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Everything posted by taniad

  1. Thanks so much. Wasn't sure what Zumba really was so I went to You Tube and found a video that has got me started. Thanks, love the controlled hip circles. What fun! Hope you can click on this or copy and paste. http://www.mixx.com/videos/946370/youtube_zumba_zumba_calabria_remix_techno_instructional_live_class
  2. I am wondering if I am on your path. I have never had restriction in the year I have been banded. So of course I have eaten larger amounts than what is required to have weight loss. I started off great the first 6 months, on my own being diciplined despite my lack of restsriction. I kept hoping the next fill would do it. But it hasn't happened and I could eat a whole NY steak now, no problem. I wonder how many people have this same problem statistically. I knew this was a gamble because I have been fat all my life. I was just hoping this would be the thing that would assist my struggle to get it all under control. Currently I am drinking liquid protein drinks and no solids to help me get back to a controlled diet and dicipline. I plan to go back to OCC for a flouroscope and see where I am at. Trying to stay positive. There are so many succesful stories here, you keep me motivated.
  3. Hello, I am so inspired by all of you sexy mamas out there losing weight with your bands. I am stalled. Does anyone know of any online classes with fun music to Jazz or dance to? I can definitely find a half hour here and there but haven't the time to travel and an hour class. I have been searching and can't find one. Jazzercise doesn't have their classes online, guess that would take away from the instructors ability to make money. Thanks, appreciate your input!
  4. Hello Valley Girl, very funny thinking about you typing away under chemical sedation! You were quite coherent! Hope this all works out for you. My question is, did you have to pay for the fix or was it a no charge fix covered by the initial surgery? Good luck to you!
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