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Everything posted by EcMjawad1

  1. EcMjawad1

    Before banding

    From the album: The Journey

    Banded 6 months after this pic.
  2. EcMjawad1

    The Journey

    Photo's of me from the start..some go back pretty far..
  3. EcMjawad1


    From the album: The Journey

    50...great time for a new life..the second half..not sure where it will take me but I am going to be ready.
  4. EcMjawad1


    From the album: The Journey

    Well, my husband had passed away a year before this pic. I had already begun to work on the "Me Project" I was banded a year after this.
  5. From the album: The Journey

    Go back to school if that is a secret dream. It's never too late..I earned a good job from this..and a boost of self esteem!!
  6. EcMjawad1

    Halloween 2.

    From the album: The Journey

    Wow a Halloween pic. I decided that next year I'm going full costume..should fit a normal one then..the things we think of...
  7. From the album: The Journey

    Amazing when we are trying to hide..how few pictures we have..ever noticed?
  8. Hi all, Linda is not there anymore and Gloria is doing both jobs now. I called yesterday because after much thought I want to put off the surgery until spring break in order to get both a BL & TT instead of taking two vacations requests from work and because after reading Cavrona's experience I think this would be the best way for me to go too...that would be past my two year bandversary and a great way to celebrate..also a goal... MJ
  9. Thanks Dolittle, Food logs are a must! Do you have thoughts on how much protein we should get..I have seen various numbers but try to keep mine somewhere in the 72g. I also have a hereditary heart condition that requires a higher end of normal..just wondering what you might think as someone who seems very informed. MJ
  10. Hi guys, I have both of the books your talking about..My very latest and best so far is the "Bandwagon" wish I had read that earlier..really great info in that and some really helpful hints..thanks to this book I am on the downward trend again! WooHoo. Michele
  11. I just read somewhere else on this site that they did not get a response from her office..any hints or tips..I was hoping to touch bases with her once my daughter flys in for the holidays.. MJ
  12. Often..but I am making up for it now! Good luck and welcome to the start of a new phase in life!
  13. Good Luck, You picked a great place to get the surgery..in fact I'm going back soon..good luck we are all here for you.
  14. Well here it is Halloween weekend, the official opening of the holiday season. Year two post band for me. What is different for me from last year at this time? Well, I am 25 pounds lighter..which for me is a big yeah! I have learned copping strategies so I don't turn to food. I have cut out all added sugar for the last three months and it is easier the longer you do it..I even have some sugar free candy for tomorrow so I don't feel cheated. I have learned to eat in ounces, weighing my food. And I have just started a toning program in yoga so I can be ready for my surgery..this is brand new so I have to keep motivated here. I am learning to prepare ahead. And I have broken down by year into three month intervals to give myself attainable goals...for me all of this is a lot. Yesterday I spent the day going through my closet getting out my winter wear and some things are too big and others just right (where they were tight a year ago). Great motivator here! Better than eating. So onward holidays..I can do this..year two!!
  15. Thank you so much for your continued updates! I really look forward to reading them. I am scheduled for a breast lift/reduction in December and am a bit nervous. I have also been noticing hanging skin more now. This is the lowest weight I have been in over 22 years. So, I might discuss the TT while I am there in December in order to start saving. Even though I have great insurance, nothing is worth the cost of great care and a knowing staff. I love the OCC and would trust no one else at this point. I too am doing some toning just so I can see what I will have to work with later..keep us posted.
  16. Wow fog and Oakland, that's like an entire trip for me...Glad you made it.
  17. Thanks for the comments...I am so glad that I didn't go with the band in the US, although I most likely will finally go meet the Dr recommended close to home just in case. I have been doing better with this last fill...I tend not to fill too quick. I find each fill brought new lessons and it takes me awhile. The final hold out at this point is exercise! Just got to wrap my head around it and DO it....
  18. Congratulations and welcome to the new beginning...it's a journey but so worth it! Michele
  19. Surgery..soon..keep the motivation..

  20. Hi Karen, Thanks for the additional information. I am going to contact her as a back up plan for myself and my daughter... Michele
  21. WooHoo, It is paying off..getting back to basics, thanks to the book "The Bandwagon" and a slight fill, which has resulted in a 6 pound loss. Finally moving again. Now three weeks in, I am going to make a concerted effort to get some kind of exercise in..I think I am going to settle on the "Firm" I have a few of their strength training video's and I need to firm up before I go for my TL surgery in December, plus they are 30 minutes long. I am not good for long workouts. Of course this does not include the walking I have been doing. Three weeks without refined our added sugar or flour has also made a huge difference as I mentioned before. I am very hopeful..now just got to keep the mind in sync with the body.. Keep up the food in ounces!
  22. The last fill is helping me to head downwards..that and meals in ounces...yeah.

  23. Working through much work, time out for a meal in ounces...

  24. Working through much work, time out for a meal in ounces...

  25. Well, Set a tentative date for TL...nervous as heck..but excited too.

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