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Everything posted by rockinit

  1. Well perhaps you could send me these pages that answer my questions. I would love to have them.
  2. Yes I got it done at occ by Dr. Martinez. I had another horrid headache that night.
  3. I just got banded 08/23/10. I'm on day 7 of my post op diet. I have been going nonstop for the last two days (using the treadmill, going for regular walks and cleaning/cooking like a mad women) so I think I've been in motion to keep the gas build up off. However lastnight before I went to bed I started having the nausea, vomiting, and headache. I've been drinking tons of fluid's (everyone you listed) I even made homemade chicken broth so it would be healthier. I just wanted to know if there is something else I can do to prevent this. Also I was curious if popsicles are considered food or a liquid, and if it's ok to eat gummy and chewy vitamins. How long will it be before I can do sit ups and all exercises? I know you said to wait for 3 weeks to exercise but I'm not sure if you can do everything at that time (I want to go back to my karate class which goes through a very hard regime). How long do you have to do the 1 hour before eating and 1 hour after eating before you have liquid? On your site it states to wait a half an hour after you eat and eventually you can drink up to 5 minutes before a meal (but it doesn't say how long until you can do that) and drink half an hour after? What about alcohol is wine a clear liquid? I know you say to stay away from alcohol as it is fatting but for a special occasion or something I would like to know if I can have a glass? Thanks for any answers you can give me!!!
  4. I just got my band on the 23rd of August. So far I think I'm doing quite well. I'm very nervous it will slip for some reason. Does anyone know how long till you can bend over alot? I feel really full all the time (of course no in my head). Are gummy vitamins really ok since they are not drinkable? If someone has any tips for me please let me know!

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