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Everything posted by EcMjawad1

  1. Oh, if only I had seen this during soup phase...sounds great!!!
  2. Well, One of the main reasons I got the band was so that I could learn to eat for life--not diet...I am done with that..so what I do is log everyday online at Calorie King..very reasonable price and a wonderful resource..what has always worked for me is a low carb way of eating..not any particular "diet" I have found that true to Dr. Miranda's outline for eating..protein first then some carbs and that keeps me full longer...I have not gained any weight back since being banded and I have lost 5 pounds..My first fill is in three more weeks. I have started a regular exercise routine too,,which is I believe on of the the key factors...So do what works for you and what you think you can live with for the rest of your healthy life!
  3. This is very sad...but as many have said there is risk with any surgery..I too am a healthcare clinical manager..and did my research for a year before having surgery performed for both my daughter and myself at the OCC..which is a top notch facility and on top of all latest information. The staff and doctors are always personally addressing concerns. My take on my surgery was "do I want to die from weight related issues? or take my chance and have surgery and live?" I am extremely thankful that I had the surgery as I near 50 and am feeling better than I have in years...take all surgery serious, yes..weigh the risks, the outcomes, your commitment to REALLY using the band as a tool, and the rewards..then choose...
  4. Welcome and you are on your way to the best tool ever. I was banded the last week of March. I too do yoga every morning as a warm up and after my surgery did not feel like doing the bending poses, and I assume you won't either. 6 months for ab work is what I was told but this week I have been able to bend a bit easier and so I am slowly adding in some poses that don't cause discomfort..I am really taking it easy though because I would hate to have the band slip, or have issues with the port because I can't wait..for me yoga is more of a warm up and stretching of my muscles before my 10 hour shifts on my feet..I have really missed it and now I am out of shape but not too badly.
  5. Hi all, Still can't figure out the ticker thing..but anyway, two miles Sunday and one mile yesterday for a total of three to add....
  6. Welcome! I had my surgery the end of March and felt hungry most of the time, but nothing like before the band. I noticed that soup helped lessen that hunger feeling and I learned to hear a growling stomach and feel the hunger without panicking, something totally new for me and actually a great experience in learning that I won't die or faint from hunger..my first fill will be the first week of May..I am trying to learn to eat with the band, plan my meals, really eat what I want, and how to still go out and have a good time without overdoing food. Each time has been a small victory and a new feeling of freedom. As many will tell you some foods are no longer an option just because of the way they make you feel after eating them, and slowing down to chew takes time, alcohol should be way less than before because it does work faster...now one drink is all I need. I have also added more exercise which will be my next big hurdle. My hope is that as I loose weight I get more energy to do things that involve activity and learning to like it and try new things.
  7. It's splenda for me..I have three great cookbooks by Splenda, not to mention a few others which have some great recipes..I have been using splenda for 5 years after my husband was an out of control diabetic...now that he is gone I have kept that up. I remember when my kids first started complaining about splenda and the lack of sugary treats in the house..now its the norm...of course there is dark chocolate, which I won't give up but it isn't that sweet..and there is a recipe for making my own using splenda...
  8. Well I must be loosing something..someone asked be today if I felt ok..my face looked thin...hahaha for me this is a complement!

  9. Ok, so here it is my first day of food...reality time...what worked before will not work now or at least some parts of it..brutal truth is I live alone, work long hours, and don't like to cook..so..well the Lean Cuisine for lunch was ok only ate half of it, but it upset the stomach..seems like frozen meals might be a thing of the past...so instead think of fast, healthy meals, for one...breakfast may be an issue if I don't come up with some various menu plans..in keeping with the OCC rules I will be eating my meals not drinking them..the whole purpose here was to be able to eat what I want..just less...so tonight I had one slice cut into two of a Margarita Pizza, which for me was great! No whole pizza, no bread, and I had a great time with friends and managed to drink lot's of water...now in the past I would have had beer, at least four regular slices of pizza, bread, and cheese sticks..so I'm pretty happy with my first day out...now if I could come up with quick,"real" meals for a single gal..
  10. Great day..my new Leslie Sansone DVD's came yesterday...I love my new two mile walk with hand weights... Monday: 20 minute yoga Tuesday: 20 lunch walk Wednesday: 15 quick walk Thursday: New 30 minute 2 mile walk with hand weights..
  11. Ok, So I am ticker challenged..as my daughter would say..meanwhile I walked my new two mile DVD...loved it.
  12. Well, since my friends started a walking group and I got my walking tapes I'm in..but it may take a year...
  13. Try not to be nervous...but I do know how you feel...three weeks ago I was pretty much like you..and then I just told myself I didn't want to be an old fat lady and went for it...so glad I did...

