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40andfabulous last won the day on March 1 2017

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  1. I think meal prepping will be key! There are tons of ideas for this on pintrest. I also have a water bottle that is marked off of times to drink to ensure I get 64 ounces in. I will start my diet on Friday and add the suppliments when they get here. I can share ideas with you once I shop tomorrow if you want! I have no doubt you will be just fine and I will support you with our journey no worries we can do this!
  2. Hey Isha! That's right positive vibes only! Yesssss!
  3. Hey Sunshines! I am scheduled for March 31st! Super excited and nervous...
  4. I just made my final decision to go with OCC now waiting to see what dates are available! Super excited! Typically how long do you have to wait for your surgery date?
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