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Apryl, Personally, I think it's a coincidence that you had kidney stones shortly after being banded. They take a while to form, and it seems unlikely in such a short time they would have developed. I had one a couple years ago. The biggest deterant is to drink lots and lots of water. If you want a direct and correct response, I would suggest you email Dr. Ortiz directly and ask him. He will write you back and then you will know for sure if he's seen this before. sherylm
maplewillow1, I too live in Ohio and was banded in June. Do you have a doctor in Ohio to do your fills? This is of critical importance. sherylm
bigmamma, Regrets? I think at this point I am sorry I did not have the regular "stapling" procedure rather than the lapband. Though the experience of the banding iteself was very easy due to the expertise of Dr. O and Dr. M, they fail to supply any post-surgery support. I was banded June 21 and Dr. O insisted I come back to TJ for my first fill so it would be done right. I live in Ohio and this is a big expense and time consumer. But I did it and had my first fill Aug. 6th. It was not restrictive at all. I have not lost a pound since the first 6 weeks. I never have had anything get stuck and do not fill up easily; basically I feel like I did before the band. I cannot find a doctor in Ohio who will do a fill at a resonable price if they will do one at all. $200 for the fill and $1000 for the hospital visit. There needs to be much more focus to patients on the importance of fills to make the band effective. This info was barely mentioned to me prior to surgery; kind of an afterthought. Dr. O is working on a website to find fill doctors throughout the U.S. that he sponsors. It is www.fillcentersusa.com and will solve the fill problem for us who cannot get to TJ as easily as those patients living in California. The website was supposed to be up the end of Sept but has now been pushed to November. So, I wait. If I had the "stapling" procedure, fills would not be an issue and I could be moving forward. Just don't be hasty in thinking the band is the answer; without the fill to keep you restricted, it is of no use at all. sherylm
Shell, Your "two cents worth" info was very informative. Can you tell me what you make of my scenario? I was banded 6/21/05; was not hungry, did not have cravings and had an easy time of it for 6 weeks, losing 20 lbs. I went for a fill in TJ from Dr. M on 8/6 and since then its been all bad news. I am hungry all the time, crave sugar again, and seem to be able to eat much more than before to get fill. I have not lost a pound since my fill. My fill was a 1.6 and Dr. M told me of his fear of giving more when I told him I wanted a tight fill. Have you heard of this before? All of my feelings are the same as prior to surgery and I was under the impression I could eat small portions but the beauty of the band was I would not feel constant hunger pangs. What do you think? I will be asking Dr. O and Dr. M for their advice, but would like to hear your opionion. Thanks. SherylM
Karen and Jenna, Now Im beginning to see the whole "fill" picture. Thanks much for clarifying. I will be prepared for several scenarios. Thanks again. Sherylm
Shell, That's what I needed to know. Thank you much. Sounds like I will be able to eat and come back for an adjustment later that day if necessary. Thanks again. Sherylm
Jenna, What does THAT mean? "A whole different ballgame." ??? Sherylm
I am a little confused about fills. Can you have your fill, then go out and eat later in the day, then come back and have your fill adjusted? It seems that's what I saw a couple people doing when I was waiting in the waiting room for my testing before surgery. I then was told that after your fill you must do liquids for 3 days. Which is correct? My surgery was June 21 and Dr. Ortiz insisted that I come back to TJ for my first fill, saying it was vital it be done correctly. So I will be trekking back from Ohio, and would like to make sure I am happy with my adjustment, so like the idea of eating after the fill. Anybody know if the procedure differs from patient to patient? SherylM
You can use the financing companies on this homepage--they will base the interest on how good your credit is and also add a charge because there is nothing to repossess if you don't pay up. The best bet is to try your bank first for the lowest interest rate. Ask for a personal loan. Good luck.
Shell, I've emailed you a couple of responses, but have not heard back so am not sure you are getting them. I will be in TJ on Monday the 20th for presurgery testing with surgery on Tuesday. I arrive at the airport at 11:40 so hope you will track me down; I will do the same. You are inspiring and knowing you will be an asset in getting through this. SherylM
Robin and Shell, My surgery is June 21 and I too am scared. No trepidation at all about the whole TJ experience. This forum has made it clear that will be great; my fear is once I am back in Ohio, being 2 hours away from a dr. who will do my fills. I believe it is because he was proctered by Dr. O. I fear an emergency situation and that scares me and also remembering all the rules involved with eating is a bit frightening. I think I can make it through the first 22 days okay. I've fasted for weeks at a time over the years trying to lose weight, as have we all probably. The info from this forum has been great. SherylM
Michelle, Thanks for the info. I am convinced the Band will be worth it and will put my faith in God that all will go well. This forum has been a wonderful way to bolster the courage to take this step. Thanks again. SherylM
Chris, Thanks so much for the information. Maybe I should think about going to Dr. P since he is a 4 hour drive instead of 6 hrs on a plane. And also good for fills. Was your experience in TJ a good one and is the price ALL inclusive as stated? SherylM
I was just about ready to schedule my appt. with Dr. O in TJ, but am getting concerned over what I am reading about the post op eating regimen. If I have the will power to go 4 weeks without eating, do I really need the Band? This sounds worse than Atkins first 2-week ordeal. I am also scared about food getting "stuck" if you eat too fast. Does this mean you could choke to death? I will not be close to TJ since I live in Ohio. Will I be running for help to some Dr. here due to problems all the time. This scares me. Also, since I will be paying, not insurance, it could get pretty expensive. Any feedback you can give me on the above would be appreciated and help me decide whether I can handle all that is involved. I want to be thin, but is the lifestyle after the surgery too stringent? Thank you much. SherylM