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Everything posted by EcMjawad1

  1. Hi all, I am so looking forward to this portion of my new life...I have about 20 pnds to go first...meanwhile the sagging and drooping is real motivating....any of you noticed issues with your necks? If so what did you do!
  2. Hi Erica, Today is my one year bandaversery...I too have been learning a lot...here are some eating things I have learned about my self: If I eat and I am upset about something, my band will tell me before I even know it myself by slamming shut and not allowing some foods down...I will then have to think "what is wrong with me" and usually I can reflect and figure it out. I started a new job 6 months ago and I am teaching adults and learning new topics myself..lunch time in the lunch room often doesn't work because of me being "uptight" (literally). If I am stressed or in a hurry...forget it..take 10 to relax before I even think about eating. Some foods will never again be on my list of eating, such as potato's, steak, and stringy veggies (as I go along and after each fill, I have narrowed this down) I cannot wait until I get home after class (9 PM) to eat...just doesn't work..food backs up Morning's it is protein shakes or nothing (I was never a early eater, and my band isn't either) GOT to do my water The band let's me know when it's "that time of the month" and I have to adjust my eating. Sitting down...taking at least 30-45 minutes to take care of myself by eating is the new way and a must!!! I look forward to my continued journey and learning more things about myself that the band is gifting me with.
  3. One year bandaversery,,,,40 pounds down...but more importantly learning a new way to live...and deal with emotions...I am very thankful...

    1. AshleyMarie


      Congrats!! How amazing do you feel?

  4. keep moving forward...another new phase and way to eat!

  5. I second this thought...and because I feel so confident will return to the center for my Tummy Tuck! and will look no further for a wonderful, trustworthy, center.
  6. Need to get more protein down..bought ProStat...

  7. second week of fill three.....the learning curve is still going strong..

  8. My third fill..back on track and feeling thankful!!

  9. Hello, I agree with Lisa. Do you keep track of your food with a tracker? I not only keep track but I keep track of how I am feeling..I to have band changes under stress, with too much salt, not enough water, and that time of the month. I too have had to swear off pizza. Also, this was my first Christmas as a banded person, what a difference from previous years. I learned quick what eating too much with the band felt like and after a couple episodes of being over full (your right I never really knew what that felt like) I now know I don't want to to that if at all possible..what a terrible feeling..The lessons alone have been worth the band..the slow life changes, the new habits, the reality that yes, I HAVE to exercise..these small but powerful gifts are so worth it! If your not start keeping track of the changes. It really helps.
  10. I'm with what the rest of the OCC family says..it does take time, and I too can get impatient, but when I look back almost a year to this point in my life, just the positive changes I have made makes a huge impact..just keep moving forward on step at a time there are other "gifts" from the band beside the loss...look for those, and hang in we are with you!

  11. Starting the New Year off right! My third fill..good luck to all my new friends from the OCC..boarder van!

  12. Start the New Year off right..third fill on Wednesday!

  13. Glad its over now onward!!

  14. Spent the day in the gym instead of nursing a hangover...a true sign of change...wow...

  15. EcMjawad1

    A New Year

    This past year has been something...a lot of new things happening...lot's of adjustments to my life...and the band has been there through each step..learning to live through things without turning to food and all that that entails has been a huge lesson in itself. I really need to think about that and how for the first time in 25 years I was not stuffing emotions down with food..this was a painful lesson, it meant that I had to sit through, feel, and deal with what was really going on..I have to say that each time I did this I got better at it and it got easier. Now on to the next steps for 2011..adding in activity to my life...this too is going to be difficult in many different ways but I just have to do it!
  16. New year...new outlook....new way of living!

  17. Thank you so much..going to check it out now!
  18. Hi again, So what is the name of the bodywear I am looking for? or do you have a link! Thanks again
  19. Well here I am during transition week. I am so thankful that my first holiday season as a banded person is almost over. Overall I have to say it went pretty well, the emotions were high but I managed them. It was so interesting just how much the holidays brought up topics. This was a very trying time but I am proud that I made it through without the overeating that usually goes along with it, the band did its job. Another thing I had to face was my aversion to exercise and the reality that I am going to have to work out in order to loose weight. So I have the week off and I have signed up for a trial period to see if I like 24 hour fitness gym..this would be ideal since it allows for my busy work schedule..so far I have gone two days and it seems like this may work for me. What doesn't work is dwelling on food, what works, what doesn't, what is good, what is bad, all these things don't work...I remember now why I originally got the band...so I don't have to dwell on it..so I can eat what I want..just less. The only thing I can't change is my reaction to sugar, this I can't change, so instead I will have to learn how to change this.
  20. I can't believe I am two sizes down and didn't even know it...I know have clots to take back..woohoo...

    1. AshleyMarie


      That's amazing! Congrats!!!!

  21. Hi guys, What did you order in one piece? It sounds like a winner..if you can give me the information I would be so greatful. I have ordered some spanx and a couple of new bras...
  22. day two of 24hr fitness...

  23. I made it through my first Christmas as a banded person...wow, what a difference...learned a lot..

  24. Hey thanks for the idea's...any ideas like for bra's...the whole sagging thing is my biggest issue...
  25. Hello out there, I would like some ideas and help with my new (but not unhappy) problem. What to do with the changing body as we loose weight and before plastic surgery? I could sure use some ideas on what to do with loose skin and shrinking but not firm breasts...Many of you have lost a lot of weight and I would love to know any and all secrets or products you used or can recommend as I continue to loose..I am not planning any surgery for probably another year..but I would like to show my emerging body off to the best of my ability..ideas anyone? Thank you.
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