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About aleonard

  • Birthday March 17

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Eastern Washington
  • Interests
    Banded b Dr. Ortiz 7-28-10
    Decision weight 210
    Surgery weight 205
    Current weight 190

aleonard's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. I had my first fill yesturday and I have tons of restriction I know I am supposed to stay on liquids for 3 days but what i want to know is if the restriction will loosen a bit. I had 6cc and seemed fine bu today it seems a little tight.

    1. damalove


      absolutely stick to liquids for 3 days. yes, restric. will loosen after a week or two. hang in there.

    2. B2010


      after having been "too tight" at my last fill. I was not able to keep liquids down and when I went under floura after suffering through the weekend, I was completely blocked off. Be careful with the "too tight" I ended up losing like 10lbs in the course of 4 days because of my dehydration and I was sooo miserable. My band didn't loosen up and I had to have 2cc's taken back out. keep an eye on it and if it's too tight, it's not worth it - take some out.

  2. I had my first fill yesturday and I have tons of restriction I know I am supposed to stay on liquids for 3 days but what i want to know is if the restriction will loosen a bit. I had 6cc and seemed fine bu today it seems a little tight.

  3. Best decision ever and also one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life!

  4. Sliming and all the other nasty things people are talking about! Nobody has told me about these topics how do I find everything I may experience or what should be expected. I was banded at the OCC on 7-28-10. I guess I am really in the dark on what to expect. I wasnt even told about a solid foods diet. I didnt even know about eating protein first? How do I get all of the information I will need to be successfull with this band?
  5. I had my surgery 7-28-10 I don't regret a thing! I am down 10 lbs already i feel great just a little tender where the port is placed. Everyone at the OCC was great. I most likely wont go back for a fill just because i amin Eastern Washington and the flights are too pricey right now.But everyone was great Thank goodness for the adivan pill and the shot because i was scard too bu I had my husband with me and he was my rock. Please dont't turn back it was well worth it! Tijuana is a bit scary I felt like i as in Iraq at times ....just stay close to the Hotel and if you do go somewhere take the Hotels taxi and have them wait!
  6. aleonard

    I did it!

    I did it ! I had my lap band surgery on Wednesday July 28th 2010. All is well a little sore. Everyone was great! I met some really neat people while I was there. I'm so excited for what is to come.
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