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Everything posted by EcMjawad1

  1. Hi guys, Question. First off how do you get in 90gr protein? I have tried and can't see to do it? I have been trying to follow the atkins..what is your plan? Are you loosing with it? As far as gaining..it could be the sugar...in the fruit...my husband was a diabetic and any fruit or juice would raise his sugar levels..weight was not an issue for him though...I would call the OCC and talk with them after a few days of careful journaling to see if they have any suggestions..
  2. Wow that pizza looks great! If you could eat two pieces I say fill time too. I would most likely get one piece down slow....but I too have been on a plateau but I think its my body fighting me every step..so I am not that worried..yet..I still get in 1200-1500, and I am the lowest weight I have been in 20 years, so I'm just enjoying that fact. I still have a hard time in the AM so I guess based on your photo I don't need a fill yet...Good luck and keep us updated.
  3. Still working on breakfast foods...why is this the hardest meal?

  4. So, If I understand you right you can eat some solid meals on some days...? and the band is tight in the AM?...You sound pretty much like me. I think alot of mine had to do with stress..I started a new job and found that if I tried to eat, no matter how slow or how many times, I would feel the food get stuck...so when I am alone and relaxed I can eat...sometimes foods I can eat one day fine...don't go down easy on another day..I consider it all part of the learning curve...I too retain water easy and notice if I drink more water in a few days the added pound or so goes away..currently I am on a holding pattern but am the lowest in 20 years.
  5. Hi Where is Cosmed? is this the same place everyone else is talking about for PS? I am beginning to think about saving for some "work" as a final goal for the new me..ideas and comments would be great! My 50th gift to myself!
  6. Hey thanks for the ideas...flax bread works for you? I will have to try it..tea instead of coffee? I will do that too..

