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shnnnstwrt last won the day on May 14 2013

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About shnnnstwrt

  • Birthday 08/22/1974

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    My Family, My Cat, Metal Music, Tattoos, Piercings, Shopping, & OCC!

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  1. having a very tough time with the pre op diet...soooo hungry...mourning food already

    1. nubeginnings


      I know exactly how you are feeling. I am struggling with the pre op diet too. :(

    2. rodeogirl


      I think the pre op diet is to prepare your brain for the transition. If you are having trouble with pre op then talk to your doctors. This is not a magic pill...it is a tool and you have to be prepared for the life change. You still have to change your eating habits and desires. Good Luck and stay strong. It is an amazing journey for me so far and I've had great results but have followed the rules to a tea!! You can do it...Just believe!

  2. The website is onemainfinancial.com. As I already pointed out, their rates are crazy high. I couldn't go through my bank or any other financing I tried. I had already given up and stopped looking for several weeks when I stumbled across the website and thought what the heck...then BAM! APPROVAL! I was all like really? It's still hard for me to believe it's finally about to happen. I'm so busy I don't think it'll ever get here. So busy in fact that im looking forward to the recovery in mexico so I can rest!
  3. Longer as opposed to???...My surgery is next Tuesday the 21st and i'll get the drain out and go home Friday the 24th.
  4. Hey BigD! Same as previous post, it was through researching about a year and ultimately my gut telling me which path to take, that being VSG. Imagine that, my gut told me something other than "Feed me!". I'm very confident in my decision and haven't second guessed even once. I'm a week away from my surgery and so very excited
  5. I tried the medical financing options and was turned down quite rapidly. I financed everything through One Main Financial. Didn't need anything down. No collateral. Totally unsecured. My name only. No cosigner. I dont have great credit either. And no penalty for paying off early. Drawback is probably highest interest rate allowable by law. I applied online and I got approval within a couple of hours. I then went in, took copies of my pay stub, signed the necessary paperwork, and walked out with a check in hand...Just like that!...Just a little tidbit, lenders approval requirements sometimes change month to month...Evidently the requirements were slack when i got mine, thank goodness!
  6. I do feel better without my gallbladder...My back doesn't hurt anymore!...
  7. Well, my surgery has been delayed. I had to have my gallbladder removed on March 1st and had to wait a full 8 weeks to recover with no complications before VSG could be performed and my son will be graduating bootcamp on May the 16th. My new surgery date is May the 21st. Who'd've thought your gallbladder could cause so much back pain! I've been seeing a chiropractor for a couple of months now and he finally said he thought it may be something else...He was right! I've been having gallbladder attacks for about 6 months and kept thinking it was my back the whole time! The last time I saw my chiropractor he said I should consider going to the emergency room the next time I was in such severe pain because it could be my heart causing it. The next time I had pain it hit me like a knife through the chest and straight to the "spot" in my back that always hurt in the past. All I could think is "I've decided to really do something about my weight and I'm gonna check out before I can!" Then they said surgery! I was all like "Nuh Huh! No you ain't! I gotta have VSG in 2 weeks!" Then they explained the risks etc...I'd hate to have an attack just when I'm about to go in and it gets cancled while I'm there! So here I am...waiting again... In a way it was a blessing...When I told my doctors and nurses about having VSG at OCC in Mexico they didn't even flinch. They actually perform several bariatric surgeries each week on the floor I was on. There were two ladies up running laps in the halls that had just had gastric bypass...Because the doctors and nurses didn't show any alarm in what I was planning to do, my husband is more at ease. At first they seemed concerned and then when I told them all about the facility and everyone who works there they were all like "Just be careful in your travels and good luck". I haven't taken my measurements yet...Life has been insane since I got back to GA... I quit my job to be with my husband and we are now in TX...I'll fly back to GA for my sons graduation and then get ready for surgery. I'll recover there til I feel okay to drive back to TX to be with my husband again.
  8. mac73 - I had to reschedule for May 21st....When is your surgery date?
  9. So I'm new here but I want to totally put myself "out there"...I want to be here to support others in their journeys and hopefully have support for mine My surgery date for the sleeve is March 12, 2013 My stats: 38 yrs old female 5'3" heaviest weight 262.4 lbs size 22/24 deciding weight 255 lbs currently on the pre-op diet today at 250.8 lbs I will take my measurements and post them as well So, good luck to everyone! Love and Hugs!
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