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Karena last won the day on October 22 2014

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About Karena

  • Birthday 08/08/1988

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  1. I broke 200 YAY!!!

  2. Thank both of you for the advise. Reality has hit me that I cant help him. Last night I made chicken with mushroom sauce (one of his favorites) and pinto beans (well done) and he sat there with his arms crossed while my kids devoured it. After they left the table he straight up asked me "Dont you hate this? Dont you hate the fact the we cant eat?" I didnt fully know what to say but I did say that it is a major life change and it will take some time to adjust. He then returned with the comment, "life sucks like this" and threw his plate away and went to the room. Later I asked him if he would consider talking to someone at OCC to see if there is some way they can help and is responds was Why so they can just tell me to drink more water and that the vitamins. I dont want to give up on him but those comments are making it hard.
  3. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband. But ever since we been back from Mexico all he has done is complain. I worry because I don't want him to regret getting the sleeve and from what he says he surely sounds like it, even though he says he don't. He is losing the weight and he says that he is happy about that but he has mentioned that he doesn't enjoy food anymore, that we are going to have to deal with the discomfort for the rest of our lives, that he cant stand not drinking while eating because he wants to wash the food out of his mouth, etc. I watch him while we are getting and he looks so miserable and its depressing. He doesn't want to go out to eat anymore cause he doesn't enjoy his self. He dwells on the negative all the time and I have told him that he will be miserable if he keeps saying "I cant do this, I cant do that." Its always I CANT I CANT I CANT and it honestly annoys me now. I have tried number of things, like, trying new recipes, talking to him and listening to him, giving him verity with foods. I don't know what else to do. I am talking about a man that was almost 300 pounds and would eat 2-3 plates at dinner, with a Hispanic background and the sleeve was his idea. He wanted it and I helped him make it happen and I am afraid that one day he is going to blame me and resent me for it.
  4. I had my sleeve done on Nov. 7th and I love it. I have lost 20 lbs. I was considering the plication but something about folding the stomach into itself didnt really settle with me. The only thing I had to get use to is sipping water through out the day. I find myself wanting to gulp it but cant. The other thing I like is that I dont get hungry, but your stomach lets you know when its empty and needs food. Getting on a schedule helps a lot, eating every two to three hours is what I do.
  5. Anxiety level just shot up, more about the flight than anything. But 2 days left

  6. 10 more days to go!!!! Cant wait! :)

  7. 3 more lbs to go and I hit my target for pre-op yay. Fiance has 8 more lbs.

  8. That you both for the suggestions they helped, I always worry if I am doing the right thing when it comes to this. I dont want to fail at it or let my fiance down, he depends on me for the whole thing. Again Thankyou
  9. Karena


    Hello OCC world. I personally have struggled with my weight since I was a child. When I was a teenager I was losing weight until I had my daughter when I was 17 since then I cant seem to keep it off. I eat healthy and exercise and it seems to go no where. I even had my thyroid checked to see if it was that but the levels were normal. I am now the same weight I was when I was 13 and it SUCKS!!! I am tired of being on the yo-yo ride. My fiance and I have decided get the sleeve together and we have about 36 days until we leave. We have started the pre-op diet at the same time and I have about 5 more lbs to go and he has 10 to reach our target. He is losing it a lot faster than I am ( I know because he is a man) but he is having a lot more difficulty with the cravings. He seems to dwell on what he cant have. I try to help him the best I can, honestly he is doing a lot better than what I expected. If anyone have any suggestions, that would be greatly appreciated. I know he is getting tired of grilled chicken and salad. I have bought him some lean cuisines and he laughs at them but he eats them. He says they dont taste bad at all. We both like the protein shakes for the OCC website. The chocolate is the best, I am not that too big of a fan on the vanilla bean, I just wish they had more flavors. I also have found a brand of salad dressings that are 0 calorie,sugar,fat,carbs,etc called Walden Farms. The tastes take some getting use too but the raspberry is my fave. I even freeze the 0 calorie drinks to make Popsicle. If anyone else has any ideas to help keep him sane, like I said it would be greatly appreciated. I am anxious and excited for Nov to get here. It seems like it is taking forever. I think I would probably get nervous as it gets closer but right now I am more impatient than anything. I wish everyone the best wishes on their future.
  10. Wish I had someone to talk too about this.

  11. I was wondering if there anyone could give me any suggestions to the pre-op diet. What worked for you, variety, etc. I found a brand of salad dressings called Walden Farms that is zero calories, sugar, cholesterol etc. They have different types from ranch. creamy bacon, honey mustard, thousand island. The tastes are bearable and will take some getting use too but the one I have found that doesnt taste too different is the raspberry. I also found that the sobie waters that are zero calorie are pretty good also. They make great popsicles as well.
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