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  1. Hi I think I posted in the wrong area (new to this) just got lap band on 1/8 - folloiwng drinking only broth clear liquids- not sick at all - was able to take pills before i left the hospital - just scared that maybe the band slipped already??? not having any more pain in incision sites just the gas still in my shoulders - would a person be able to tell if the band slipped???? if so how thanks for your help/advice and recommendations
  2. hi just got the surgery on 1/8- not tyring to be funny but how woud you know if the band slipped or broke? I have been onl liquids (clear) the pain is subsiding except for the shoulder part and I am able to drink water without problems - did I stretch it already? I know this may sound weird but I am so paranoid I am not doing things right ( I can also take my pills )the doctor made sure of this beore I left the hospital - just seems like people do vomit or feel some type of weirdness thanks,
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