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Everything posted by EcMjawad1

  1. Hi, I have had two fills and both times went in early and went home the same day. I did just what you suggested and hung out...eating a small meal to see if all was "well" so far this has worked for both myself and my daughter.
  2. Hi Gina, I am a dental clinician and I went back to work in three days..in hindsight I would have given myself a week. I let HR know that I was having surgery (didn't give details) and would need light duty for a couple of weeks..the advance warning worked. I was on my feet and that was not a problem the bending was a bit uncomfortable and I did not lift anything heavy for a month..Good luck!
  3. Hi Janice, Great post..thank-you! I like the helpful reminders..as we continue the never ending journey to better health and life.
  4. Hi, ditto on the gas comments...but the med's I can understand. I have to take heart meds (have for 25 years), and they are big horse pills..I have bought a pill splitter and use it, but only needed to after my second fill. The capsules I initially opened and added to water or juice, and I take liquid/powder vitamins mixed in water..funny I didn't even think about the pills until after the fact. I could also ask my MD for smaller pills and take double but for now I am OK..
  5. Hi, I started by walking the next day after being banded...and I took it slow adding more mileage slowly, one day I did overdue and felt it the next so I rested. I agree with the comment about not pushing yourself. I was banded the last week of March and I felt anything I did Ab-wise for weeks, Finally the beginning of June I could do my Yoga without any pain or pulling, however I have just now regained my Ab muscles, barely--long way to go, but it's a journey..for life...no need to rush.
  6. Congratulations and welcome to life as a bandster...now for the real journey and we are all on it together! Yep, the OCC is wonderful and makes it even more encouraging and positive.
  7. Wow, great job!!! What an inspiration for the rest of us! You look wonderful...keep us updated on your PS, I will be thinking about it myself as I keep going..good luck and I will be thinking of you.
  8. Hello, As many bansters have stated on one thread or another, restriction after surgery isn't often felt except for when healing around the band due to the swelling. I found this to be true. I also didn't feel much after my first fill. Three weeks ago I had my second fill and can feel some restriction, and I am definitely eating less, still not 1/3. The rules are really important to follow. I notice I feel fuller when I eat my protein first, and the whole liquid thing needs to be followed as well. The key is you still have to make good healthy food choices and exercise. What I have noticed is that I can "live" with a growling stomach, when before it was pretty uncomfortable. Now I look at the distant rumbles and the band doing its job and me doing mine..good luck, its a learning curve.
  9. Hi, It will be interesting to see the responses you get. You like your Rock Star, I like my Monster..(low carb)..I miss it, but found the coffee Monster except it's not low-carb, so I only allow myself a sip...otherwise it may be we are out of luck..
  10. Hi, And thanks for posting and welcome back..as a newly banded person I appreciate your post and I am still learning how to deal with my band. The whole drinking/eating is my most difficult area since I am thirsty when I eat, but was told to use some ice..so far that's OK, I also forget sometimes and then stop. I worry about the very things your talking about and have resolved to work harder. I have added in exercise the past two weeks and am slowly loosing..I am glad your back, I know how life can throw curves your way..its hard not to fall into old habits and the comfort of what you know..food...everyday is a learning experience for me and my emotional eating..I am still a baby in this area but committed to the journey. I look forward to learning from you. Thank you.
  11. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my childhood sweetheart of 36 years two years ago July 3rd. It's slow going I miss him so much, but am learning to continue..sending you prayers for strength..

