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Everything posted by retlanta

  1. Hi all, I had my surgery on Jan. 29th. weighing 210lbs I am a binger and have been since I'm probably 5 y.o. Out of 2 weeks preop liquid diet I bindged once and now I am supposed to be on my liquid diet this and next week and I have already binged... not much of course luckely I did not throw up, but I was in serious pain in addition to my shoulder pain and difficulty breathing. Yesturday I had mashed potatoes with butter and milk, today I had puding, cream cheese and chocolad... Even though I have lost 6lbs since I had the surgery whitch would tell me that it works, but I am in tears and pain due to phycological confusion, I have realized that I wont be able to turn to food as an answer or a releif... What do I do? How should I deal with it? Guys, especially bingers.. please tell me if you have been succesful with the band.. I am so scared.
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