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Everything posted by JCGrove
Have I lost weight too fast?
JCGrove replied to dreamhappy07's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
I have lost 89 pounds over the last year and 124 Total since January of 2006. I have walked, jogged, bicycled, kayaked, rock climbed and lifted weights. My point is I have focussed on toning up and tried not to lose muscle mass. I am still going to need to have loose skin removed. This is an effect of my years of having this skin stretched out however some of it has receded a bit although not enough to avoid surgery. You have had amazing success! and I applaud you! I just want you to know that loose skin is a reality for some of us no matter how fast OR slow we lose the weight. There should be no shame or second guessing. It just is what it is, I am looking into having this stuff removed so that I can move on to fix my next problem whatever it may be. Hopefully it will be my lawnmower or painting my deck and not something having to do with me or my body! LOL A note on the swelling, this has helped me maybe it will help you. I have used Black cherry extract tablets and black cherry juice from concentrate, that I picked up at a local health food store. Walmart carries a black cherry/ cranberry drink as well. Keep up the Good and Great work you are doing! JC -
Sscuba Diving after Surgery
JCGrove replied to scubadot's topic in Gastric Band Support & Discussion
I was just reading this thread and I have one thing to add. Make sure you eat a couple hours before going under or have a liquid meal, something that is not going to stick around. When I went diving for the first time I had a quick little lunch and dove about 45 minutes later. I didn't have a huge problem but I did feel sick to my stomach. The next dive I went on I had one of those yogurt drinks and a protien shake and had no problems. This is my experiance. It was more a point of comfort than anything else. JC -
Monday Wednesday Friday= Week 1 of couch to 5k http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml Tuesday Thursday= 4 mile walk in one hour, then to the Gym for freeweights Tues=arms Thurs=legs Each weekday morning 15min stationary bike heart rate 100 +- a few Each weekday evening 30min stationary bike heart rate 100 +- Planning either kayak or cycle Sunday. JC
I have lost: 100 pounds twice 75 pounds twice 50 pounds four times I think 30 more times than I can recall 20 At least a dozen times I have used diet excercise and combinations of the two. I am a master at losing weight the problem is it comes back with a vengance. When I scheduled my surgery I was gaining back after having lost 75 pounds. I knew the new me would be at a minimum 375 pounds, I feared more like 400. I my opinion I have to factor in weight loss and weight increase prevention. Right now I am down 81 lbs since sugery 116 since I started this last weight loss attempt but I also have 166 pounds of prevention. I am not saying you are wrong at all I would hope no one thinks I am trying to imply it either, we are all different; I am just sharing the point of view I use when I get impatient and wonder if I did the right thing. JC
For muscle soreness give this a try: Immediately after workout drink 1/2 liter water 30-45 minutes after workout : 1 serving dual isolate whey protein driink 1 carbohydrate IE Cliff bar or a serving of wild rice Picked this up from some of the dedicated weight lifters at the Gym seems to have helped me this week. Saturday 40 miles Pinellas Trail Sunday 15 miles on the stationary bike after doing yard work (setting thin pavers) in the hot Florida Sun! http://s188.photobucket.com/albums/z25/str8jacket29/ album pinellas trail last weekend Chaz 2 Weekend Before Chaz Trip JC
Can we try to move forward? Please? NoWorry, how are you today? Have you solved the salt issue? How is that port scar site doing? JC
Sorry it took me a while to respond, but I think that would e a great idea, you can count me in. JC
Well stated! JC
Hey NoWorry, you could try pedialyte for those salt cravings. I was very dehydrated for a couple weeks after surgery and nothing quenched as well as pedialyte. Just a thought. JC
