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Everything posted by EcMjawad1

  1. Ordered Leslie Sansone new walkout DVD...contued with the old, and looked into Tai Chi two times a week starting this Saturday AM...fitting for national walk day..
  2. Greetings, I too am recently banded....two weeks ago..what I have noticed is if I don't sip (something I am learning to do) my liquids carefully I will burp..like most everyone else I feel better after I do that. What is strange is I always though I knew how to sip beverages but I guess not, so I am learning a new way to sip..which has helped with the burping. Good luck..
  3. Thank you so much for your kind words....I have found in a short time a real place of "family" and commitment on this site..we are all family and support for each other and when I feel like eating instead of "feeling" I come here..Thank you again..
  4. Greetings, I got banded two Friday's ago, and I still get gas...gasex has helped a lot...I found some of the liquids were giving me the gas. Soy products such as found in the protein shakes for instance. I believe all juice is OK as long as you water it down. I used V8 infusion and added water...I am now on to soups and have found that some of those will give me gas as well. Not sure about your incisions..mine didn't bother me much but I did use light oil after the second week when I showered..hopefully other will add their comments too...everyone on this site is really helpful.
  5. Hi group, I will start to use this thread this week and will do my best to log in daily...I waited until I felt well enough after surgery to do some walking..Monday was my first day, post surgery and I did my in home walking DVD for 25 minutes...felt sore the day after (it is amazing how fast you go down hill with just a week of no exercise), anyway, yesterday I did a 25 minute outdoor walk during lunch which involve gentle hills..my back started to ache and luckily for me one of my patients that day is a trainer..she gave me good core advice which will not require me to bend or do sit ups..yet....Before surgery I did Wii fit yoga every Am for 24 minutes, and aqua aerobics three times a week for 45 minutes..I look forward to regular exercise
  6. Hey how are you guys doing? I made a great split pea soup...yum and bought a couple of not bad boxed ones.....Looking forward to food.

  7. As a fellow newbie and still having soup..tonight I made my own split pea..I appreciate the new soup, and appreciate it even more with the "slimmed" down version which I will be trying this weekend...and I too used to hate soup..but it is my new best friend..Thanks!
  8. Week two as banded person starts...feeling better this week and soup really helps with the hunger..made my own split pea..yum!!

  9. Hi, I had my surgery on the 26th and today is the first day I have felt pretty good..all pain is gone except the port area which has other's have mentioned can give me pain in certain positions and still can't bend...I also notice that certain pants will irritate it..luckily I am usually in scrubs...
  10. Just read about it...glad everyone is ok..keep us posted.
  11. Well, It's Easter Sunday, year two after the death of my husband and childhood sweetheart..this year was a bit easier and I have accomplished so much today..The time of re-birth and re-newal is very personal this year. My first week as a banded person learning to live without food for comfort...I can't even believe I am saying that. I had to write it down today because I want to look back at this next year and remember that I did it! I was able to go to a family function without feeling so stressed that I had to stuff buffet food into my mouth. I planned it carefully all week, in fact I even thought about not going..but I am so glad I did because it showed me that I can do it, and do it well. I dressed with care, for the first time in 4 years..I planned what I was going to say if pressured to eat, I even knew to ask the waiter, so nice, for a bowl of soup right off the top, followed by coffee and some water and juice and I wasn't even tempted, not even by those beautiful looking desserts. I was able to do it and nobody gave me a hard time, in fact my son was there as back up for me..he is a great support for my daughter and I. She too is banded but stayed down at school and had her own victories. We can be proud. My biggest thrill of the day was when my own sister looked at me and didn't recognize me! It was great..I lost about 40 pounds since she last saw me two years ago, and as I said I took some time with my appearance for the day..it was wonderful, especially since she is five years younger...aaaah that felt so much better then a bloated belly full of buffet food...Thank-you OCC and all you supportive bandster's out there...
  12. Thanks for your post..newly banded myself and my daughter in January, part of the deal was to only go back to the OCC...I guess I am funny this way since I work in healthcare, and have patients returning all the time to fix work after they start something and then go somewhere else..I figure for me the cost is about the same even if I hate flying, but it is worth my peace of mind. I also appreciate the comment about having someone local for emergancys...we too don't have anyone local for 50 miles..and the costs involved there are outragious...just to get a foot in the door..my hope is that as this procedure becomes more in demand other Doctors will become trained..in the mean time its the OCC for me and fingers crossed I don't have an emergancy...but, my MD is aware and gave me the green light so I just keep moving forward. Thanks all for your comments ..it is a learning curve..
  13. Hi, I was there exactly a week ago and felt very safe..I too had concerns and when I emailed the OCC about them they send me some very interesting information. I can tell you that I felt safe there and was very well taken care of. The Dr's. and staff at the OCC are very concerned and caring. I did not see anything that gave me cause for concern. I enjoyed the hotel Lucerna and the staff there were wonderful too.
  14. Hang in there..I have to say without Advil during work I can def feel the pain. I took another bandster's suggestion and am wearing the stretchy tank top thing under tops..really helps..Lane Bryant sells them. The hunger starts to fade..it's always a feeling but not as bad..just different. Soup tonight than god..Hang in there..how many days since surgery for you?