  7. Well it's been one month since I started my new job in addition to my day job....teaching adults is great! I am just having trouble adjusting to the new schedule and finding the right times to eat, and the right food combo. I notice that with all the stress of the new job the band feels tighter. I often have had food get stuck, which never stuck before..I think my new life tool is helping..It slams me right back to reality....NO you can't shove food down your throat mindlessly, YES you do have to slow down and chew, and watch what you eat, and make the right food choices. All this has been more learning than I have done in 20 years. I have not been a this weight for 20 years, and even though I am not loosing right now (which I will not panic over, I am not gaining either), I am learning and adjusting to the weight loss at a speed that suits me physically and mentally...This weekend was the first time I have been able to catch my breath and again begin to focus on self care and my new life journey...I know I need to carve out exercise time for myself, and stretching, along with my swimming..this might be a challenge, but I do know the new times I will ask for when the next semester starts.
  8. Hey, I am still trying to figure the AM thing out four months post op..this is the hardest meal for me. Sometimes things go down OK than a week later they stick..so to play it safe I go with yogurt or rice/tapioca pudding I make myself in order to make it healthy. Also, cottage cheese with apple sauce seems to be a winner..
  9. Congradutlations.....It's not the destination, it's the journey....good luck as yours continues!
  10. Thank you for confirming what I already knew...you just cemented my resolve..I have never been treated as well in any medical procedure as I have been by the OCC and their staff....I will continue to go there for all my aftercare...Great sharing!
  11. Hi Debbie, I am four months out and at this point can't feel a thing unless I do something I know I shouldn't like eat too much. I agree with dermalove who can feel it at certain yoga positions. It wasn't until a month ago that I could do the bending at the waist thing..I do feel it with certain moves. Meanwhile the rest of the time I don't feel a thing...you don't feel it around your stomach but you can feel it (after three fills) about midway between your breasts if the food gets blocked there..as for the port..I never feel it, in fact I still am not sure where it is and am glad that the ICC uses floro to find it..We are all here for you..good luck!
  12. Thanks for the info...I have done the greek yogurt off and on but my stomach get's upset with too much dairy..I have found protein drinks at GNC, which or not dairy...and uflavored protein powder I can add to food..just found these two items over the weekend..
  13. Hi all, I did the Atkins version too...and I too am on a modified version..no bread, sugar, learn protein. Works well..good luck!
  14. Hi all, Creativity is key! The stomach growling was a whole new world for me..and I constantly told myself..I am not going to die from being being hungry, but I might from being overweight...now 4 months out the growling still occurs when I am hungry, but I am used to it..I never allowed myself to feel it before...the black bean soup was a life saver, so were the yogurts..and I hate to say later on you will still find yourself having your soups and yogurts...in the AM when the band is tightest, that's all I can tolerate..it is a learning curve..the whole process, and each step..keep coming here you will find great ideas and support..
  15. Hi and welcome, I haven't been on the forum in a couple of weeks because I started a new night job...which has thrown my eating routine way off. The band is a journey and life continues...we just have to figure out how to live together. I was banded in March this year and for the first time felt I could actually live a normal life and Do This! So far I have...but not without learning. I did the band for maybe a different reason than others. My take was that I was sick of a lifetime of dieting and I wanted to be able to eat normally but not compulsively or overeat..Since March this has been 90% of the time accomplished, when not the band let's me know..the last two weeks especially with the new job and the stress..old habits just don't work...So, having explained this, I do eat pizza from time to time, thin crust one piece and it's the best! I think I read somewhere that pizza done right can be pretty healthy. Amy's makes come great frozen ones. I am now at the lowest weight I have been in 20 years--I know this because my son is 20...and after having him I was the same weight I am now a month after delivery. Funny, I still remember someone saying something than about loosing weight. Anyway, I am now on a plauto..my take is because my body is adjusting and fighting it..As someone mentioned, I am celebrating the fact that weight is coming off..however slowly, new ways of eating are being discovered, and I feel better than I have in 20 years. If it takes another year or two to get her done, I am OK with that..I know it can be...Figure out your journey, each step is a learning curve..its different for each of us but yet we are here for each other!
  16. Hi all, I enjoyed this thread and it is very timely. I am pretty much at a plateau which I knew would hit. This is the lowest weight I have been for 20 years and my body just ain't given it up. I have added more exercise and was thinking of another fill..still might, I too can eat more than 1/2 c food at a time. But, then again the cloths sizes are going down, I do feel restriction, especially in the morning..just tried an egg white wrap --oh that's a No--than I have added the stress of a new job which has thrown off my routine and added major stress until I get it down..so I'm thinking this all has to do with the stall. So, I may give myself another month to settle in and see what happens. Good things: I am not overeating, not eating to the point of nausea, learning to deal with emotions or I get slammed by the band, still working on meal issues..meat is just not my thing but then I don't get enough protein need higher protein veggies...and I get tired..anyway this is changing my life, is slowly...thanks again for the input.
  17. Hi, I was banded in March and yes, I did have some of the same issues. Mainly I could not do the Yoga that required bending at the middle. I was able to do some poses but not my entire routine comfortably for about three months...it does get better and it is so worth it!
  18. Hi and thank you, For allowing us to be a part of your journey! I have been looking at photo's of Pammie and am waiting for yours. I am seriously thinking someday, once I see what I am left with..luckily I do live West Coast..where is he located? I am a bit of a surgery scardy, so keep on posting! I too am anxiously awaiting your photo's!
  19. Congratulations! and it is so good to hear from you. I too look forward to following you continued journey, as I looked at my stomach today which is beginning to show signs of sagging and not firming no mater the number of sit-ups! I am pretty scared of the thought of surgery later for this but if I have to in order to complete my journey then I will - I think, following you will help me decide. It sounds like from you and others on this site that this doctor is wonderful. I await more of you journey. Thank-you
  20. Hi Lisa, Thanks for your continued story..it brings both a smile/shudder to my face. I wonder what I would do in your spot...hmm, it's weird how even after loosing weight the "fat mentality" is still ingrained in all of us. It is another testament to how our society is conditioned. Good luck, and keep us posted..where did you find sexy panties at 300 pnds? When I was 268 I could never find them...Just now able to buy them, but for me its wonderful how things like that makes you feel so much better about yourself. Much better than food!
  21. Hi Lisa and all, Lisa thanks for this latest post...it gives another side to a very personal journey, issue, emotional spot, you name it. I am still a baby on my new journey so this is another thought to a life long issue..and a problem that most likely won't come up for me for awhile, but great information to store....thanks again.
  22. Hi Paul, So, welcome to the journey, the life as a banded person. This is a great place for you to come for support and ideas. So, here is my story. I had my WLS a month after my daughter and it has been the best thing I every did for myself...self care...me first...all new concepts for me, along with learning what that means for myself. Slow baby steps, each step a journey, each fill a journey. I am a very personal person and so I have not told anyone about my WLS other than my daughter who shares the journey and those on this forum, my WLS family. I did not want to have to go into details, explain my eating, feel like I am being watched, deal with saboteurs, you name it..so far this has been the best way to go for me and I am able to do this journey the way I want. I also live alone and eat out a lot...I am able to do this by ordering small meals, like salads, or appetizers as my main meal..I don't miss the bread and I even have a glass of wine. Tracking my food allows me to do this and maintain my weight loss. My weak area is exercise, which I have begun to work on! Good luck, we are here for you...
  23. Wow, all sounds real yummy, can you make these items? I am thinking low fat versions, or, eat just enough to feel full and track yourself. One of the reasons I got banded was so that I could give up my life time mentality of dieting..meaning learning to eat like a normal person, which includes eating foods I like within reason...
  24. Welcome to the world of learning...in fact, I have a list of foods that "work" or don't, which I am constantly adding to. So as above here are mine: 1. No white anything, especially doughy bread...think ball of dough in a funnel. 2. Rice, one or two tablespoons 3. Steak, yeah right...unless you chew it to the consistency of baby food Its a learning curve, welcome to the world of new eating behavior and food patterns...
  25. Hi Sherri, Hope you finding your way. I too do not like meat and have found tofu, eggs, cheese, beans, fish, and if I have to chicken. I have really worked hard at bringing up my protein because it does help with the hunger. I used to crave warm yummy bread but have found lower carb versions which work out ok. Once you wean yourself off all the "dough" you will find it easier. However, if I find I just have to have bread I have a small amount..more makes the band/stomach unhappy as you may find when you get another fill...Keep in touch.
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