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Everything posted by lovesMaui

  1. Lisa, This is so very helpful! Thank you so much! All of this info is exactly what I needed. I'm so glad you responded. By the way, I've been meaning to tell you how amazing you look. You are such an inspiration to me. It feels impossible to me to one day be transformed into how you look, but it is my goal. You really look fantastic!
  2. I've had this and it's not fun. Pretty gross. Best wishes Erica!
  3. Congratulations Cindy!! Please post soon and tell us about the baby!
  4. Hi dama!! I knew you would be there for me! I'm not sure how many grams of protein I'm getting each day. I know I eat protein first with all 3 meals. It's good to know your hair loss has decreased with time. Do you know what causes it?
  5. I think this has been addressed before, but I am freaking out over my hair falling out!!!!!!! I had lap band surgery 4 months ago. I take a multi vitamin every day, eat 3 meals a day and get plenty of protein. Why is this happening? When does it stop? I normally have thick hair and now it's thin. I am so sick and tired of strands of hair on my clothes, furniture, pillows, etc. It's the worst when I brush it or shampoo it! Has this happened to anyone else? Please tell me I won't end up bald!
  6. I don't understand the post above one bit. It doesn't seem to relate to the original post. I think we all know what an insect bite is......... Anyway, I'm glad to see canuk post this about skin itching! I thought it was just something weird about me! As I have lost weight, I have had this problem but only on my upper torso. I'm glad to know, it's not just me!
  7. Hi btradio, I have been to TJ 5 times since July of this year and my husband has been many, many, times for dental work. I'm sorry but, no way you will make your flight. The line gets longest later in the day. The busiest day of the week is Friday and the slowest days are Tuesday or Wednesday. I make my fill appt. at 9:00 a.m. and try to get back across the border as soon as possible.
  8. I'm hoping that going on liquids will help Rox! Take care!
  9. Just taking it one day at a time.............trying to reach my goal.

    1. petrafarmer


      That's all any of us can do. It will work.

    2. nothereanymore


      You'll reach it - and I just read your sweet note on my picture - thank you for that. Have a fun journey - its amazing! Luv ya! Lisa

  10. Wow Robin! You look great! I can really see your weight loss! You've had great success!
  11. Thank you for that info Trav. I read your link and it does sound like a great procedure. I like the idea of not having to get fills but I wonder if the stitches will last forever.
  12. Hey Deysi, I live an hour and 15 minutes from TJ, we must be neighbors! I'm glad everything went well. Does your surgery require 21 days of liquids?
  13. You are sweet canuk, thanks. I'm on real food now and doing much better! Thank God I can eat without pain. Getting the 1.0 cc's out really helped.
  14. How is the surgery performed? Is it done with small incisions and then laparoscopically? Is it similiar scaring as lap band surgery?
  15. Rox, I am so sorry you are going through this. I started a thread where I talk about my problem after my second fill. Luckily, I did not vomit though. I saw Dr. So today and he discussed the dangers of vomiting with the band. This is not good Rox. Please don't hesitate and call Dr. So immediately. I hope things get better for you real soon.
  16. Yesterday I called Dr. So and he said to come in right away. I could not go to OCC yesterday so I was his first patient this morning at 9:00am. He said I was too tight with some inflamation. He took out 1.0cc's leaving me with 6.5cc's. I'm on liquids for 2 days and Malox 3x a day just like Bandiva said. I'm really hopeing this gets me where I need to be. Honestly, that knife stabbing pain in my chest was way worse than the whole surgery. Only walking, walking, walking helped relieve the pain by causing me to burp. Thank you for the support, suggestions and kind words!
  17. Thank you Petrafarmer and Boogeyface I appreciate your caring responses.
  18. Thanks for the advice. I stayed at the Marriott. It was pretty good, staff was very nice. I just didn't care for the post op broth or pop sicles but that's probably just Mexico. Also I REALLY wish they had english speaking channels on the tv!! (Besides the 3 english speaking channels they had)I mean, get a satellite dish or something!
  19. Actually at about 2:30 this afternoon I tried to drink a smoothie and the first sip got stuck. I waited a while and tried again real slowly. I got it down but I took a long time doing it. I don't know if I am swollen or too tight?
  20. Thank you Lindsay and CindyLou for responding. Lindsay I had the fill done at OCC under flouro. The liquids seem to go down so maybe I am just swollen. I probably should call Dr. So at OCC. Has anyone else felt this way after their second fill?
  21. I am on day 4 of having my second fill, done at OCC. I have a total of 7.5cc's in an 11cc band. I can not swallow one bite of food. I am in so much pain from trying. I get that stuck, knife stabbing sharp pain in my chest. It is very severe. My question: Am I too tight or do I need to give it time? I hate being on liquids. I have never done well with that, I want real food. I am near tears from the pain.
  22. Lisa, You fast 2 hours prior to the Fill and Dr. So asks that after the first Fill, you do liquids for 3 days.
  23. Robin, I didn't know you were trying to reach me girl! I have been busy though. My son got engaged. : ) Today I was in TJ at OCC getting my second Fill. Do I have your email address? I will email you there right now with more details.

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