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About EverSoQute

  • Birthday September 26

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  • Location
    Oceanside CA
  • Interests
    My Family!! Music and hanging out with wonderful people!!

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. I am there with you! the minute I start to be aware of what is going my throat that is the moment I start loosing weight. The lap band is only a tool, but ice cream still fits just fine. I have to go and get another fill, yet more important I have to start being true to it and eating healthier. Here is to us!!
  2. I am so going to try this!!
  3. Hello is there anyone out there that is banded and pregnant? I know I need a fill I am eating too much and it is not because I am pregnant. I have my sergury on July 27th. Would it be okay to get a fill. I'm about four weeks prego. Eddra
  4. I was laughing when I read your post, because I thought I was the only one who did that. Sometimes it work and others well lets just say it was gone. Yet for the most part it did work. I would drink so much water that kept me from wanting anything else. Good luck and stay strong. Eddra
  5. Also be aware that the wieght you are losing is water and that when you start to eat solids, do not be surprised to see a little weight come back on. This time is for healing like you said. I just got my 1st fill and have not been real hungry for the first time since right after the surgery. The liquid phase of the diet is hard, so do your best. Eversoqute
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