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  1. hello ... hopefully im not responding to your blog too late.. i had the lap band put in in october of 2005 and removed august of 2008,,, under 3 years... i went through the same situation as far as the tossingcookies bit... i am glad your catching it now while ur aware of it... my advise that i can give you that did work for me when i was in the same situation is an hr prior to a meal or even 30 minutes prior drink something warm like hot tea or some weak coffee... i felt that something warm kinda relaxed me a bit and helped the food go down easier... definately chew as best as u can eat protien first then veggies then carbs... give it a try dosen't hurt.. i wish u the best of luck i lost a total of 140 lbs and now without the band life is easy to maintain healthy weight loss..
  2. themelina

    3 weeks post op

    amazing before and after picture..i can't wait to get my work done... so glad these pictures were posted.
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