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Everything posted by Buffalot

  1. Hi PadresGrrl, I'm thinking about doing WW also and wonder how the point system will work for us as I suspect the amount of food we will physically be able to eat will be much less than the daily points we're allowed. What are your thoughts? Thank you!
  2. Same here - no memory of being told not to have caffeine...so I still do have a couple of cups a day. At my first fill I asked about carbonated beverages - particularly a "beer" on a hot summer day and was told if I put it in a glass and stir it around to eliminate as many bubbles as possible that it would be okay. I've not had many beers and am still very cautious - I sip in small amounts and slowly. But all is well. Hope this helps!
  3. Congratulations on a job well done! Wonderful to hear your story! You must be on top of the world knowing that you are no longer diabetic and that your blood pressure has come right down. FABULOUS!
  4. Lisal said it so perfectly. I just want to say, good for you for getting in control so quickly. That's not always an easy thing to do (who among us doesn't know that) and I recognize and appreciate how much it means to me that you have shared your experience. Everyone's experiences whether they be good or bad are so valuable as we continue along this new path. My route is slow and has hit a few bumps in the road, and it helps to know that I'm not the "odd man out", and instead gives me more drive to keep it going forward. Think I'll hit the exercise bike right now :-) Thanks for sharing and you're doing great!
  5. Hi, I do exactly the same thing to ease my back and am paranoid that I'm going to pull the port out of its spot or cause some other sort of damage. I need to stretch but am being super careful now after feeling quite a bit of discomfort in the port area. The exercises that give the most relief definitely pull on my port, so I dare not do them. Fingers crossed that I've not caused any damage. Would love to know if anyone has run into problems?
  6. I think this is one of those times when we're all different. I'm able to easily eat all of the foods you mention on the list. My favourite snack at the moment is celery stick with thinly sliced ceddar cheese. I use my potato peeler to slice the cheese paper-thin. On the other hand - bread is fast becoming my enemy. Ouch!
  7. I was almost 59 when I had my lapband done in October 2010. I don't recover quickly from medical procedures and was off work for 2 weeks. I wasn't in any discomfort necessarily but just felt kind of "off". Now that I'm down 45 pounds, those 2 weeks are a distant memory. Seriously, you're not too old to have this done and once the weight starts to come off, you're physical and mental well being will combine to make you feel younger than your 55 years.
  8. Hi Erin, Yes they are. I'm booked for my first fill on Feb 19th.
  9. Sorry, can't help you with your fill question as I haven't had my first fill yet. I'm on the west coast and will likely go back to the OCC but am looking for someone in BC or Alberta to do a fill under fluro and wondered if your Calgary doc used fluro? Thanks for your help!
  10. Thank you for the fabulous suggestions. I've never heard of Allegiant before but looked them up; a return to San Diego for two people is less than $300 including taxes. Amazing!!! Don't know where Mariesville is in WA, but will do some research. Do you recall the doctor's name in Mariesville? I have heard about Arseneau, but I know I really want the fill done with fluoro so will continue to puruse that route. Sure sorry to hear about your fill problems and hope the OCC fill is doing well for you. When you cross the border, returning to San Diego, can the taxi drop you at the immigration building or do you have to join the long line of people walking across. We were in the OCC van going back to SD and I was completely blown away by the numbers of people in the line up and the length of it. It was seriously miles and miles long. Thanks again for all your very helpful advice. Greatly appreciated!
  11. Hi Louise, I can't help you will a fill doctor in Ohio, but was wondering if you know of one in Vancouver who uses fluoro? Thanks for your help; all the best with grad school.
  12. Hi, just wondering if you still have that pain under your left rib cage? I've also had that pain as well as pain at the top of my shoulder. This was at about the 6 week post lapband surgery mark. It lasted for several weeks before suddenly leaving. Thought I would have it forever and was very depressed. Hope your pain is also gone.

  13. You've done really well! Did you have your fill done by fluroscope in Calgary?

  14. Congratulations on your weight loss! Did you go back to the OCC for fills or have them done in Calgary? I'm in BC and planning a trip down to TJ sometime this month for my first fill.

