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  1. I eat Fiber Gummies every day - 3 of them. They are chewy and tasty and keep me from getting constipated (they even have them at Costco for a great price).
  2. Thanks for your input. It has now been a week since my fill. I stayed on liquids for 5 days to let everything settle down. If I try to eat solids now I can only keep 3 or 4 small bites down (unless I wash them down with hot liquids). I will probably just give it a couple more days and then maybe have a small unfill.
  3. I had my surgery 9-17-10. Yesterday I got a fill and am still having problems but am not sure if my band is still too full or not. I had to go back and have 1.5 ccs taken out because I couldn't swallow my spit or any liquid. I was throwing up all this weird foamy stuff. Even after getting the 1.5 out I still feel a lot of chest pain and have been scared to do anything except drink liquids. Occasionally I am still throwing up a little bit of foamy stuff and my chest feels better as soon as I throw up. Do I need to have more taken out? How dow I know if it is too full? I would really appreciate feedback from anyone who has been through something like this.
  4. I had my surgery September 17 at OCC and they use an 11 cc band.
  5. Congratulations! When did you have your first fill? Was it done at OCC?
  6. I was also terrified I wouldn't lose the weight I needed to - that is probably a common fear since we pretty much all have issues with food. I did the 7 day protein shakes and green salads, and it was tough but not terrible. You will do great!
  7. I was banded September 17th and am just wondering how everyone else who had surgery the same day is doing. How is the recovery? How's the liquid diet going? Incisions okay?
  8. I am feeling great. I'm so glad I'm not having the gas pains any more. Do you have trouble eating enough calories to have energy? Last week was really tough, I've just had 2 days on the full liquid diet so am hoping that will improve.

  9. Hey how are u feeling since your surgery? i was banded sept 10 and i feel great. keep in touch! ;]

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