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tjones last won the day on May 5 2015

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About tjones

  • Birthday 05/07/1987

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  1. um.. Well after 6 months post op I can pretty much eat anything and everything but I find that sugar makes me sick. My stomach just doesnt like it to much and bread. But for the most part I can eat whatever I want. Which is totally scary because im just going to return to my old eating habits if i dont get it together! When I first got it done i regretted everything about it only because I was so nauseous and I was on liquids however now I would go back and get it done again in a heart beat. I started at almost 250 and now weigh 175... Nothing is more amazing then getting on the treadmill at the gym and I can run without begging to die. ITS AMAZING! i would totally do it if i were you!
  2. tjones

    weight loss

  3. Hi! so Feb 31 will be 6 months since I had the plication done and I have lost almost 75lbs all together. However for the past month I have been bouncing back and forth between losing 2lbs and gaining 2lbs which is making me super nervous. I so dont want to gain any weight and just wondering if any of you out there had this problem or any tips you would suggest? Im still about 25lbs away from my goal weight and would really like to reach that before this summer. Also if I could figure out how to post pictures on here I would so you all could see how amazing this truly is!!!
  4. im not doing tons and tons of cardio no but i do run the stairs a couple times a day at work (13 flights) and i dont sit on my butt for my job im running around the hospital.... but its just like all the sudden i started eating normal foods weight loss stopped... its way to early for that i think? Im only 4 weeks out... Who knows
  5. Hi so I had my gastric plication august 31 and finally could start eating soft/normal foods starting last friday. I have been losing weight pretty much everyday so im down 16lbs but the moment i started eating soft foods (Shrimp and oatmeal) ive completly stopped losing weight. Just wondering if thats normal or if anyone else has experienced this. Im no where near my goal weight and just concerned..... Also this no drinking thing with meals is enough to kill me! i think thats the hardest part id rather not eat so i can just drink all day cause im soooo thirsty!
  6. Hello- This Friday will be 1 month out from my surgery and i started eating normal food last friday. Ive stuck to pretty much just shrimp and outmeal and i have completly stopped losing weight. Did you notice this at all when you started eating foods? Ive lost 16lbs since surgery and 28 total but i feel stuck and im no where near my goal weight.... Any suggestions
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