Hey No Worry, that was one heck of a journal. I am glad you shared that with everyone. I would like to say to anyone reading this thread I had a very similar experiance, however I could not have given you such a concise recollection of events. I tend to try to go with the flow and easily dismissed many of the things No Worry pointed out. It takes someone who is sensitive to these things to highlight them and I think No Worry you did a great service by doing so. At the same time I feel a liitle let down that you feel hesitant to reccomend the OCC, only because you have no good way to compare the incidentals that were your negative experiance with any other clinic. Translation the OCC does a heck of a job processing scheduling and delivering people they have only comunicated with via telephone and/or e-mail. Is there room for improvement? Sure. Can that be said of the competition? Probably. Having said that, No Worry you were very accurate with your descriptions. I would like to cogradulate you for sharing and on your new band! I wish you success. I hope those that are exploring will take your experiance into consideration and get answers to questions up front. I also hope the OCC will take note and try to get to a point where they are as smooth with logistics and communication as they are when they get you on the operating table. JC
Millennium Medical Kathie Gonzales 727-541-2675 She is affiliated with Fill Centers, aside from that she really seems committed to HELPING lapband patients succeed. If you consult with her you will know what I mean. I got myself into a situation that had me thinking of an emergency visit to TJ all I can say is thank GOD I found her!!! JC
I just had an unfill today. The Fill Center sent me to an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in St. Petersburg. I could not have been happier, she has fluoro and knows how to use it. I honestly felt like I was in TJ. and am very happy to have found her!!!!! JC
I just had to have an unfill. Fill Center sent me to an Advanced Nurse Prcatitioner in St Petersburg Florida. As for my experiance this afternoon, I would have to say I highly reccomend her. She has Fluoro and knows how to use it. I felt like I was in TJ :-) JC
BSN, I sure hope good things will come your way. My wife told me that this laband idea wasn't going to work for me. I did WW lost alot of weight then she and I split up. eight years gone. I started gaining the weight back made a command decision to have the lapband done told no more than two people. Went by myself to TJ. At this point in time I feel it was the greatest choice I ever made. I admire your courage and spirit and thought I would share a little of my story with you so that you would know you are not alone. Take Care, JC
Hi Ann, here are a few things that I have been using, maybe some will work for you, just please be careful! I have had some of these things get hung up on me , so I had to learn specific preparation and eating methods. I also buy Equate Weight loss shakes for when I feel I am not getting enough protein. Hope This is helpful!! JC Fat free pudding seems to work good, I have half a spoonful think about how great it tastes then another half spoonful ... Sugar free jello I actually try to squish between tongue and upper pallette. I used to inhale never new how jello really tasted! Angel Food Cake Mix 20oz pineapple crushed Use 9 X 13 Cake Pan Preheat Oven 350 Degrees Bake 30 Minutes Don't overcook it will be moist from pineapple. I use the juice from pinapple as well. Soup 1 Can Mixed Veggies 1 Can Black Beans 1 Can White Corn 1 Can Tomatoes any style 1 can Veggie Ministrone 99% Fat Free Soup Mix Together Heat Remember Chew Chew Chew Fast and Easy Bran Muffins 2 cup All Bran 3/4 Skim Milk 1 Cup Apple Sauce 2 Mashed Banannas 1/2 cup Brown Sugar Loose 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 cup all purpose flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp baking powder Let milk & all bran set for about 15 min Bake at 350 for 40-45 min Makes 12 Note: Splenda has a brown sugar substitute Again undercooked is better than overcooked at least for me moist is better than DRY ouch!!
Thanks !!!