  14. 20 minute AM yoga and stretches - non bending. 30 minute walk (rethinking Tai Chi, think I like Yoga better) Next week back in the water...insicions should be almost gone...
  15. Wow, your experience SUCKS...I would be really pissed, and I am a clinical manager for a healthcare center. None of my employees are allowed to talk to any human being without respect in their voice and manner...I would write a letter to him letting him know how he made you feel...it might give him pause and make you feel better that at least you didn't take the abuse without response....as for me I made the decision if I was going to do the banding (2 1/2 weeks ago), that I would be going back to the OCC where you are treated respectfully and with understanding. Like many here I track everything on CalorieKing and use their site as well for education and other forums...I agree with the sodium comment, I retain water anyway because of a heart medication, but now being banded retain even more..the sodium in the soup is the area of focus for me..just the bullion will give me a half pound of water weight gain (I have tracked it). And here is my scale story....I bought myself the Wii fit for Christmas thinking to use it for exercise (great investment BTW), and set my weight...the problem I had was not using the "0" setting when weighing in no matter what I had on..but instead used the -4pound clothing adjustment setting...and so all of my weight loss settings were set to that..including my ticker..then I got to OCC where I was 5 pounds heavier than my Wii scale...yep, I got home and had to start all over...luckily for me I have passed my "believed" weight loss and am back on track..but then again the best way to tell is how your clothing fits and with measurements....Hang in there.....we are all here as a great family of banded persons...
  16. Well I am right behind you with food on my horizon in a couple of days...from what I have read on this forum..this takes awhile...and major exercise will be involved..like 45-90 minutes 6 days a week...that's the part I will most likely have to work up to..I tend to be lazy and talk myself out of it..the food I think I will be able to handle..it's the compulsive eating I have problems with but the band is helping there already..I have my first fill in May...so my biggest goal now will be to keep motivated and carve out some serious exercise time for myself..I figure onceI get down to 200 I will have to call in a trainer of some sort..for now it's my Wii fit, aqua aerobics, and AM yoga..Good luck..I'm with you..it will be interesting to see what feedback you get on this question.
  17. Well, my thoughts.. As a fairly new member I really appreciate the pictures and can understand how some of us who have waited most of our lives to loose weight may want to share that in anyway we can...so far I don't have a problem with it..other than for myself I think its too much work besides what I have taken time to do so far..and I don't see myself adding anything more other than a before and after picture somewhere god willing someday. Can the pictures be made smaller..like our profile ones? Maybe a size guideline...Otherwise you know the saying "you can't please all the people all the time..." Oh, and other sites/forums seem to basically have the same type of things..this is the first complaint I have read...
  18. Wow, Since I am still on liquids and soup I am reading this with interest....I guess I know what I won't be trying too soon...I am afraid of the stuck feeling, and the BPing...I went to get soup today at the store and looked longingly at peanut butter which I understand will be a real no-no..bread I had already cut down on before banding..but what about regular rice? and corn tortilla's? I would like to be able to have some grains eventually...
  19. Hi all, Last night I did my one mile in house walk... Today was my first day of Tai Chi, loved it and the instructor..not as easy as it looked and I used leg and butt muscles I didn't know I owned! I will be doing this 2/3 times a week for 45 minutes... I will never be a runner due to health issues but I am happy to see your achievements..I am hoping for race walking someday and the Cancer Three Day next spring... You go girls..
  20. Thanks for you words of encouragement...today was my first day of Tai Chi..not for sissys and not as easy as it looks..my new instructor went easy on me since I am a bit sore still and a newbie..but I am going back..used muscles I didn't know I had..
  21. Hi all, I have five days until solid food and I am reading all these ideas and comments in anticipation..thanks for all the good ideas..since it took me a while to learn to "sip" properly, I'm guessing I will have a chewing learning curve as well..so the idea of chewing will be my focus on Friday...
  22. Hi Sandy,

    I am afraid to eat food too, because I know this is where some bad habits happen...like knowing when to stop and not feeling guilty about leaving food on the plate...I am mentally preparing..this will be one of my biggest challenges..

  23. Last night was another personal victory, which may seem small to some but for me was kind of a big deal...so, here I was sitting at home feeling sorry for myself as I look in the fridge at three types of soup..booring, soon over though...anyway, I picked my evening dinner soup, did my reading homework, and decided it was time to do my "in house walking" tape by Leslie Sansone. Now I had to really clean house to find this DVD since I had moved stuff around after my husband died a year and a half ago..yes, that's how long it had been since I used this particular DVD...So up to my room with DVD in hand..popped it in at got down to walking...midway through I had this thought....this is not so hard..I am keeping up and not over tired..last time I did this DVD I barely got through it...I was so excited..of course I was also 45 pounds heavier...no one home to share this small victory, so I am sharing it here. Another side effect was that I didn't eat out of boredom but instead did something good for myself..
  24. My daughter and I are both from the Bay Area but have not found a local place yet..if you find one you like let me know..for now we are going to OCC. but as someone mentioned it would be a good idea to have a local dr. in case needed.....
  25. Hi Everyone, Just did my Leslie Sansone 20 minute walk...waiting for my new DVD's...I have lost 10 pounds since surgery and this week was my "official" back to exercise week..I tried some lunch walks last week but was too sore still. I have almost healed everywhere, still some bruises and glue..and the port hurts with certain movements. I have back pain because I haven't been doing my AM yoga which stretches out my back, but involves touching my toes and other movements..any ideas on how long until I can? I am really looking forward to getting back into the water too but figure I have about another week - a bit intense and still sore...Hope all of you are doing well, and I know how you feel with the tired thing..Tuesday I wanted to come home and get right to it but instead fell asleep.. Oh, and what is 150 calorie warm delight? Sounds good...
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