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Everything posted by karenb

  1. Lins12, after I was banded, I couldn't walk my Golden for a couple of weeks, but I could walk my Westie right away. It depends on if the dog pulls you at all. You don't want any pulling, it will irritate your port area and as Michelle said, you could pop a stitch. My daughter didn't read too much after banding, but she was happy she brought her portable DVD player. Only bring a bag that's very light & preferably can be wheeled.
  2. Well, we're back! Everything went smoothly & Drs. Ortiz, Martinez & the whole staff were really terrific to Hanna. She felt great afterwards, banding was Friday, we were trapising around San Diego on Sunay. Now that we're home, she's been resting (since 6:00 am. Monday). Small amount of pain, but she's certainly up and around. Tomorrow it's back to school for her.
  3. You should get started by calling Dr. Ortiz's office.
  4. I think Dr. Ortiz has modified his food instructions a bit in the last year. I didn't have a long mushy stage. You can e-mail Drmiranda@obesitycontrolcenter.com for clarification. You can certainly e-mail Dr. Ortiz or call Dr. Martinez w/any questions as well.
  5. I am by no means an expert on other people's recovery time, but from my own and from reading about other peole, it's usually within 1 week for non-physical work. I was banded on Thursday and went bck to my active desk job on the following Tuesday & took it easy at work. From what I hear, it's 2 to 3 weeks for the more active/strenuous jobs. Don't go by cost alone. Yes, you can get banded for $7K, but by whom? Dr. Ortiz banded me, and now I'm trusting him to band my daughter. I think he and Dr. Martinez are the most talented team out there.
  6. Hi Doris. My plans changed...my daughter's getting banded on 5/26 & we'll be there till Sunday nite the 29th. I check in w/Dr. Martinez while we're there.
  7. Thanks, Shell, I just fixed that typo. She weighs 207.
  8. Hi. I was banded by Dr. Ortiz on 12/10/04. I and my family are so happy w/my results and with Drs. Ortiz & Martinez, I just booked my daughter Hanna, age 17 1/2 for banding on May 27th. We're really excited. She's 5'1" and weighs 207 lbs. She also is pre-diabetic, and she's really looking forward to getting healthy.
  9. NYgrl, where in NY do you live? I live on Long Island. Did Dr. Ortiz do your band?
  10. Hi. I had my banding on Dec. 10, 2004 and have lost 41 lbs. so far. That averages to about 2 lbs. a week, which is good. Other than that, I agree with everyting Shell said. I'm so happy with Drs. Ortiz & Martinez that I'm letting them band my 17.5 year-old daughter on May 27th! Take Care'
  11. 1. When were you banded? Dec. 10, 2004 2. Who was your surgeon? Dr. Ortiz 3. How much weight have you lost? 41 lbs. 4. How are you dealing with your new band? very well 5. How is your family & frineds treating you since surgery? family is great, most friends don't know. The ones who know are great. 6. Is your spouse or significant other treating you any differently since weight loss? He certainly likes the way I look more! 7. Would you reccomend your surgeon to others? Absolutely, Positively. 8. Any regrets? None whatsoever 9. Where did you have your surgery done? TJ
  12. Hi Tonya. I too flew home 2 days aftr banding & was fine. When I went for my fill, I few in & out on the same day. Good luck, & let us know if you have any more questions.
  13. Hi Gaynor. Have you called Dr. Martinez? He's the one to really ask as he did the fill, right? Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks for a fill to "kick in", that just happened to me. Hope you feel fuller soon! Also, you might be losing inches and not weight. That happens a lot, especially to men who are exercising more. Also, 39 lbs in 11 weeks is totally amazing! Your body might just be taking a break...it's not good to lose too much too fast. Hope some of this helps. Take care.
  14. Congratulations! Have you spoken w/Dr. Miranda? She has a lot of experience w/people who get pregnant after banding. From what I read in Dr. Ortiz's book, sometimes women do have do get a partial unfill, but you might not need to. Keep us posted, a baby is so exciting! Are you able to swallow the vitamins? I remember they were huge, but I guess you can break or crush them. Best wishes, Karen
  15. I'm going to TJ on Monday, 5/30 for a fill. I can get them here in NY, but I really need the reassurance of seeing Dr. Martinez. Anyone else going then? Karen
  16. Hey all. Just had my banding on Fri. 12/10. I flew home to NY on the 12th. Stayed home on the 13th, more from jet lag than anything else. I feel GREAT. Well, not actually great, but mentally great. Have a little soreness, I find sleeping sort of on my right side w/a body pilow helps a lot. I'm not hungry @ all. Just drinking some apple juice, pediolite, tea (I put a little soy milk in it tonigh & it seems o.k. The experience in TJ was awesome. The Dr.'s are fabulous, from the nutritionist Dr Mirand to the anestesiologist (they use great anesthesia...I was groggy for 1/2 hour & up and walking 45 minutes after the banding!. Dr's Ortiz & Martinez are the best. Dr. Martinez kept offering him my cell phone so I could call home, NY! They're kind, caring & considerate. I think they're really cutting edge (excuse the pun, just 5 little holes) in the field. They keep you on clear fluids longer but they find that gives the most weight loss, so I'm all for it. I get to have 1/2 cup of fat-free yogurt on Friday...I can't wait! Most of the nurses speak at least some english, and the one who didn't was just so sweet, she knew just what I needed. I brought my own kosher food (a gatorade substitute, apple juice, jello & they were very accomodating. Even the driver, Jr. is a doll! I had a question this a.m & called Dr. Martinez on his cell. He's always happy to take calls. Patient satisfaction is their no. 1 goal. If anyone's hesitant about Mexico, TJ, the whole bit, relax. The hospital was cleaner than most I've seen in NY! & that's even LIJ, NorthShore, supposedly top-of-the line. The hotel was very clean & nice. Anyway, enough rambling for now, I hope I've helped anyone considering the procedure.
  17. Hi. I'm having surgery this Friday w/Dr. Ortiz & scheduled to fly back to NY on Sunday. I'm nervous & excited. I'm taking unpaid leave from work, does anyone think I'll be able to work @ least 1/2 a day @ my desk job on Monday? Karen
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