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About CodyCanada

  • Birthday 05/18/1984

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  • Location
    British Columbia, Canada

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  1. Hello, I weighed 230 lbs to start and they wanted me to lose 11 lbs before surgery. The nutritionist will give you a plan to do for 2 weeks before surgery. Mine consisted of protein shakes and green vegetables. I did no exercise (oops) and I still made the 11 lbs I had to lose.. Good luck It's the best thing I ever did, and the 2 weeks of dieting before, is well worth the after feeling of success!!!
  2. In 6 days I'll be 1 year post op.. 10 lbs to my goal weight and feeling AMAZING!!

  3. Hey Girl, I don't know if you remember me, but we had surgery the same day. Sorry to hear you're not feeling great. I had the same kind of pain at the beginning. My family doctor said it was because I was breaking down fat so quickly and I wasn't drinking enough water. Not sure if yours would be the same. Let me know if you hear what it is! Hope you feel better soon!
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