I got the VG Band. There are two different bands. The VG is for someone with either a lot of fat around the actual stomach or a very large diameter stomach or a combination of the two. When I woke up from my surgery I was told the VG band was installed, when I asked why, Dr Ortiz told me he would not have been able to close the smaller band around my stomach. I notice you are already scheduled to have surgery, that is very cool and I wish you luck and great success. I would do some reading about the VG in case that is the one you need. I don't think there is anything to worry about it is just different in some ways. A few of us have posted our experiances with the VG under the VG testimonials. JC
Thank You, I started out January 2006 at 350 lbs used WW to get down to 288. Started gaining Back! When I hit 330 pounds, it was September 2006 I bit the bullet and scheduled with OCC. The first week in October is when I was banded I was 315 lbs and considered this my 40th b-day present. As of right now today I am 230 lbs. My stated goal when I started was 215 lbs.... But now I am thinking 210, not sure because I know there are several pounds worth of skin to be removed!! So I look it it like this I have lost 120 lbs since January 2006 but more importantly the band saved me from balooning off a diet/eating plan what ever you wish to call it, and being a miserable 375-400 lbs. Please don't get me wrong I still use WW, just now I have assistance. My point is there are weight savings on top of the weight loss. I Thank God for Dr. Ortiz and all the staff at the O.C.C.!!! Thanks again, JC
Thank you, I'm a little ..... ok very self-conscious about the excess skin not to mention lack of sun. I have seen a lot of questions about skin droop after lapband surgery.Keeping in mind that I have been almost 200lbs overweight for a long time it seems the bypass route creates more droop /sag for some reason. Must be the rate of loss not sure. Thank you again I need a little extra motivation for this last bit I have to go!! JC
I am within 15-20 lbs of goal. Looking into skin removal. Here is a link to my before & After Pics *WARNING* Shirtless http://s188.photobucket.com/albums/z25/str8jacket29/
Have you had your band removed?
JCGrove replied to cleo6666's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Testimonials
Something I just noticed was the amount of saline you have received for your fills. You may need to be "stepped" into restriction at a lower rate than the norm. Maybe .75cc then 1.0cc then 1.2???? not sure, I am no doctor or epert or anything, just noticed that you seem to have trouble once you are above 1.0cc. Also wodering if you have developed or noticed an increase in sinus issues since your surgery. My family Dr. put me on some nasal spray for sinus allergies and apparently the effect is having this clear post nasal drip accumulation in stomach pretty gross but could be an issue. JC -
I can't tell you how bad I feel for you. I will keep you in my prayers. I do hope you will find something to help you!! JC
Have you had your band removed?
JCGrove replied to cleo6666's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Testimonials
I am sure sorry to hear you are having problems! Some things to consider and believe me I am sure you have tried everything but maybe my experience can help. You could start a little journal. Are there foods that seem to get stuck everytime? Are there foods you tolerate well? list these seperately Try to keep yourself consistantly hydrated. list your fluid intake for a couple weeks include amount type and time. Is there a time that your food consumption is easier than others? Make a note of best worst and just good. After two weeks cross reference the best worst good with the info you collected about fluid intake see if there maybe a coorelation. You may also want to make a note of your frame of mind when making journal entries. I seem to get myself in trouble when I have a busy day at work and let myself get dehydrated and too hungry because I am too distracted to stop and drink/eat something. It goes downhill from there. I get home, drink too fast eat too fast don't chew enough. Go through hell. Stay up too late etc.... I am aware of this now and try to take steps to prevent it from happening. I don't know if this will help you but it has helped me and I have had great results. JC -
I for one believe your story is neccessary!! I may be wrong but I think some people have the following attitude: If you have a weight problem you already know there isn't any EASY, fix so they don't see value in talking about bad things. Also some people have hung all their hope in this method and resist any talk that there may be a problem or they made a bad decision. Some probably feel that people who have bad experiance are just giving up and could probably be helped if they connected with the right Dr etc. I will say I have had about a 95% positive experience with the band. I feel it is neccesary to participate and give back to this forum. I would hope that I was brave enough to report back if my experience were not successful. I for one applaud and welcome your feedback, I think it is the only way people searching for their solution, will be able to make an informed decision. I do not know what measures you have tried in order to get a successful result I am guessing you have tried just about everything, but I also believe that info would be helpful too, and who knows someone out there might be able to help you out afterall! Thank You for your post! JC
Kelly, sounds like you're off to a great start! Contrats! JC