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About BeeBlueHeron

  • Birthday 10/03/1963

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  • Location
    Long Island, NY
  • Interests
    Nichiren Buddhist, mother of three, writer/editor, friend of Bill W.

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  1. Do all patients have a drain or port after surgery? I had my band out six months ago, so I'm required to stay a little longer than most straight VSG patients. How long does the drain stay in? I'm really most curious about the three or four days I'm going to be "stuck" at the Marriott following surgery. And should I bring an abdominal binder? It was very helpful after the band surgery. Thanks in advance!
  2. HI All! I also had a band in 2012 at OCC, loved it, but had to have it removed this July due to a different issue. Wow, it was weird not to have my "little buddy" anymore. I swear I experienced actual grief! Anyway, have regained a small amount of weight, but enough to scare me. Heading back to OCC in January for the sleeve. Very excited and look forward to hearing from everyone about their successes!
  3. Had my band out in July -- scheduled for sleeve on 1/17/2018.
  4. Hi! I had the lap band surgery in 2012. No complications. I recently had a fill, which seems, by day, to do its job. But no matter when I eat and drink (today the last thing I ate/drank was at 4 p.m., it's now almost midnight), as soon as I fall asleep, I wake up with liquid flooding my throat. It's not acidic, it's like it's my saliva. It doesn't burn. It also doesn't matter what position I'm in -- this has happened when I've fallen asleep sitting up. It happens EVERY time I fall asleep -- maybe five or six times within a couple of hours. It's like as soon as I relax, it comes up, although when I'm awake again, I feel fine, if a little grumpy and sleepy. Eventually, it clears up and I fall asleep (usually on my left side). Does anyone else have this? Some advice? My sleep is highly interrupted and I hate the feeling of drowning I get...I'm also scared some of my saliva will get down into my lungs.... Thanks!
  5. Three days post-op, swollen at incisions but feeling good!

  6. I'm getting super-excited....and a little nervous. I have comfortable clothes, a small pillow to hug, passport, cashier's check, a therma-care shoulder heating pad, and a few bouillon cubes for the flight back that I can drop into hot water on the plane. Any other suggestions? Words of wisdom or support? :-)
  7. Getting both excited and nervous about my band being placed in 10 days. I probably have read a leeetle too much, so now my head is all filled with gas pain, slipped bands, stretched pouches, etc. LOL. I have a head cold and cough so am just knocking back the zinc, antibiotics, cough syrup, Tylenol, any- and everything I can to get rid of it by surgery date. Post photos.....how are you doing this week? Bridget
  8. Well, thanks for the heads-up! I didn't know we might have to walk across the border -- yuck!! But now I stand warned.
  9. Hi all: Having surgery August 27, very excited! The only thing that concerns me is that I'm flying to San Diego alone, staying at the Marriott alone, and having surgery alone. Did anyone else do this? I would love to hear about it. Most concerned about the night in the hotel alone after surgery.... Blue
  10. Hi all: I'm frankly getting a little scared about my pre- and post-op options. Seems like almost everything contains sucralose or aspartame (Nutrasweet). I doubt anyone else has this problem, but maybe there are some of you who have chosen a more organic route? I have two great, natural protein shakes with no artificial sweeteners or sugar, and I'm eating the Lean Cuisine for dinner, but I'm really worried about the few weeks post-op......suggestions? Blue Scheduled for August 27
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