miles at work..but I am counting exercise miles...
  23. Greetings, My reccomendation....sign up for either a free or low fee website like CalorieKing, which is what I use..and track your food counts..Weigh and measure, you may surprise yourself and find your eating more then you think..also, start walking any amount..I am doing Leslie Sansone's indoor walking and Wii fit. I am on my second week of real food post surgery with a fill coming in the first week of may..I lost about 7 pounds but some of it comes back when you start eating..this phase for me at least, is about learning how and what to eat and to figure numbers accurately..good or bad at least you learn. I was at around 1200 calories and some days a bit more if I am hungrier. But I found without measure/weighing I was def. eatting more than I thought.
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