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About Sherri

  • Birthday 10/04/1963

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    Memphis TN
  • Interests
    My kids, gardening, reading, cooking

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  1. Lindsay, Thank you so much for your post. My weight today was 185 and I am 5-6. I am able to eat protein still but if I drink cold drinks fast that gives me more problems. Especially if I am not relaxing when I drink , like when I am working out hard. I am a bit tired and I think I do need more fats .. I will get the flax seed oil and maybe try to add some avocados. I think you are right about needing more calories on the days I work out.. My cardio monitor says I burn about 500 calories from my work out. I am working out with a trainer twice a week at the gym 1/2 hour weights and 1/2 hour cardio. I also do cardio on the third day myself. Today I am going to start a beginning running class that will end in a 5K in September. They meet once a week and then give us a plan for two more days to run a week at home. It looks like today we will walk for five minutes and and run for one minute during the group. Hope my knees hold out. I have the 12 cc Johnson and Johnson band from the OCC and it has about 10cc's. I don't think they use this band in the USA. My doctor here was not used to adding so much fluid. I had to assure him the OCC said it was OK. I am not too fond of eating protein. I do like the Greek Yogurt , string cheese, and cottage cheese. The chicken and fish are getting old. I am not too creative on ways to prepare them. Do you have any suggestions on other proteins? Thanks again for the info..
  2. Lindsay, Thanks so much for the reply. Yikes........ I had no idea about the one ounce of protein per body weight. My doctor who did my fill said if I could eat 3 oz of protein each meal that was enough. He even said I did not have to eat anything except for protein , water and vitamins until I reach 75 percent of my weight loss. Also that it should be about 600 -800 calories a day. My trainer who is a dietitian is having a fit when I tell her about only eating protein. Today I was able to have a protein shake for breakfast , 3 oz chicken for lunch and 3 oz fish for dinner. I was able to drink today without having any problems at work. I still am debating driving four hours tomorrow for an unfill. I wonder if I can increase the protein like you said and not have any problems. What is your typical diet that you eat each day? You look wonderful... Thanks so much for the reply
  3. I had a fill using floro last Friday in Nashville. I was only able to eat 2 oz of chicken yesterday and 3 oz today at lunch today. It took me about 25 minutes to eat it. Before that I was only able to tolerate protein shakes, yougurt and cottage cheese in very small amounts. I am wondering if I should go back for an unfill on Friday or not. I have lost about 8 pounds since Friday and I would really like to be able to keep my current fill if I can. I also have trouble with liquids if I don't sit down and relax when I am drinking. Today at the gym I tried to drink water when I was on the treadmill and I about threw up. I was ok when I got off and drank it slow and waited for it to go down. Does anyone else have this happen? I have a history with my fills being too tight even using with Floro. When they take out fluid then I am too loose and can eat about anything. Any suggestions? ps I am cooking fish tonight so I will see if that will go down or not.
  4. I just had a fill yesterday . Now I have 9.8cc's in my band. I hope I will feel some restriction now. Just wondering if anyone else has a large amount in their band. Does anyone know how much fluid total can be added? The doctor who did my fill said after 9cc's there is a higher chance of adhesions. Kind of worried about that . Thanks so much,
  5. Kim, Thanks so much for the reply. I am going to go out today and buy one of those pedometers to count my steps.
  6. How many calories does everyone eat per day? I was told by the Surgeon that is doing my fills that 500-800 calories is the average for the people who are loosing about 2 pounds per week with the Lap Band. Do those of you who are losing weight find this to be about right? He said people who are Morbidly obese need to eat less calories per day to loose weight. He also said as long as I take my vitamins and make sure I am getting my protein, veggies, and water then that is all I should need... I guess you must have to have a band that is pretty tight to feel full after that few calories...? I get my next fill the end of the month and I hope and pray for some more restriction at that time.
  7. Lindsay, I need to do a food journal... Thanks so much for the idea. Sherri
  8. Thanks so much Lisa.... I need to watch my intake more... I really do since I have no restriction now. I tried Yoga for the first time last week and I enjoyed it.. I will keep in mind that this is long term. I just wished I was one who lost weight at a faster pace. Thanks again, Sherri
  9. Lindsay, You are so skinny now... Does your port stick out of your stomach where you can see it now?
  10. Thanks so much Roxanne for the support. I am so happy to see the pictures and read stories about the Lap Band really working . I made a mistake being honest about having Lap Band surgery with my friends, family and coworkers at the hospital where I work. Everyone thought I was CRAZY for going to Mexico for surgery. I think they still do,especially after all the issues I have had. I constantly feel pressure that I need to be loosing weight so I can show everyone that I did not just throw my money away... Kind of feel like a Lap Band failure at this point. But I am not giving up.... I hope and pray my next fill will give me some restriction and not be too tight. As I have found out the hard way, it is hard to determine exactly how much fluid needs to be put in your band at the time of your fill. It also was very expensive to find a US Wt Loss Surgeon who would accept me as a patient to unfill me after my overfill at the Fill Center. I will never have a fill again without Floro so that is also an added expense. My friend and I had our surgery done at the OCC at the same time. She lives in Portland has not been losing weight either. We both had our first two fills at the OCC together. She finally found a doctor in Portland who will see her for $2,100 for a one year period. This includes 6 fills without Floro. At least the Plication has no aftercare cost and may be a plus for those who do not have many options that are near them for fills.
  11. You look great.. How much have you lost?
  12. Trying to keep a positive attitude about not losing weight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EcMjawad1


      Yep, me too...at least after 20 years its going down and not up..small gifts...baby steps..

    3. Sherri


      As long as it is going down and not up....

    4. lvmartin


      It will start coming off I usually stop loosing weight every 20 pounds!!! :)

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