In March 2003, I decided to go to Mexico to get a lapband. I had done a ton of research, Seattle seems to be a hub of bandsters and lot so of them had gone to Mexico. My band trip was uneventful and I started a new journey. I lost 170 lbs in 18 months and went from a size 28/30 to a 4/6. That was an amazing journey and I made alot of new friends,learned alot about myself and my body and made some big life changes. I stood up for myself at work, got the promotions I should have earned before but didn't based on my weight (how many fat salesladies do you see in upper sales - not many)...confronted my husband of 16 years and ended that relationship - abuse was not allowed in my life anymore.
Life became full, exciting and I was finally where I wanted to be in my life - both in work and in my personal life.
In 2010 - I noticed that I started to gain weight -something that had not been a concern since the band - I had been stable for about 6 years - so down to TJ I went and sure enough my band had slipped. Over the course of the next year we tried to save the band - filling and unfilling but all I did was gain - up 50 lbs and starting to see the differences in my body -
Made a decision to do a revision to a sleeve - Dr. Ortiez counceled me about what I wanted and the best choices moving forward and we set a date for July 2nd 2011. Off I went to TJ again, scare but excited to get my life back. The revision didn't go as planned due to scar tissue - and I had been warned that might be an issue. The docs told me it was a minor setback - wait 3/4 months and come back.
On Oct 1, 2011 - I headed back down for the sleeve. What a piece of cake that surgery is - I think it was easier than getting or removing the band for sure (except for the drain which is always a pain in the butt)...
I am now 7 days out with my new sleeve and so far so good. I will keep posting and post some pics so if someone is interested they can follow along.
Please ask me any questions - I will answer if I can...
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