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Everything posted by EcMjawad1

  1. Thanks for posting this but wow...90 minutes a day...better find something I like!
  2. So, here I am two days...to surgery...and all these feelings are surfacing and I feel myself starting to be put in frenzy which at any other time would have sent me straight for food...one of the thoughts that came to me was "what am I going to do with all these feelings?" They were almost overwhelming, or so I felt..as I sat there and made myself take deep breaths I slowly was able to at least calm myself...I can see a future where I am going to have to do this a lot and also find a way to process those thoughts, feelings and emotions which I normally handled with the easy way of eating..So my first part of this blog will be to come here and write when I feel overwhelmed..do this first instead of eatting..that will be step one...so the emotions of today are worry, anxiety, and the fear of loosing a 30 year coping mechanism..and what will I do to deal with what I should have learned to deal with years ago...
  3. Hi all, I have been doing the Leslie Sansome 2 mile walk for two years which is how I lost the 45 pounds without the band 2 years ago I weighed 278 at my highest)..I have also added my Wii Yoga in 09, which has been firming some of that flabby skin from the lose...I want to loose another 20 or so in order to swim again--I was a high school and college swimmer...back in the day...The Leslie tapes are great..I have a couple on audio so I can do them at work when the weather doesn't allow for outdoor walking -- highly recommend them..in fact planning on using those once I am feeling like walking again..day of or after surgery this Friday...This is a great thread and I love the "tough love" kind of like a "touch coach" I used to have..
  4. Hi all, I would love to join this group, but my banding is this Friday, so my first goal will be to walk in whatever form it takes by next Tuesday..then I will hopefully be heading back into the water, whenever I can (any of you know how long after banding that takes?) Count me in since I live alone and would welcome the additional motivation from fellow bandster's...I will follow you until then, and I am exercising up until my B'date on Friday..Tonight is aqua aerobics! Michele
  5. Hi all, Well, reading your posts made me smile....I used to love exercise when I was younger and at a normal weight...not there now! But, my hope is that as I loose weight I will re-gain my joy of moving - like swimming, walking, being alive....for now I notice with 30-45 minutes 3 times a week (I force it) I do loose more weight then without it. I get banded in 4 days and I plan on walking ASAP, and just see how it goes..but yep, exercise it is!
  6. Well, I made it through the night and 5 days to B'day! I am starting to get nervous, and excited! I have been counting down and I cannot believe I am seeing the end of the road to a new one started!
  7. I'm going in 5 days!! When is your date?

  8. So where are you that surfing is a regular activity..my daughter is in Monterey CA, but doesn't want to learn but hey I just checked out a cool women's only surf camp in Mexico..I got time to talk her into it..we are more the scuba/snorkel kind, except with all this added fat..I float way more then I used too..not good for diving...

  9. Hey, how's it going for you? I'm 5 days until B'day and a bit nervous...but, I CAN do this!!!

  10. Thanks everyone for the support..5 days from now..wow what a concept.. a bit of a scary one..self care, self care, self care...

  11. Wow, interesting post's - I'm jealous and then not - to drink or not to drink? I love a good Mojito and who can tell me what an OCC Margarita is at the Lucerna..I guess I will just have to wait and see..I have had both experiences - drink and get brave - "hell yeah I can eat that and stop" just to fail...and then there are the times where one drink was enough and not much food..when I reflect upon it I think it has something to do with who your eating/drinking with..tonight I would have been at a party 5 days until banding and I know that wouldn't have been a good mix so here I am instead, not drinking or eating but learning from you guys instead..much better pay off!
  12. Hello!, The best thing you can do is read everyone's post's and blogs while making your decision. I have been for awhile. At first it was for my daughter, who at 21 and over 100 pounds overweight decided to do this on her own and then brought me in for advice..we considered many things for her, Gastric, Lapband, the country of Mexico for surgery - after a lot of research and reading a couple of books on LapBand, including Dr. Ortiz's we made our decision. My daughter was banded on January 8th, my only regret was that I didn't do it then too. But I was able to check it out and walk through the process as her support person and I know we made the right decision. Now in 5 days it will be my turn and my daughters first fill..I know for once I am doing something for myself that I am so thankful for. My daughter has continued to slowly loose weight without a fill and has a lot of energy, she has even started playing soccer again. She reports to me that her portion sizes are smaller even without a fill and just having the band has made her more aware of what she eats..I know this because I am always asking for my own information as I get closer to my B day. I believe I am making the right decision and I wish you luck on your journey..
  13. EcMjawad1