  15. Hi, glad to hear from you! You got soup?? early..so that's why I have the runs hug...what kind of soup did he make??

  16. Congrats on ONederland! woohoo

  17. Hey, I was there last weekend...No to the mini fridges..they have a special OCC diet menu for you to choose from..No to otter pops but across the street is a mini store who may have something like it..I did find with just the menu and lot's of water. Lucerna has more TV channels then the Marriott (I stayed at both between my daughter and myself), no DVD, daughter brought laptop with her own DVD's I read books. I loved the Lucerna as compared to the Marriot..they take great care of you..
  18. Thanks for the post...I had my surgery Friday! After a hell of a day I'm glad I read your post about the tank top..I will be digging mine out tonight..the pain upon moving around the left side must be the port..You can tell I really thought surgery out well..Easter I will be staying home instead of doing the annual family brunch..I just made my first fill appointment for May 7, exactly 6 weeks..I am on board baby..thought I might try the walking tapes tonight but I think being back at work and on my feet was enough for today. So broth and bed for me.
  19. Hi Lindsay, It would be motivational to me...I have the whole binging issue too..but the thought of having a band has helped this a bit..I don't think I want to test it yet...of course its only been 5 days..I plan on going home tonight and doing Leslie's walking DVD.
  20. Thanks for posting...I am on day 5 of liguids..and aside from the growling stomach I don't feel the same type of hunger..I can hardly wait for soup..and my first day of food..all I know is that it will be good to chew..already planning my first fill too..I'm on board 100%!.
  21. Hi Sarah, Have your mom visit this forum and read the many posts. I was banded a few days ago and my daughter, who is 21 was banded in January. If she had come to me with a convincing argument and a dedicated stance I would have allowed it at 16. I am a clinical manager for a healthcare facility and I carefully researched Dr. Ortiz. and his facility. All I can say is it is the best by far of other facilities I have researched including those in the states. When my daughter was 16 the band was not an option (not out yet), so to this day she regrets the wasted years of unhappiness with her weight in her high school years. I have to say though she still did go out and become a cheerleader, soccer player, and played soccer in college. The important thing is to not take this lightly and know that it is a tool, and you will have to do your part. So even if you have trouble convincing her, don't let that stop you from making the most of your high school years. As a mother of an overweight daughter, I hope yours listens to your concerns and feeling and that together you make the right choice.
  22. EcMjawad1

    Post surgery

    Thanks for the thoughts...I know what you mean..here I am alone and feeling the pain..but I am actually getting stuff done rather then eating..don't feel like it anyway..if only the growling stomach would stop..so the third week huh...gotta start thinking of a planned week for that one.
  23. Better than Bouillon: Beef, Lobster, Chicken Keurig one Cup coffee machine: K-cups in variety teas, and coffee's Sugar free Popsicles Cuisinart Bread Machine - low carb bread setting and recipe Sans Sucre Mousse: Lemon, Chocolate, Cheesecake, Chocolate Mint Calorie King - tracking and membership site Netrition Web site: www.netrition
  24. Well, I did it...I made it through the surgery...the best experience ever. I have to say I have never had such great and caring service. And now the real work begins..my stomach is growling off and on but not as bad as it might be with the band. I can hardly wait to add protein. Now I have to really watch my emotions and learn new ways to deal with them. I have come a long way from when I first started paying attention to my emotions and eating. Now I can recognize when something is bothering me, I just have to find a new way to process the emotions other than eating. I'm going to give myself a day and then start my light walking. I sure hope the next 20 days go by fast.
  25. Well, I have actually done it...the first half of a new life...the rest will start when the plane wheels hit the ground and I use this blog to work through emotions insead of eatting through them..I have to say this was a 100% best expierence and all of you thinking about the surgcial part of it like I was can rest easy..
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