  12. More uneducated and unsubstantiated BS. Mexico, like any other country in the world has its good and its bad healthcare issues..as a healthcare clinical manager, familiar with all OSHA and HIPPA laws, the OCC far exceeds them and doesn't have to. Interestingly my boss just got back from a trip to Asia and some other countries and his comments were along the lines of "the US is being left behind in global growth" this from a doctor...so as usual a grain of salt.
  13. Hi, I had my second fill about two weeks ago. First off I think I was a bit swollen due to the fill and took it easy the first couple of days..soft food. Then I got brave so here is what I have learned in two weeks: NO Wheat or any other bread fibrous veggies, AKA asparagus fibrous fruit, pineapple Rice Beef flour tortilla YES Chicken - brown meat, white too dry Fish- any OK Pasta, with a lot of chewing Apple sauce Cottage cheese Fruit - canned or bottled (easier to chew/digest then fresh) Almond bread or pancakes (made with almond flour) Polenta - soft Corn tortilla Salad made from baby lettuce, baby spinach, etc. Nuts - chewed well yogurts So, as the weeks progress I am still learning and making notes..I had one episode of "slimming" with beef, and another with the PBing I have tried to avoid so much with the wheat bread. So now I eat very carefully and keep notes! My suggestion, is to go slower, chew slower and more, give your band a couple of days rest with soft foods.
  14. Hi, Good luck! We are all here for ya.
  15. Hello, Well I guess it depends on what you plan on doing while in TJ. Some of us on the forum went shopping. Others, like myself stayed in the hotel. The OCC special "food" post op at the hotel is part of you package. So you can plan accordingly. I brought along some extra cash just in case but did not use too much of it since I didn't feel much like shopping.
  16. Hi!, Thanks for the post...I live up in the Bay Area but decided early on that I would go to OCC for fills unless I found an MD who does floro. I appreciate your comments and story because sometimes if the rules aren't followed (like protein first), it's a waste of time and money. I totally agree with what you are doing now and after my second fill two weeks ago, notice that if I follow the rules I am pretty full and satisfied. Now I am just figuring out an approximate calorie level so I don't throw my body into starvation mode?? Hmmm. The protein first makes a very big difference for me and once I got that figured out I do pretty well...like all new habits, sometimes I forget, and then I get hungry faster. I am not a big meat fan and would like to do more alternative proteins...what do you do? Thanks again.
  17. Hi all, Is there a recommended calorie target range? I know that too little with throw your body into starvation mode, and how much is too much? I am just wondering...
  18. So hey, When do you feel the liquid thing? Early in the AM? with cold drinks? At my last fill I felt this in the office and we talked about the AM and cold liquid tightening up the band....so almost a week to the day I have the same feelings you describe but only in the AM or with ice/cold drinks, and it just seems to take a bit longer to get through the "funnel" other than that I am fine....so I'm thinking its ok..for myself.
  19. Hi all, Well part of my job is to do Zoom whitening...so my comments: If your teeth tend to be sensitive already, this procedure can make them more so..let the Dentist know before they start..you can also start using Sensodyne before the procedure this to will help. Otherwise most people take to the procedure with good results, they are not permanent. I myself go the tray route, but if you get a good deal in TJ go for it..
  20. Hi Everyone, Love the latest race! your dog is super cute. Thanks all for the Epsom Salt tip..is there a brand name? I don't have a Walmart near me but I do have have a Target?? I like the leg soak idea, and the potassium is one I figured out on my own after two nights of leg cramps..love your comments about the running--not sure if I will ever do that with my age and heart issues -- but race walking and swimming are some goals. Keep up the great tips and pictures it gives me hope and motivation...
  21. Hi, Learning to be able to live with the band at parties has been one of my best successes. I have had about 4 graduations, two holidays, and two showers since March. I have gone to each of these with the mind set that I will only eat what I really like and only enough to satisfy me. With this in mind I managed to forgo my usual mindless eating and successfully managed not to overeat..one of the many new gifts from my band. Now I just had my second fill on Monday and have entered a whole new level of ristriction...this week has been a bit interesting because some food is no longer compatible with my band and new level of restriction. Whole wheat bread being one of them. I have been researching WLS surgery with some new books and other sites because I too was having problems my last fill with energy levels. What I learned is I needed vitamins, which I have now added, and my protein level was not at the recommended level for me, another energy sapping problem. Also, the water thing is huge..both my MD and Cardio Doc have been on me to drink more water..which I have also added. Since this time, about a month, I feel a whole lot better. I have also added walking two miles three times a week to work, and my water aerobics two times a week, along with my morning Yoga stretch. I did not add the exercise until my flagging energy was back on track..it seems like so much to remember everyday but so worth it in the end..Good Luck!
  22. Hey, Hold on... Ok, so I have a third view...First off, YOU come first, always!!!..its called self care and love...it took me a long time to figure it out...a bit about me..I am 49 and lost my husband two years ago..childhood sweetheart, I loved him, stayed through sickness and in health, and lost myself along the way. Now I was opposite. I was bulimic throughout his 10 years of illness and all the stress, anger, emotions that his illness and raising two kids caused. A Dr. told me at counseling that I was not a "true" bulimic just angry and that binge/purge was my way to handel it. Well counseling was out I found my way..my way. Now my husbands death was awful, left me alone, I miss him often, loved him to the end, but in another way was the best thing to happen FOR me--the real me--of course, I am not sure what that looks like right now, but until I do there is no room for anyone else...Now is your chance..love yourself, address your health, think on the whole vomiting issue, and know that since I have been banded I have not purged/vomited or been even close to the cycle a wonderful gift on its own. Of course it's made life hard in that I have to look to myself, feel emotions, and deal with life..but so much better. Some say the act of vomiting is a way to expel anger you may not even know you carry. For me this was true..I agree with the finding ways to address emotions..there are a lot of good books out there and I have worked my way through a lot of them. Any guy who cannot be there for you emotionally, and love and communicate with you is not for you..or me. Make sure the next one loves you for you...band, emotions, health and all..its called self care and self love... Hang in there your strong...you have to be to have already accomplished so much.
  23. Hi! I am glad I cam across your story..I am starting out much like you did..I hope to be as successful as you were..thanks for the inspiration.

  24. Journey keeps going..made it past graduation, the whole no need for food thing was a good but pleasant surprice..good luck on your continued success and congrats on your son!
  25. Whew, Just made it home from the OCC, where I received my second fill and almost missed my plane! But here I am home and now thinking about the next level this brings to me and the many new methods of eating, coping, and learning I will have to work on. I felt restriction right away, which put me right back in the mind set I was falling out of. I had started to get too comfortable with minimal restriction and while I still was not eating as much as I used to, I could eat more than I should. So Bammo! my second fill, and true restriction, and I'm back in the saddle as scary as that is..so my first meal at home went ok, I can really feel the food and now know what restriction feels like..different than I thought but do-able. I will now have to start major work on my mind set, mindless eatting, and emotional reasons that I eat..the journey continues.
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