    5 days

    5 days...I am really doing it! Today was all liguid..well, broth with shredded cabbage just to prep me for the next 26 days of liguid...I can do this thing..just keep reading and writing and staying focused!!
  14. Thanks so much for keeping us updated..in 5 days I will be banded..and I am like - no food - only liquid -- mini panic..but my daughter did it and your doing it -- and I so badly want to reach the zone your in -- you know the I CAN do this thing..so keep us going -- and "GASSaas" writer you too hahaha..I really hope I don't go there..My daughter had gas for about a week she said..I wonder if we can take Gas X? keep writing to ok..
  15. When you do blog you do a fine good job of it..thank you...I will be reading it in the weeks to come as I prepare for surgery next week and the 21 days of no solid food after. Great planning on my part the weekend before Easter Sunday...sorry mom no Easter buffet for me..just got to figure out an excuse..I am not telling her about surgery--shes part of the problem...the whole diet/fat comments/your not good enough/ growing up thing...she would be a major saboteur!
  16. EcMjawad1

    3 days post-op

    Well, I will be reading your blogs too because next week is band surgery..and I am terrified of 21 days of liguid......can I just be put to sleep for 21 days then wake me up when I can eat again?? Hahaha. Well I will be reading your posts to keep me strong and motivated..so don't hold back.
  17. EcMjawad1

    7 days

    Well, blogging while finishing a Master's degree doesn't work so well, but in an effort to keep busy this last week I want to try and write all the things going through my mind. This last couple of weeks have been surprisingly hard - mentally - the thought that a person could fight themselves so much is pretty amazing - the whole power of the mind and all that. Luckily I figured these few weeks would be hard so I laid low and have tried to work on my mental readiness for my band. First there was a period of grief - yep, the whole "I won't be able to shove feelings down with food" period, followed by the "I have to give up my "fat" shield and let people see "me"," period - which was especially hard and scary not to mention I had to talk to the mental me to tell her it was very important that I do this for my health - 100 pounds is no joke. So the grief period was followed by the anger period you know the "Why do I have to give up my security measures?" and "how dare they (whose they? Me?)make me do this for my health" now really, how stupid does that sound. But today I woke up to the Resolved period - The "I know this won't be easy, but its my last chance at health," to "I will have more of the other two periods, but I need to learn new ways to handle them, without food," to the "I can and will do this for myself." Its time to take care of me and my needs -- new concept I have been working on since the death of my husband and my kids out of the house..Self Care...wow what a concept..and still learning just what that means, like how to say No so someone - or knowing when you really want to say NO...still working out that one, but by laying low this past week I said No to a few people, and it wasn't as hard as I thought. So really for me half the battle is won - the ability to admit I need help, that it won't be easy to let feelings surface, that its time to give up food as comfort. The other half of the battle will be for me to know and learn what it is I really need and how to practice self care..
  18. Thanks for posting this with one week to go, I am getting a bit anxious..and what do we want to do when anxious..you got it..eat!! Instead I took a shower and thought about all the things putting me on edge: They are..finishing my Master's and having to take stat in the middle of the surgery, having eye trouble, too much work, a kid getting ready to graduate college, oh yeah and surgery next week. I am glad to see there was a "ah ha" moment for you with the band..it gives me hope!
  19. Hi! I'm going in one week from Thursday! My daughter went in January...the Marriott took goood care of her, not sure about the Lucerna but since I'm not of vacation....

