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Everything posted by Danana

  1. I also use USA fill centers. The provider for FL and NJ in my area have flouro!
  2. Hey all! Has anyone been getting fills through USA fill centers? I went to FL for my first fill and it was a great experience with Kathie and got 5cc's. Now for my second fill I went to MD (Dr. Ulmer?) and it was just HORRIBLE! They didn't have flouro but it is the closest location to where I live so I figured I would give it a shot and failed! She tried for about 10mins straight poking and jabbing me until I had to tell her to stop! Felt like I was getting butchered, no numbing or anything! I ended up leaving without a fill and got SOME not all of my money back! I couldnt bend over for the rest of the day, it felt like my insides were all scraped up! Is that normal after a blind fill? I hope she didn't mess my band/port up! I just scheduled again my 2nd fill but this time I am going to NJ because they are the closest to me that has flouro. Has anyone gone to this location before? How was it and how many CC's do we usually get on our 2nd fill? Thanks! ~D
  3. Thanks for all the responses! I am just dying for a diet coke! Drink options are limited at work so my only options are water or tea..water or tea! Tea probably has more calories than the diet coke so I hope 6months comes quick!
  4. Is it true that we bandsters can never have carbonated drinks again or is it after 6months we can?
  5. Hey all, I got my first fill 3weeks ago and got 5cc's in my 11cc band. I heard that for the right amount for a fill you should be able to only eat 1/3 of what you used too....well I am definitely not there. I felt some restriction maybe for the 1st couple of days but that's it. How long should we wait before we get another fill? I don't want to risk stretching my pouch or anything, but I am hungry all the TIME! Any recommendations?
  6. I didn't say anything new. My internet has been out for the past week. My fill is this monday in FL. I leave tomorrow morning to go so when I get back ill tell ya how it went.

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  7. Wow I've been on solids for 3weeks now and not once had any issue eating... I can eat ANYTHING but that's the problem! I'll definitely let you know how mine goes and what they do!

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  8. I am now 4weeks and 3days post op and I can eat anything but then again I haven't had a fill yet! I am sure after the fill some foods will become obsolete! At least that's what I am hoping for! Thank you guys for all your responses! I'll keep these in mind for later!
  9. Hey im great! Im glad to hear your doing good! Protein shakes then solids! I am having trouble with portion control and my port area aches sometimes but that's about it! :)

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  10. Danana


    Thanks for the responses guys!
  11. Danana


    I have been eating solids for almost a week now and I feel like I am out of control! I am trying to eat right and portion control and all that but when I am eating its like portion control goes out the window! What is wrong with me!? I got this band to lose weight and hopefully be able to eat less and be smarter about food but I feel like when I am around my friends, etc... I'm slipping right back into the "OLD ME". Please someone say something to snap me back! I have not had a fill yet so I am hoping once I get my 1st fill it might help a little bit but people say it takes more than one fill to feel any restriction! I'm so scared I am going to gain some of my 50lbs back that I tried so hard to lose! Has any1 else gone through this or am I just screwed? I hate showing weakness but my weight has always been a huge struggle in my life since middle school and I feel like people on here will understand where I am coming from. I'm actually starting to believe that I was/am a food addict!
  12. Day 22!!!! Never thought it would get here! Breakfast? YES PLEASE!

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  13. Tomorrow will be DAY 21....do I eat tomorrow or is it my last day of liquids and start eating on day 22?

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. canuk98828


      water, water, water and protein fluids.

    3. canuk98828


      Danana, Day 21 is still liquid. Day 22 is eating but be kind to yourself.

    4. Danana


      Thank you! I'll start eating tomorrow....kinda nervous!

  14. 40lbs in 5months is awesome! Any advice?
  15. Danana


    Wine isn't carbonated right? LOL shows what I know about alcohol! I am not going to drink any beer or liquor anymore of course but I heard wine is good for you and your heart to have 1 glass of red wine a week.
  16. Danana


    I know our paperwork says no alcohol or carbonated drinks for 6months. Would 1 glass of wine really hurt 5-6 weeks post-op? I have all these Halloween parties I have to attend and EVERYONE is going to be drinking of course! 1 glass of wine and sip it through out the night... yes or no?
  17. Honestly I have no idea how! lol, im just doing what the the doctors told me to do. Liquids only, lots of water and exercising at least 4times a week. I work a 3-day shift 13hrs long so I don't have the energy to come home and work out after my work days. All I do is walk, 30mins with my treadmill on 2.5-3mph and elavated up to a 5% slant? I am not ready to go to a gym yet....not comfy ...

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  18. I really hope this is normal but hey were talking about me here so I seriously doubt it! I am 14days post-op and I started having little stinging pains in my tummy but only last a few seconds each time. What is that?! Has anyone else experienced this and everything worked out fine? My cuts aren't red or hot so I am going to take that as not infected! Thank goodnes!
  19. I never heard that before. I just know when it comes time to do solids we have to chew 20-30times before we swallow so nothing gets stuck? I am day 13 post-op and hungry all the time! I really hope 21 days hurry up so I can chew something!
  20. Day 11 post op and just weighed myself.........a total of 41lbs down!

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    1. lapRn


      OMG good job. 41 lbs down.

      im down all together 18lbs but since surgery 7 lbs.

    2. ATLMark


      Wow!! Congrats!!! That is a great success!!!

  21. I am day 10 post-op and never once had a fever. On the paper they give you, fever is on the list for possible problems. Call the OCC and see what they say!
  22. This might be a stupid question but I have a huge thing for Chinese (egg drop/ wonton and hot and sour) soups but are they ok for the post-op full liquid phase? I take all the stuff out of them and just drink the broth but still, I just want to make sure before I keep on drinking them!
  23. When I experienced this it was just gas. Whenever I would drink broth or coffee (anything with sodium in it) I would feel full all the way up to my throat! I am now on day 8 and I don't have that feeling anymore! I would just wait it out but if you are concerned about it I would email the OCC.
  24. POST-OP creamy soup day number 1!

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    1. shmee


      oh that should feel good danana

  25. Gatorade, vitamin water, chicken broth for lunch and dinner and lots of water. Apple and orange juice have to be diluted half way with water so i don't even drink them.. yuck watery oj...Popsicles too.

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