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Everything posted by EcMjawad1

  1. I can start to buy cloths at regular size stores!!! woohoo...this could be dangerous..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EcMjawad1


      Yes, just discovered Norstrom Rack...hmmm :)

    3. damalove


      it IS dangerous, trust me !!! congrats regardless :)

    4. canuk98828


      outlet stores here you come :-)

  2. Hey I'm with you on the shopping thing..I am exciting I can buy cloths now that look good..but I am trying hard to hold off. Just today I had a mental talk with myself..hold off until next year for that.. you can wear it well then..fall is my favorite cloths season!! The shoes too..I want a pair of killer boot's with heels..next fall's goal..In the mean time I am starting to save for a TT, and BL (any ideas on what to wear under cloths until the "Girls" get fixed?) This has all been well worth everything...
  3. I too live in the Bay Area, and I only have one day off...So, I usually go early flight and come back the same day (evening). Make sure you plan this for the border wait. Sometimes in fast and sometimes 3 hours..I have had both. If you get in to San Diego early, just have lunch (good way to see how restriction is). And rest. I always have homework or a good book.
  4. Looked at my reflection in the mirror and didn't know who I was looking at! Great feeling.

  5. Need to get back on the me track...too much other stuff going on and bad habits creeping up!

  6. Great Job, I have printed and posted it where thou may seeist often! MJ
  7. Even though not really showing on scale...five patients have remarked on my weight loss this past week and a half...I will take it!!!

    1. petrafarmer


      That happens to me too. I see that I am smaller when I look in the mirror but the scale doesn't agree. Weird isn't it? While I have to admit that the numbers on the scale are important, I think the way I feel is more important.

    2. Lapband92410


      Are you measuring yourself? I wonder if it's inches and not pounds what you're loosing.

  8. EcMjawad1


    Consider this a new life and new learning...things will not change overnight without serious thought from you and commitment to change habits. I was an emotional eater for my entire life..the band is a tool..I have slowly noticed changes, both self imposed, and band imposed. Here are some ideas that have helped me: 1. Online food diary (my personal fav "Calorie King"). 2. Blogging, either on this site or in a personal diary-depending on what I want to share or not. 3. Learning things about myself and making changes. For instance; not eatting in a hurry and taking time to sit and eat, finding some time to exercise even if it's a 20 minute walk during lunch, self care which doesn't include eating, realizing that I am worth the time and effort, learning food--real food--what I like, need, or can tolerate. 4. Reading on emotional eating, two of my favorite books; "Food Rules" by Michael Pollan, and "Eating Mindfully" by Susan Albers. These two books are low key and get to the point. 5. Forgiving myself, breathing, and getting back in the saddle.. and finally, 6. Realizing that this is not going to happen overnight..but that I will not give up and I am in for the long haul, picking myself up when I stumble. For each of us this is a personal journey..you will need to follow your path and figure it out..but you are not alone..we are all here!
  9. Back to basic's....wow what a concept!!

  10. Yes, we must exercise too.....

    1. petrafarmer


      Oh no! Not the "e" word!

  11. Hi and Welcome! I live in the Bay Area, and have been working through all the life changes the band has brought...wonderful and also, at times, challenging. I work two jobs but would be happy to talk with you on this forum or via email. Good luck..this is a great family and support system!
  12. Start the low carb-protien...see !

  13. Note to self...NO PAD THAI...all the chewing the world didn't help that....

    1. canuk98828


      I wondered about that. Pad Thai was one of my favorites, but I have thought perhaps all Thai food not that easy anymore.

    2. Danana


      That just makes me sad! Pad-Tai is 1 of my favorite foods!

    3. lapRn


      just wondering how you know? Sorry im new to this.m 2 weeks post op.

      did it feel stuck? did it come back up?? I would really miss pad thai :(

  14. Great post...a whole new way of eating and chewing! I have also found "eating on the run" is no longer possible either! Along with eating when stressed, upset, or not focused..these things make the band tighten up or me..both make it hard to actually eat and have the food not stick..this has been a great new lesson over the months and I am learning new habits for the first time.
  15. New ways of eatting...without even realizing it!

  16. This is a great reminder for everybody newbies, to pro's. Thanks for the great information and the inspiring facts....a lot of it was very helpful and never understood!!
  17. The return of the beginnings of an "hour glass" shape..thanks to the "Iron Maiden"...hahaha! I'll take what I can get.

  18. Weight is no longer a "shield" live with it!!

  19. Thank you...I just hate my Wii when it tells me "ooo that's obese" anyway I'm going for a smaller waist size first!
  20. Any type of dry meat is a no no...Trader Joe's Mahi Mahi burgers are the latest failed attempt...of course the time of day and stress and make almost any food a no no. I have found smaller snack type portions the best bet..and appetizers as a main course the best when eating out!
  21. I was a normal weight until around 18, when I stopped my daily swimming routine, ate the same, and hit female development...then it just got worse..two pregnancies later, and 80 pounds heavier for the past 20 years..I didn't keep gaining though, and now I can't loose..my body fighting me every step of the way!!! I won't give up though..feel the best in 20 years..
  22. HOT DOG....Or should I say quiche! Thank you soooo much..wow..I can hardly wait. Today I just went out and bought a "frittata pan" from Williams Sonoma, one I have been eye ballin for awhile..much better than spending the $$ of the wrong kind of food....I will be eggin it up...of course with the egg issue here, only eggs from the local Farmer's market. Thanks Demalove.. Michele
  23. Hi Damalove, Thanks for your reply. Now that I am done with school I will be home weekends with the ability to cook more...I use some of the same types of foods you have mentioned. I would like more info about the crust-less quiche...that sounds like a great breakfast!! I have problems in the AM with breakfasts. I also like your ideas of having food ready for the week, especially since I work day and teach nights. I think this weekend I will give it a try.. Thank you!
  24. Swim day....shopping..w/daughter!

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