  20. I continue to read this thread with interest...my daughter was banded in January, and I am going in March...to this end let me add some comments. I have worked in the healthcare field for 30 years and have a advanced degree in healthcare, and am an administrator for a healthcare facility..so I had a lot of avenues to explore the lapband - in depth- in the US. The two times my daughter and I went to seminars in the US, were a total waste of time. The first one, after driving in stormy weather for hours, the Doctor never showed up and a large group of us were left outside with no idea what was going on and his staff did not answer the 24 hour phone number we had....a month later I get a call offering another venue and no applogies..red flag..forget it. Second time we went and got a lot of high pressure "selling" and even a price of $4500....again, red flag. Before I would put myself or my daughter under any procedure I would have to know what we were getting into..so I did a lot of research and reading, including Dr. O's book. Then feeling pretty confidant I let my daughter go first--she's younger and wanted it sooner and invested her own money for herself (BTW another reason I researched). I went with her. Hands down it was the best surgical experience I was ever a part of....the place was spotless, (and I look for that), the staff was great, and the Dr's. open and friendly and answered any questions I put to them before my daughter went under the "knife." I felt that if I did not like the answer's- I could say no at any time. We go in March for me and a fill for her..I felt that confident, and even though I could get a cheaper price in the US, no way...My daughter has the band you are referring to and even without a fill has had restriction...she was not over 300 pounds and has lost weight even without a fill. I have been reading your posts in another forum where I saw that you were offered a chance to have your questions answerd...so while you pose some really good one's like , how to tell if your band leaks---heck call and ask him so we can all see the answer...I feel your frustration, I would have it too, but as someone else mentions the band alone is not the only answer..I feel the Dr. Ortiz and his staff are pretty up front - much more than many of the Dr's. I have worked with, that Dr. Ortiz really cares about his patients, and knows his stuff...so while venting, at least give him the chance to answer your questions for all of us...But, I have to wonder how many US Dr's. would take the time to even bother...
  21. Wow, you had my mouth watering as I drink my Atkins shake.....I most likelyl would have cried!
  22. I am reading this thread with interest. My suggestion to you is to call and request the name of the type of band used on you so you know. My daughter was banded in January, and I am going down at the end of the month. The center gave everyone who had surgery the day of my daughter's surgery a card for their wallets, so not sure what happened with you. But, having read this thread I will be sure to mention everyone's concern and request NOT to have this brand of band placed. The book I read by Dr. O, did say that all bands were pretty much the same except the "hard" vs. "soft" so maybe the thing to do is call and express your concerns. Michele
  23. Hi Storm, Your post really hit home with me...your story sounded like mine every time I tried to eat proper or diet..My husband acted the same way yours is..until our daughter started gaining weight...then, somehow that was my fault too...I loved my husband (childhood sweetheart) but he passed away a year and a half ago..and I gained freedom to do what I will. Something that was taken from me without even knowing it my Free Will!..wow, what an eye opener that has been, gaining back my free will...so now I eat what I want, do what I want, talke to my kids and try to teach them NEVER to give up your free will to another no matter how much you love them...Stay strong...he won't starve..talk to your kids and let them know how important this is to YOU!! Show them all that you are a wife & mother but that you are also an individual who deserves that respect and free will...Don't give up...I will think of you and send you strength... Mcichele
  24. Glad to hear all went well..I am three weeks away from my turn..where did you guys go shopping? My daugher and I didn't venture out when we came down for her surgery..I'm a bit more daring and would love to check out somes shopping...

  25. As I am reading your blog, I am thinking wow this could be me..I too am 49, born in January, and have fought the good fight with weight for 20+ years. Have two kids son 19, daughter 22. And we were in Maui for the holidays and are thinking about you guys and our timeshare..haha hope it goes ok for you..


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