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Loosechange last won the day on May 18 2012

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About Loosechange

  • Birthday 05/06/1943

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    Upper Peninsula
  • Interests
    World traveler, Reading,felting,gardening,knitting,wildlife observation,photography

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  1. You may pulverize them in a powerful blender until powdered to pretreat them. I use a Vitamix it is very pricey but I have used it for 25 trs and it will do things no other blender will do so I feel it is cost efficient
  2. I also have a concern because i will not be able to walk after surgery. The good news is that I can heal my ankle and lose weight at the same time!
  3. I have questions about the border crossing. Is the crossing done in the van that collects us from the airport or is the crossing one that requires walking thru on your own? I now have the fractured ankle and will still have a nonweight bearing restriction. My orthopedic physician is most unhappy about the travel and risk for DVT. He plans to take me out of the comfortable cast and put me back in the awful fracture boot so I may loosen it during the flight and exercise my foot,lower leg. The boot is uncomfortable,hot, unwieldy and very heavy. The pros are it secures my ankle completely, and it may be removed for showering. My question is how do I manage the border crossing? My husband will be carrying his belongings and mine, how will he also push a wheelchair? May he receive hep? Any thoughts will be helpful.
  4. Loosechange


    Paula do not berate yourself for having mixed feelings about your Mom. Caring for a loved one with dementia is a very challenging experience. It is all the more difficult because she is your Mom. She looks like Mom but the disconnect is she is not the same person. I am so glad you are getting a month respite. Go ahead and "mullygrub" I can not think of a better reason. Marilyn
  5. Life gets more complicated. I fell fracturing my ankle 10 days ago. I think I will be casted on Tuesday. Too much swelling for immediate care. I was reassured to hear Dr. Ortiz thinks I can go ahead with my surgery May 28. I think VSG surgery would lift my mood. I see one or two months of nonweight bearing in my future and would love to lose weight at the same time.
  6. I have my Vertical Gastric Sleeve scheduled for May 28, 2012. I will turn 69 yrs old on May 6,2012. I do not have Type 2 DM or any major cardiac or pulmonary risk factors. I feel quite confident that i will do fine. If I did have any of the above i would need to weigh that against the increased mortality from the obesity itself. It is risk vs benefit. I think for most of us the benefit outweighs the risk. My husband and I are both retired physicians and have researched the surgery and the surgical site extensively. Obesity Control Center was our number one choice. The Bariatric Surgical Excellence award cemented my decision.
  7. You must call the telephone numbers listed and the surgical coordinator will you the price. I think there are factors such as a previous Lap Band etd that are factored into the price she will give you. Good luck.
  8. Hi Latoya, I am also scheduled for May 28 for the Vertical Sleeve surgery. My husband is traveling with me. We will arrive early afternoon on May 27. My daighter is having the same surgery in Michigan. She is covered by her insurance for this procedure. My insurance only covers the Lap Baand and the RNYbypass but neither is appealing to me. I will look forward to meeting you. Where are you from?
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