  15. Hi, My surgery was Oct 12th. Just me and a man having surgery that day; didn't get to talk to him though. I haven't had a fill yet and am planning to head back down to the OCC in January. I've lost 34 pounds but that's comprised of 19 before the surgery and the rest during the 21 days after surgery. I haven't lost an ounce since going back on food. Keep gaining and losing the same 3 pounds! Struggling with pain in my left shoulder and under the rib cage and discomfort in the middle of my chest. Feels a lot like the post op gas experience...horrible. Looked it up on the web and I guess it's not uncommon and has something to do with an irritation of the esophogus; hurts like heck and takes the fun out of having a lapband! I'm sure you will do really well with your fill. Did you go back to the OCC?
  16. Hi! I just read a post from 2009 about your shoulder pain and wondered how long it lasted. I was banded Oct 12th, 2010 and am experiencing the same pain you described in your post. Does it get better? Thanks!

  17. Part of the CBC will be to check your glucose readings. Especially important if you're diabetic. Then based on the results, you may or may not receive an insulin injection. I thought the pre-op was very good. Hope this helps!
  18. Hi, I was there about 2 weeks ago and really thought the hotel was great. Staff and accommodation were excellent. There is a LOT of road construction outside the hotel at the moment and it's very noisy. Ask for a 'golf view' room as that will put you on the opposite side of the hotel away from the noise. It's apparently a slightly higher cost on that side, but the hotel were fine with booking me there instead, at no extra cost to the OCC. Good luck with your decision making.
  19. Good luck and "here's to a skinny liver"! You'll do fine! All the best.
  20. That was also my experience. You get two little tablets to relax you a while before you go into the OR. I was so doppy, I remember walking into the OR but that's it....total darkness after that. Was still sleeping it off when Dr. Ortiz came to speak to my husband. BUMMER! Didn't get to meet him! It really is all so vague, you'll find yourself asking your companion to tell you over and over again what happened.
  21. Thanks for the good advice. I'm so nervous already, I can't imagine waiting for my turn! How is the atmosphere with everyone waiting?

  22. Can we talk? I have chosen not to tell anyone outside my family and my boss that I'm having lapband surgery. The only reason I told my boss was so that I could have the time away as sick leave and was pleasantly surprized at her supportive response and promise that she would keep it confidential. I have especially chosen not to tell my co-workers (none of whom have a weight problem)as I work in a gossip mill..the likes of which you wouldn't believe. I know they will talk about me when the weight starts coming off and I can handle that but I don't want to discuss the ins and outs of lapband surgery or my reason for going this route; it's such a personal decision for me and while I'm very open by nature, this is something I want to be private. This was especially brought to light recently - I think the day after I booked my surgery date - when the topic of bariatric surgery was the hot discussion of the day. Hearing their distastful opinions about the procedures and the people who have the surgery left me utterly shocked and bewildered that the people I have known for so long would have such negative opinions. Then today, my boss called me into her office and asked me to close the door. My pulse quickened and I knew she was going to discuss the surgery and my leave request. My mind was racing, "Why hadn't I made the decision earlier in the year and had the procedure done this past summer when I was on vacation? No one would have needed to know." Well, apparently I have put her in an awkward position. When she is asked why I'm out of the office, she doesn't feel she can support me by saying that I'm on a mini vacation with friends - which is what I have told my co-workers. (And is true; I'm meeting friends in California for a few days before I go to TJ for the surgery). No, wait for it...she says she will say that I am away on sick leave having a medical procedure!!!! AND, she has instructed me - in no uncertain terms - to tell the 2 people who will be partially covering my job (one of whom is physically incapable of keeping anything to herself) that I'm having a 'medical procedure'. Her reason for feeling she is in an awkward position? She doesn't want my co-workers wondering how I come to have enough vacation time to be away. Well, I've never said to anyone at work that I'm taking vacation leave, or even implied it, I've just said that I'm taking some time from work. I had to fight back the tears when she told me this. She's a very determined, single minded woman who gets what she wants and there was no way she would reconsider; she had made up her mind. I just don't want to tell people anything more than I've already said. I'm very anxious and feeling more stressed about the surgery and my life after the band than I expected and am in tears over this work situation. What do I do?
  23. Anyone else being banded on Oct 13th? :-)

    1. SusieO


      Hope the surgery went well for you. Good luck

  24. Just saw your post and want to wish you well for tomorrow. Will be thinking about you! (I get my band in about 2 1/2 weeks)

  25. Finished thinking and have booked for October 13th! A bit nervous already but focussing on losing my pre-op weight

    1. tagyourit


      YAY!!!! I am getting banded on the 22nd!

    2. Buffalot


      Congratulations! We'll be meeting the new year in good form!

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